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View Full Version : Sheena's new crate

11-03-2006, 05:09 PM
Even though we have 3 huge crates, 3 meduim crates and one small crate we had to go out last night to get Sheena another crate. lol This one had to be airline specific in size. We had none that were so we had to go get one. So since Sheena has YET to go into heat we decided to go out last night and get all teh stuff. We got her crate and hubby some carry on bags.

As soon as we got home we set up her crate in teh livingroom and fed her her supper in there. She had no problems. She went in when told and ate and then had a nap well we watched CSI. This morning she was in and out of there several times to have a nap. We have the door tied open so Dedrick won't close it. She seems to love her crate. The cats, Luca and Dedrick have also gone in it several times with her and she could care less.

Anyway her are pictures. Sorry they are fuzzy but the sunlight was coming in at the same time.



It is WAY smaller then she is used too. I like to buy the crates that are huge so they have a ton of room. She does fit it, she can stand up, turn around and sit comfortably. It is just that it is so much smaller then I would have liked.

Either way she now has everything she needs to fly down to the stud. I am so excited. I can't wait to have little White Shepherd puppies wobbling around. lol

11-03-2006, 05:15 PM
Also they use to let you attach water and some food in a baggie. I also mark on the crate the dog is microchipped.

critter crazy
11-03-2006, 05:25 PM
Also they use to let you attach water and some food in a baggie. I also mark on the crate the dog is microchipped.

I would assume marking the crate is to deter theft??? Just curious:D

11-03-2006, 05:26 PM
Sheena is microchipped so I might add that.

11-03-2006, 05:39 PM
She looks to happy and comfy in her crate! Georgia would be just the opposite :p
I like how you can see your other pup's ears in the pictures :D

11-03-2006, 05:44 PM
I would assume marking the crate is to deter theft??? Just curious:D

11-03-2006, 06:46 PM
Aww, Sheena looks so comfy!