View Full Version : Catnip?????

11-02-2006, 01:48 PM
What exactly is catnip?? I know that it is in certain toys. How does it affect cats? Or does it? I am lost on it....
The reason I am asking is somehow a little white mouse (toy) was in my oreos castle when we bought it. Well, she liked playing with it so much she ended tearing the tail off. Iwent and payed five dollars for a package of four at a different store and she doesn't even care bout them , She just stares at the entertainment center where we stuck the other one. What is the difference??:confused:

Laura's Babies
11-02-2006, 03:29 PM
All catnip is not created equally. I find the catnip spray is just not that good. The dried is pretty good, however, there is no way of knowing what is the REALLY good stuff until you get it home and try it. The last I bought, I got at a cat show $3. for a quart bag (dried catnip) and I have to keep it in a metal can or they would have it all over the house. If I forget and leave the can out, they will work all day to get that can open! ( I only buy the dried)

What we do is we "marinate" the toys in a ziplock bag of this good stuff and everytime we take out new marinated toys, we replace with older ones that the "goodie" has wore off of. Those toys you bought in the store were probably sprayed and then sat on the shelf for months.

Opps, to answer your question, catnip is a plant that grows.

11-02-2006, 03:37 PM
Catnip is an herb, related to mint. If your cat really enjoys it, you can get seeds and plant it in your own garden next spring if you've got one, just don't put it near another plant that you like because it will, like all mint relatives, tend to take over a spot!

11-02-2006, 03:52 PM
All catnip and all mice are not created equal. My two loved to get nipped up occasionally, but throw a few of those little micies around - the right kind of course, and they go bonkers!

11-02-2006, 04:25 PM
It is a plant in the mint family, it is easy to grow (I have it in my back yard), it spreads like crazy. It contains something which makes cats get "high," or "drunk." The effect does not last, no harm to the cat. Humans can also eat it. It is great as a tea used prior to going to bed. Different effect on humans.

Cats eat it fresh - my Chestnut loves to go out in the garden and nibble, nibble, nibble! They also enjoy it dried. I dry my own, and then buy dried when mine runs out. I put some dried on the floor and they roll over and over in it!

I also put their toys in the canister and let them absorb the scent for a day or so then bring the toys back out.

11-02-2006, 04:30 PM
All catnip and all mice are not created equal. My two loved to get nipped up occasionally, but throw a few of those little micies around - the right kind of course, and they go bonkers!
And then of course there is Clothing that state Catnip is better than Chocolate just for the meowmoms to wear {in which I just bought a sweatshirt off E-bay today}

11-02-2006, 06:39 PM
Thanks To Our Friends Carla And Mike , From Catfamily The Found Cats Have A Great Supply Of Catnip.
And Theres Always Enough For The Animal Welfare Associaton To Make Thier Great Cat Toys.
The Found Cats Want To Thank Our Dear Friends For The Buzzzz.
The Porch Cats Too, And The Happy Angels.

11-02-2006, 06:50 PM
Gary, NOTHING is better than your catnip!!!! :p Butter would bet money on that one! Ha Ha!

11-03-2006, 09:11 AM
:) For sure Gary's catnip is the best.. My girls go :eek: bonkers.. I think I will try to PM Gary to trade for some now that I am thinking of it..
Gary, NOTHING is better than your catnip!!!! :p Butter would bet money on that one! Ha Ha!