View Full Version : Arrr -there she goes again!

11-02-2006, 06:45 AM
Seriously, I'm not sure how to handle this situation with our new neighbor.

I've written about their golden retriever, Gracie, pooping on our yard. I'm not thrilled about this, but its not poor Gracie's fault her owners refuse to walk her. In the beginning, they asked if we minded, and they said they'd pick up her poop. They have NOT been picking up her poop.

They have NO yard of their own since they went and built a HUGE garage out back. She has about 6" of grass to call her own. I have never seen them walk her. They just let her out back and don't even watch her! :eek: Do you know how busy the road is along side my house? We have a crossing gaurd out there right now monitoring traffic, and trust me, there's traffic! She's currently running --- RUNNING --- alongside the narrow strip of grass between the sidewalk and curb.

She's a nice dog. She just has lousy owners. How do I ask them to reign in their dog? Should I just start tossing poop onto their back porch, and let them get the hint on their own? ;)

My other neighbor was complaining to me about it the other day, saying she doesn't know how we've been so polite til now. She says that dog is always in our yard and they quickly get her back in when they know we're around.... they apparently have figured out our schedule enough to know when we'd be leaving the hosue or letting Nicki out.

Any ideas or pearls of wisdom in handling this?

11-02-2006, 06:56 AM
Kim this is a toughie. How I would proceed would depend on the type of people they are. Some people are just careless and some people are just plain rude. If they are the kind of people you feel you can approach I certainly would say something.

On the other hand, some people could turn the whole thing into an *issue* against you and be very hurtful for the entire rest of the time that you live there. :eek: I lived next to some awful neighbors until they finally moved a few years ago. I did the dance of joy when the left. :) We didn't even speak for the last few years they lived here and believe me it was very stressful.

Also, some neighbors might even carry a grudge and do something to harm your property or furkids. There are sickos everywhere. I think my response would have to depend on the "reading" I get from these people.

11-02-2006, 01:30 PM
That's hard...if you could build a fence, that would solve the issue, but unfortunately they are expensive. Could you put up some kind of barrier?

If you don't mind the dog coming into your yard and the issue is really just the poop then the only thing to do is discuss this with your neighbors. Say you like their dog, and you don't mind her coming into your yard but you cannot allow it if they do not pick up after her each time.

Honestly I have problems with anyone who lets their dog out and then doesn't supervise them...that dog could easily end up hit by a car, especially if there is traffic near by. :mad:

11-02-2006, 01:41 PM
I am with Pam, I think it depends on what the people are like.

11-02-2006, 10:52 PM
depends what type of people they are, if they are nice then i would invite them over for dinner ans mention it then, kill them with kindness.

but if they are not decent, then i would try to be nice and say something like " wow, your gracie is a really pretty dog, you must be very proud. you know i noticed that she seems to be going to the bathroom in my yard and was wondering if you could maybe keep an eye on her while she is outside?"

then mention the traffic and the fact that their gracie may one day become a statistic.

11-03-2006, 03:49 AM
Well- lets go back to basics. IN almost alllllllll states, an owner has to have their dog controlled. Either with a fence or a leash. You must have your dog contained and the same applies to them. Once I had a neighbor that was terrified of dogs, and one of my dogs bolted out the front door, and took a cruise on her property as I tried to get him back. The dog warden was at my house in a hour.. I explained the situation, but so did he..= i had to keep my dogs on my property or be cited..
Try that.. If nothing else than they will have to put her on a leash,,... which leads to a walk... etc..

Pawsitive Thinking
11-03-2006, 05:00 AM
Frankly I'd report them. They have a dog but refuse to walk it - surely that is animal abuse??

11-03-2006, 06:22 AM
What Pam said ;). Just suss them out a bit and see what they are like, mentioning the danger Gracie would be in if she was to go near the roads would be a good place to start aswell.

Goodluck with talking to these people hopefully they will listen to you and keep Gracie under control. If not maybe reporting them is the way to go.

11-03-2006, 07:53 AM
They are NOT nice people. They PRETEND to be nice but will stab you in the back as quick as you can blink. We do not trust them at all.

I was talking to hubby last night and mentioned that they aren't picking up the poop, and he said he mentioned something last week to the wife and she said, "Well how do I know which poop is Gracie's?" I feel like saying, "If you don't know, then pick it ALL up." She should be there with her dog to see where she goes and what she's done. Nicki has gone from being a dog that poops in one general area to basically pooping all over. She NEVER pooped in front of the cars before and now all of the sudden we have a minefield - it wouldn't be so bad if it was just Nicki poop.... but now we have two dogs. And I've gotten my back up so that I refuse to pick up ANY poop because I don't want ot be picking up Gracie's too. Yeah, yeah, a little childish of me :o

Maybe if I see them today I'll mention it again. If they say they don't know which poop is hers, then tell them letting her use our yard is a priveledge, not a right, and if they can't respect our yard then they can't use it.

11-03-2006, 07:54 AM
I would call the dog warden and have him address their dog running at large.. Meanwhile he can check out the situation.

11-03-2006, 05:55 PM
I was talking to hubby last night and mentioned that they aren't picking up the poop, and he said he mentioned something last week to the wife and she said, "Well how do I know which poop is Gracie's?" .

Oh Kim, hubbies aren't as quick on their feet as us women. That would have been a golden opportunity for him to address the fact that she should be supervised while she is outside. Then she would KNOW which poops were Gracie's and she could be standing right there with her little poop bag. :rolleyes:

Honestly, I don't know what I'd do. I would resent terribly picking up another dog's poop day after day, but I would also not be too happy about walking through it either. Also once you started doing that she would take that as a sign that she was off the hook as far as poop patrol goes. *sigh* I guess I am no help, but I just wanted to commiserate with you. :confused: