View Full Version : Should I take them from their *not so great owner*? *pics added*

11-03-2006, 07:58 PM
I have been feeding strays (around 10 or so) cats in my neighborhood for about a year now. I thought they were all feral, until about 1 1/2 months ago.

Two kittens (about 6-7 months) poped out of nowhere. One black with white, and one white with black unfixed males came up to me. (The rest of them run at the sight of me.) They are the sweetest little boys EVER! Since they were skinny, I have been feeding them really well (canned food, deli ham, the works :rolleyes: ) But I figured they probably had an owner and they were skinny because they play all the time. They got dewormed a few weeks ago just incase.

Anyways, I got fed up with seeing them freezing and Halloween was coming up, so I got what I thought was a brilliant plan together. I put a collar on the smaller boy with a note that said "UNSCREW TUBE". When they opened the ID tube, a note was enclosed that said " IF I HAVE AN OWNER, PLEASE CONTACT KATIE L. @ 1-910-303-**** THEN --> AND ON THE BACK SAID "IF NOT I WILL BE REHOMED WITHIN 5 DAYS'.

The next morning the owner called. I told her that I have been feeding and loving on her cats. That the area is not safe for cats to be running loose. Cats get poisoned around here from idiot farmers. Halloween is coming up and many dangers there. I told her EVERYTHING. Her responses were " I PROMISE TO KEEP THEM INSIDE HALLOWEEN" .
She did not. She said that she does not want them neutered. She only has 9 boys and a girl cat, so that means that only the girl can get pregnant. She has 4 babies outside in the cold right now, and they are only 6 weeks old :(

She also said that she could not afford to feed them all. She said that she keeps the food INSIDE the house and that is why they are begging food off of me. Also her cat just went missing about a month ago, it was only 6 months old. She did not even look for him. :mad:

So you see there are tons of reasons why I want these babies, and I will risk getting into MAJOR trouble for theft if I take them, she will know it was me. But I have heard from other neighbors AWFUL things about this lady. That her and her husband are on crack. The child protective services have been out tons of times, they have begged money off of the road we live on, because they lost their power due to non payment.

I offered to take these cats, but she refused all help I offered, other than me feeding them. And my neighbor said that she told them she "does not feed them, they eat the rats and mice that come into the yard". Animal control will only kill them. I want to atleast take these 2 boys in before I call. Should I? Am I wrong to steal these cats? I just love them, even though they are not mine. And it is around 20 degrees here right now, and they are outside shivering. I have set my spare room up for them for when I return home. SHOULD I? AM I WRONG? Please help.....

Sorry so long, but I need advice!


11-03-2006, 08:05 PM
Take the two. Then call Animal Control about the rest of them.

11-03-2006, 08:06 PM
If you think her animals are abused, Animal Control should be informed. Not getting them neutered, however, doesn't technically count as abuse, just stupidity. I'd work on her, send her flyers about low-cost spay/neutering, and work on education, as even if you take these two, more will just be born to replace them, and the misery will continue.

11-03-2006, 08:15 PM
I believe abuse and neglect go hand in hand. I believe if they are cold, hungry, dirty, outside, with fleas and I did pick a tick off the smaller one today, and at risk of being hurt, unneutered and unmanaged, then that constitutes abuse. PLUS all the other cats that are being put at risk. But that is my opinion.
I can provide a warm place to sleep, food to eat, shots and revolution for the fleas/ticks, and some vet care (combo test, shots and neutering). I know that I can not keep them forever, but I would like to rehome them into a loving furrever home, with guardians that truly care about their wellbeing. I just feel guilty. :(
I agree with the misery continuing, that is why I want to call animal control AFTER I can get the less feral ones. (but that still will break my heart for the beautiful cats that will be PTS because of HER neglect :( :mad: )

11-03-2006, 08:19 PM
I would risk it and take in the ones you can, have them neutered and whatever else the vet finds they need. And call animal control.

I would hesitate to try to educate her for 2 reasons. 1. you have reason to believe they use crack. Trying to educate them may make them angry and you don't want someone on crack anygry with you! 2. people have to want to be educated. So far she is not interested.

Another thing to consider, rather than calling animal control. Is there a rescue group near you? Maybe one that works with ferals - (hey, we THOUGHT they were feral, they weren't fixed, wormed, fed, collared, etc.). Or some other program that works with strays. Then call those groups to see if they can help out at all. If they have foster homes available, great, the entire burden doesn't fall on you!

Good luck, let us know what develops!

11-03-2006, 09:51 PM
Here are some pictures!








PLEASE ignore the trashy people that live behind us :rolleyes: :o

11-03-2006, 10:18 PM
You need advice that's in line with your local laws. This is a question for the ASPCA and/or the animal control office. Phone them and ask, and work with them to sort out what can and can't be done.

