View Full Version : Fleas..fleas..and More Fleas!!! Help Please (m)

06-08-2002, 02:47 PM
Does anyone know how to get rid of fleas in the house, on the animals and the humans??????????:(

06-08-2002, 03:19 PM
I don't think fleas live on humans, I don't think they can survive on us or something. There are flea powders and spays you can get, or ask your vet about advantage or something similar to that..

06-08-2002, 04:09 PM
I use Advantage on my cats. Since I've been using it, there have been no fleas in the house either. My cats are strickly indoor cats though. Good luck.

06-08-2002, 05:48 PM
they are biting us though!!! I've got flea bites all down the bottom of my legs!!! I'll check into "advantage."


06-08-2002, 05:52 PM
Frontline works wonderfully. It is really great stuff. I would buy at least 2-3 tubes of the Frontline PER DOG from your vet and then discuss with your vet on the best product for flea bombing the house. The Frontline is a monthly flea gell/liquid that you put between their shoulder blades and it gets absorbed into their skin and they are safe from fleas for an entire month.

Since my two pups have never had fleas since they have been with me as far as I know, I give them the Frontline every other month, instead of every month to save a bit of money. It's a bit on the expensive side but boy does it work great. They have never had fleas!

06-08-2002, 06:08 PM
Ok, I'll check into that...wish there was something over-the-counter I could purchase. That stuff is so expensive you get from vets. I have to do something though, it's almost miserable for us and I can just imagine how my animals feel!:(

Thanks for the info!

06-08-2002, 08:33 PM
We use Hartz Flea & Tick Conditioning Shampoo for the dog and for the house and dog Adam's Flea and Tick mist which is a incesticide, repellant and deoderant. Both which aren't too pricey and you can get and any pet supplie. As of now, Simba has no fleas. BUt it took us a while to get to this point... Yopu have to treat the yard, house and give the dog a bath about once or twice a week... and I know allllll about thoose flea bites on the legs!

06-08-2002, 09:06 PM
I had brought a stray into the home one time and she was infested with fleas. They were all over the place. I spent loads of money buying stuff from the local petstore. I bought flea bombs, stuff for the yard, shampoo, et cetera. I ended up having to buy advantage anyway. I put the tube on and saw a huge difference within two hours. I could have saved myself a bundle by just getting the advantage in the first place. About two weeks ago, I was sitting here and a flea jumped on me. I ordered advantage from nofleas.com, got it in three days. I put it on the animals and have not seen one since. :D I love that stuff.

06-08-2002, 09:11 PM
You want to give a good bath to help get rid of them first, and if necessary, have your house and yard safely treated. Wait two days after the bath to apply the Frontline Plus. We have had excellent results, not only with Frontline (which kills ticks too), but also with Advantage, which is just for fleas.

Once your vet prescribes it and you know the appropriate amounts to be using, you can look online and see if you can find it less expensively. I just bought a six month supply for each dog from www.healthypets.com and I was pleased with the price. I haven't purchased for my cats from them yet, as I still had some remaining from the vet. Having to treat four of them, I am anxious for any savings I can get.

Good luck.


06-08-2002, 09:39 PM
I went out and bought the "Advantage" for fleas for the cats and my dogs. Hope it works, too soon to tell yet though.

Thanks for the help everyone!:)

06-11-2002, 11:58 AM
Today my daughter is having her whole house treated by the exterminator. He's a friend who will tell us the truth about what to do. The cost? $75.00

Once they are in your carpets they need to be treated professionally. Bombs don't really work very well. The eggs stay viable for three weeks.

It's really best to treat your animals to prevent them. Even if you don't let your dog outside for more than a few minutes a day, they can pick them up from squirrels or other animals that pass through your yard.

I don't treat my dogs; and I've been very lucky. They have been dipped a couple of times after a stray came for a visit, but no infestations.

Good luck!


06-11-2002, 12:08 PM
We swear by Advantage. My mom uses it on the cats and I use it on Kia.

I tried Sentinal with Kia but the pills would make her very sick. :(

Good luck.

One year the neighbor kids came home from school with lice and my sisters and I quickly got it. :eek: Not fun. Not fun at all.

