View Full Version : Are you a procrastinator?

11-03-2006, 01:11 AM
Haha, so I'm moving on Satuday/Sunday. I have yet to pack one box, or even pick up anything yet. The only thing I've done is the dishes...so I decided to stay up tonight and just pack because I have to work all day tomorrow. Well, now I'm sitting here on PT at 3 in the morning. I find it kind of amusing, but when I'm dragging my butt into work tomorrow and nothings got done, I'm going to be too amused. I am the BIGGEST procrastinator.

How often do you procrastinate? What's the worst "procrastinating" you've ever done?

11-03-2006, 03:04 AM
Wellll- I would have responded to this sooner but.. ... rofl.....

11-03-2006, 03:11 AM
Well, I think that everyone is, to a certain extend isn't it? ;)

For me, I like to have the things done quickly. When I know that I have something to do, I do it to get rid off it as soon as possible. But it also depends on how important it is. At work I do it fast, but if it is something I have to do at home I can delay it :)

11-03-2006, 08:08 AM
Indeed I am! :D
I can't decide which is the worst I've done.. as I've procrastinated so many times that its almost a part of my daily schedule^^.

critter crazy
11-03-2006, 08:14 AM
I am a huge procrastinator!! I wait till the last minute for everything! But I have found that I work Best Under Pressure! So Being a procrastinator works out well for me!:D

11-03-2006, 08:32 AM
ummm....I'll tell you tomorrow.... :)

11-03-2006, 08:32 AM
Ohhhhhhhh yes...the story of my life. :o

11-03-2006, 08:35 AM
huge procrastinator lol if I recall in grade 11 Bio class I had to write a 10 page FWA(final written assignment) I had 2 months to write this thing and it was worth 20% of my grade. I did the entire thing the night before it was due lol

11-03-2006, 09:10 AM
Indeed. I am a huge procrastinator. I always wait till the night before to do something. Projects, reports, things I have to present(sp?). XD

Also, if I don't want to go to bed when my parents tell me to, I procrastinate big time. I say good-night like 3 times to everyone, I go to the bathroom many times, check the doors, check the lights etc. Haha and finally after about 20 min of procrastinating, I go to bed.

11-03-2006, 09:16 AM
Indeed. I am a huge procrastinator. I always wait till the night before to do something. Projects, reports, things I have to present(sp?). XD

Also, if I don't want to go to bed when my parents tell me to, I procrastinate big time. I say good-night like 3 times to everyone, I go to the bathroom many times, check the doors, check the lights etc. Haha and finally after about 20 min of procrastinating, I go to bed.

No, actually, I am not. I do (almost) everything I have to do as soon as I become aware of it. I HATE to put things off until the last minute, because if I do, something will invariably come up "at the last minute" and throw a monkey wrench into those plans.

I'm actually starting to panic a little bit because I don't have Christmas shopping done yet.

My husband, OTOH, is the worst procrastinator. He will put off EVERYthing, from washing the car to paying the bills to getting a drink of water.

11-03-2006, 09:57 AM
I usually like to get things done as soon as possible. I even try to do things in advance if I can. But I can frustrate myself if I try to do the laundry when there isn't any to do!

I'm learning to procrastinate at work. There's not a lot of actual work, so I need to make what there is last all day.

11-03-2006, 10:25 AM
ummm....I'll tell you tomorrow.... :) What she said :p

11-03-2006, 10:28 AM
I am a really strange procrastinator. I get gongho on starting nerw projects. I go out and get all the supplies togehter, I might even start the project. Then I'll let it sit for months til I eventually get around to finishing it. I started painting the back door on July 3rd. I finally got around to finishing it this past week :rolleyes:

Pawsitive Thinking
11-03-2006, 10:39 AM
Wellll- I would have responded to this sooner but.. ... rofl.....


11-03-2006, 10:40 AM
I am a really strange procrastinator. I get gongho on starting nerw projects. I go out and get all the supplies togehter, I might even start the project. Then I'll let it sit for months til I eventually get around to finishing it. I started painting the back door on July 3rd. I finally got around to finishing it this past week :rolleyes:

OMG!!! I'm the same way! I have bolts and bolts of fabric of things that I've been meaning to sew, but then it just sits there. I have kits and kits of scrapbooking material, I even have digital scrapbooking software, but I haven't even downloaded it yet. (note to self to do.....later. lol)

As far as work goes, yes. I'm terrible. If I'm given a due date of next week and it'll only take me a few minutes, you can rest assured that I'll be scurring around to get it done just under the wire. I hate it, but I can't change it. :rolleyes:

11-03-2006, 12:17 PM
I'm one of the best there is. Wish I didn't excell at it so much.

11-03-2006, 12:39 PM
I'm one of the best there is. Wish I didn't excell at it so much.

Me too! Too bad there wasn't a class on it at school, I would've been the top student..

*Gets ruler and measures dust" *Trips over vacuum cleaner sitting in the hallway*

Time for my afternoon siesta, but maybe I'll wait awile and finish PT

11-03-2006, 02:16 PM
No I don't procrastinate. I genreally do things as soon as I find out about them and I actually get anxoius about having it done. I will be wrapping all of my christmas and birthday presents for everyone this weekend, I was done shopping a few weeks ago for the holidays. If anything I'm too much the opposite, drives my husband nuts=x I want him to fix something right away and he waits and waits until I start asking him every day LOL.

11-03-2006, 02:21 PM
I want him to fix something right away and he waits and waits until I start asking him every day LOL.

Exactly what my father is like. Gets rather annoying sometimes. My sister, mom, and I have to keep reminding him until he finally does it.

And about the question: sadly, I am a procrastinator quite often. Sometimes I do things as soon as I can, but lots of the time I wait, until I forget about it until I'm reminded.