11-04-2006, 01:20 AM
Well, you know what I would do!! Just take them Katie....they are better off with you, in a warm loving home, then out on the street in the cold. If she "cared" for her cats, they would be altered, vaccinated, and kept INDOORS!! Please keep us posted.

11-04-2006, 05:21 AM
Oh they are just like the boys we are feeding that are feral, so cute.
DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The world needs people who care and you do, so do it, that's my advice.

11-04-2006, 01:40 PM
Oh for the Love of God!!!!!! This idiotic woman admitted that she cannot afford to feed all the cats, then why does she have them for in the first place. :mad: Plus she doesn't want to have them fixed. How irresponsible is that????? VERY IRRESPONSIBLE!!!!!

I voted "OF COURSE TAKE THEM." As you know I just recently did the same thing with Sweetpea and like someone had mentioned to me, as far as they were concerned, she did not have a home, she was more a street cat. I admit that I had some guilt at the beginning, but that didn't last long after I saw how Sweetpea thrived in my care.


This woman definitely needs to be reported. Have a meeting with the other neighbours and see if they are willing to help do something for these poor cats.
It just breaks my heart knowing that the babies will be left out in the cold.

11-04-2006, 02:34 PM
Just take them!! This other woman isn't going to give them the love, caring, and respect they deserve. The poor babies will probably freeze to death, get hit by a car, or die from some disease if left with her. She has 10 already and doesn't get them fixed because 9 are boys?!?!? Ridiculous!!!

I think you should just take them in, keep them in your house, feed them, clean them up, and then adopt them out (if you don't totally fall in love with them!).

They will be much better off in a stable and loving environment.

11-04-2006, 02:57 PM
I also voted that you should take them. I'll never understand irresponsible people like this.:mad:

Laura's Babies
11-04-2006, 05:41 PM
I would also say take them but do NOT keep them at your house in case she calls the law and says you stole her cats... If they are not in your house you can invite the law in to search for them..

When I was fixing to make Midnight/Samantha go "poof", I was not going to keep her at my house because I know this was the first place her "Mom" would look.

However also, if they are drug heads, they don't care about anything but their next drug time, she will replace them with more and more and more....

11-04-2006, 07:44 PM
Take them in , and have the Animal Control pick them up for rehoming as they are young enough that they have a chnace at getting Furr Ever Homes.
Its a shame these Crack Heads have your phone number.
I pray they dont have your address.
I hope that the Animal Control takes thier Other Cats too.
I have this in my neighborhood, all the time and am feeding at least 4 Porchies!!
Please keep us updated and they are Dear Little Cats.

11-04-2006, 08:05 PM
GOT THEM! They are now in my home. I have pictures and 2 videos of them, but I will have to wait until tomorrow to post them. They are VERY playful, and as cute as can be.
I have renamed them "Amus and Andy" lol. Thank you all for advice. I have no plans yet, I just want to get them well fed and warm. I will update tomorrow. Thank you again for the advice. *HUGS* Katie :)

11-04-2006, 09:16 PM
YYYYAAAAYYYYYY!!!!! Good for you Katie. :D

Now these precious babies will have a chance and finally know what it is like to be properly cared for and know what it is like to love and be loved, thanks to you.

I can't wait to see more pictures of them. :)

.......................................GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!.................................

11-05-2006, 10:16 AM
I'm late Katie but of course I voted TAKE THEM!!! I agree that this neighbor is an idiot and she will probably add more but you can at least save these two. Unfortuantely my guess would be that animal control will probably do nothing about the situation. If they have licensing and rabies laws then they might be able to fine her or take the cats if she can't get them rabies shots.

If she comes around questioning you I would just tell her that you told her something would happen if she left them outside unattended all the time! Are you sure she would even notice them missing?? :( With the things I see, hear, and deal with daily at the shelter I have to tell you I have really grown to dislike most people! I have also discovered that there is very little compassion out there for stray cats. Its really sad.

The good news is....These two little boys are very very lucky!!! :D I have no doubt that the best thing that could ever happen in their lives just did!!! God Bless you and loads of hugs and kissies to those two cutie pies! :) :)

11-05-2006, 10:23 AM
If this lady cares so little that she doesn't bother to look for one missing cat, why would she look for two more that go "missing"?? Take the kitties and run. They will love you all the more for a safe, warm home.

11-05-2006, 11:17 AM
You have done the right thing. If this woman says she can not afford to take care of all of the kitties, why would it be a problem? You are not doing something bad, you are just helping. But I agree that Animal control should be informed about the other ones.

11-05-2006, 11:26 AM
Good job, Katie! Unless she has licenses to prove they are hers, she can't do a thing about it! ;)

11-05-2006, 04:13 PM
Hooray, another sane human in a mad, mad world! Those kitties will be SO happy once they get settled in. Great work!