06-11-2002, 01:23 PM
When I brought home my Golden, he had fleas. I was bit to death, but my other dog was on Frontline and never had a problem. Here are a few suggestions:

1) Bathe all pets in lemon-fresh Joy (liquid detergent). The lemony soap will stun the fleas. When they are completely dry, put Frontline or something similar on them. Fleas don't usually live on humans, but if you want to be safe, you could wash your hair in the Joy, too.

2) Wash all bedding, people's and pet's alike, on hot in the washer.

3) Cut up a flea collar and put it in a vacuum bag. Vacuum everything. Move all the furniture and get every square inch. I always keep a cut up flea collar in my vacuum bag, to kill any pests it may pick up.

4) Most treatments will kill fleas, but fleas eggs can live for extended periods of time in your carpet. You may need to treat your entire house now and again when the eggs hatch (hopefully not:( ).

5) Get any pets with fleas tested for tapeworms. Worms are transmitted when animals eat the fleas in an attempt to scratch the itchies.

I hope you are itch free soon. Fleas are miserable and their bites take forever to go away.

06-11-2002, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by pupper-lover

3) Cut up a flea collar and put it in a vacuum bag. Vacuum everything. Move all the furniture and get every square inch. I always keep a cut up flea collar in my vacuum bag, to kill any pests it may pick up.

I knew about all of your suggestions except for this one! What a fantastic idea!

06-11-2002, 01:57 PM
I agree! I'll suggest it to anyone I know that has a flea problem. :D

06-11-2002, 03:38 PM
Thank you for all the suggestions, I'll try whatever it takes to get rid of the things!

Have a nice day!:)

06-11-2002, 03:43 PM

This is unrelated to fleas, but your pic under your signature doesn't work on my end. Is it linked to your personal computer, intead of the net?

06-11-2002, 07:41 PM
We live in South Texas...breeding grounds of the BIG FLEA! Because of the heat and sandy enviroment, we have FLEA SEASONS here. We treat our yard with Dursaban (anything from yard and garden centers that has dursaban in it). We do not dulute it alot either, we make it strong. But first...I STRESS THIS ALOT: Be prepared to keep all your animals INSIDE or somewhere else for at least a full day. Spraying your yard in the late evening is best. If its possible, stay in a motel for one night or at a friends house, get some of those d-con or raid room bombs...set them off at the same time you spray outside. After twenty four hours or longer...I gaurantee you won't have any fleas. Do it again two weeks later. We did this on a rent house because it was covered with fleas....its been three years and haven't seen a flea since. We also only treated the yard once a year after that. We bathed our pooches and kitty before going home, we also use the spray mist they sell over the counter too...but only if we leave, like walks down the neighborhood or park. So no 'hitchhikkers allowed' on our poochies! Just a few ideas...we are scratch free! I know it takes time and some work, but its nice seeing your animals sleep peacefully!

06-11-2002, 07:54 PM
bombing the house sounds like a good idea. I'll have to wait until we get our little kittens homes first and then we will check into doing that. Yeah, it will be nice to see them sleep easy, they're always scratching.

Thank you for the reply and advice!:D

06-11-2002, 07:57 PM
About the pic not showing up on my posts, I have no clue what I've done wrong. I've did the thing and at the end thing and all the in between stuff and all I get out of it is an X where the pic is suppose to go. Any advice on this one??

06-12-2002, 08:21 AM
I responded to the pics on your puppy shots thread.

I hope you get it figured out soon. :)

06-12-2002, 09:33 AM
Shiloh uses Frontline. Since Killian has liver disease, we can't use it. The liver bb suggested Skin So Soft original by Avon diluted 1:2. I've just started Killian on that. So far, so good.

06-12-2002, 04:27 PM
Does the Avon stuff really work? I have friends who said it did not work very well. But...their dogs didn't have any liver problems either and I know you have to be careful on what you use. :)

06-12-2002, 05:08 PM
We just started Killian on it. I'll compare with Shiloh using Frontline and I'll let you know in a few weeks how good it works. We have to try something very mild with the Kill-Boy!! I sure do hope it works!