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View Full Version : Maggy&Storm Sick.......

Lori Jordan
11-02-2006, 08:40 PM
Maggy has been hacking the last 2 days,today it seemed worse,Then my son said the other day that Stormy was hacking,but i never thought anything of it because he eats things he shouldnt,Anyways called the vet took Maggy and Storm in,Maggy had a high temperature,He said she has fluid around the lungs,and said her throat was a little swollen so he diagnosed her with Bronchitis(sp),Then Storm got up on the table,He checked him over and diagnosed Kennel Cough,which i do not understand at all i would figure they would have the same,So Storm got a shot of stuff up the nose,And Maggy was put on Antiobiotics,Great big Horse Pills,that will be a challenge giving them to her,Anyways Molly and Lacy have not been Hacking,But they have an appointment tomorrow morning to be looked over and will get something im assuming because it is contagious.

I am completely boggled,My dogs are only around eachother how would they get this?There no new dogs around i just do not understand,I will update tomorrow on Lacy and Molly once i get back from the vets.

11-02-2006, 09:32 PM
I hope they get well soon! It's no fun being sick. I also hope your other dogs stay healthy!

11-02-2006, 09:58 PM
They do both have kennel cough, Maggie just has a more serious case of it. That's probably why he called it bronchitis and gave her anti-biotics.

Kennel cough is airborne. It can be carried a long way. My dogs got it a couple years ago from a dog yard 2km away. Generally, just like a human cold, KC runs it course and leaves no permanent problems. Takes a couple weeks to fully resolve. Hopefully your dogs will be feeling better soon.

11-02-2006, 10:46 PM
Aw, poor babies, hopefully the meds will kick in quickly and they'll all be feeling better!

11-02-2006, 11:15 PM
They do both have kennel cough, Maggie just has a more serious case of it. That's probably why he called it bronchitis and gave her anti-biotics.

Kennel cough is airborne. It can be carried a long way. My dogs got it a couple years ago from a dog yard 2km away. Generally, just like a human cold, KC runs it course and leaves no permanent problems. Takes a couple weeks to fully resolve. Hopefully your dogs will be feeling better soon.

I just learned some valuable info..Thanks, Tamara.

Lori...hope Maggy and Storm recover quickly and that Lacy and Molly are OK!

11-03-2006, 03:02 AM
Maggy has been hacking the last 2 days,today it seemed worse,Then my son said the other day that Stormy was hacking,but i never thought anything of it because he eats things he shouldnt,Anyways called the vet took Maggy and Storm in,Maggy had a high temperature,He said she has fluid around the lungs,and said her throat was a little swollen so he diagnosed her with Bronchitis(sp),Then Storm got up on the table,He checked him over and diagnosed Kennel Cough,which i do not understand at all i would figure they would have the same,So Storm got a shot of stuff up the nose,And Maggy was put on Antiobiotics,Great big Horse Pills,that will be a challenge giving them to her,Anyways Molly and Lacy have not been Hacking,But they have an appointment tomorrow morning to be looked over and will get something im assuming because it is contagious.

I am completely boggled,My dogs are only around eachother how would they get this?There no new dogs around i just do not understand,I will update tomorrow on Lacy and Molly once i get back from the vets.
How long ago did you give that kennel cough vaccine? If it was within the last 10 days, they got it from the vaccine. SEcondly- that vaccine does not cover all the strains.
Its the only vaccine I dont give. And for both reasons- but mostly- it doesnt cover all of it, and I dont let my dogs touch noses with other dogs. Its really a bad cold, and would have to be treated with antibiotics anyway. Try to keep them out of the cold weather, and try not to let them get damp for a few days. Also a little vitamin C goes along way with the treatment of this with the antibiotics. I give 50 mg twice a day especially in cold weather. What they dont use, they pass in the urine. Just like with us, it has shown to help speed up recovery.
I hope your babies, and you as well. fell better soon.

Lori Jordan
11-03-2006, 11:16 AM
I never Gave them the KC shot,Storm got it up the nose yesterday,As to Maggy she got a shot in her behind,I cant remember the name im so frustrated at the moment,My dogs have not been near any other dogs,I dont understand how they got this,I dont care about the money being spent,Im just upset that they have to go through this.

11-03-2006, 12:18 PM
I never Gave them the KC shot,Storm got it up the nose yesterday,As to Maggy she got a shot in her behind,I cant remember the name im so frustrated at the moment,My dogs have not been near any other dogs,I dont understand how they got this,I dont care about the money being spent,Im just upset that they have to go through this.

KC vaccine isn't a shot, it's given intra-nasally. I'm confused--are you saying your vet vaccinated an already sick animal? Personally, that would be enough for me to find a new vet. It's just common sense not to tax already overworked immune system.

As I said before, they don't have to be anywhere near other dogs to get KC. It can travel a long way and doesn't need direct contact to spread.

Lori Jordan
11-03-2006, 12:45 PM
Yes he gave him the KC yesterday up the nose.

11-03-2006, 12:49 PM
thats why..

Lori Jordan
11-03-2006, 12:58 PM
thats why..

11-03-2006, 12:59 PM
did you give that vaccine to the dog before they got it or after? sorry= I am still a little out of it, and got confused..

Lori Jordan
11-03-2006, 01:20 PM
did you give that vaccine to the dog before they got it or after? sorry= I am still a little out of it, and got confused..

Don't worry about it lol,Yesterday when i took them in,As Maggy and Stormy were the only ones hacking,Maggy got a shot in the behind,and put on antibiotics,Storm got the KC up the nose,He has never had one up until Yesterday.

11-03-2006, 01:28 PM
ohhhhhhhhhhhh I am sorry.. ( maybe the anethesia hasnt worn off on me yet.. lol.. )

11-04-2006, 09:27 AM
I am sorry to hear your gang is ill Lori. Know that yous are in my thoughts for a speedy & full recovery. hugs to everyone

11-04-2006, 11:39 AM
how are they today?

Lori Jordan
11-04-2006, 04:43 PM
Maggy is doing better alot less hacking,Storm seems to be fine also,As to Molly and Lacy they were in another fight and Lacy cheek got the best of it,She has to cuts on it,I'm getting really tired of Molly and Lacy fighting,I have tried everything,This time Stormy got involved,He was trying to protect Lacy,I feel so bad,I am not getting rid of Molly as all my family is telling me,I cannot do it Even thought she has only been with us 2 years and Lacy 4 i do not think that should Matter I Love My Molly,I just need to take the next step for them to get along,Thanks for all the wonderful replies i will keep you all updated.

11-04-2006, 04:45 PM
Without being able to see the interactions, I am afraid there isnt much I can do without seeing it. Have you considered a behavorist?

Lori Jordan
11-04-2006, 05:01 PM
No that is my next step.....Molly starts standing strong trying too knock Lacy down then Lacy goes crazy and starts attacking,this time Molly started it soon as lacy came in from outside molly grabbed her by the neck...?

11-04-2006, 05:11 PM
No that is my next step.....Molly starts standing strong trying too knock Lacy down then Lacy goes crazy and starts attacking,this time Molly started it soon as lacy came in from outside molly grabbed her by the neck...?
this means " look dog= you may have come in, but I am still the boss.." I cant see the dogs to show you, but having the entry dog sit and the dog inside sit then cookies would stop it, but I dont want them to get hurt while you do this process of training. when I had shepherds, I had everyone sit when they came in- they had something to do, and it stopped the commotion..

11-04-2006, 05:32 PM
I hope they're all doing better now, after a few days rest & meds. Actually, they do have a shot now for KC, Sherman and Star both got it. When you get shots, they have to have a second follow-up shot about 3 weeks later. If they do it intra-nasely, it's only done once. I figured mine wouldn't be too keen about the nose thing, so we opted for shots.

A good trainer/behaviorist may be able to help you with the two females fighting. I can tell you my experience - Siberian alpha females are known for fighting with other females, which is why we now have a male companion for Star. She & Rosie, my RB rottie-mix girl, started fighting when Rosie turned about 3. (Star was 7) Star split her scalp open once - what a mess! They got into it several times, always bloody, and Rosie always got the worst of it. I was upset too, but due to Rosie's unfortunate run-in with a truck, (she died), never had to make that tough decision about rehoming one. good luck with your situation, I'm sure with some good training, you can alter the way they interact.

11-04-2006, 05:36 PM
I never had to rehome- there is always a way..if you pm me we can talk more in depth about this tomorrow. ..