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View Full Version : Name In Red

11-02-2006, 12:04 AM
When you see the list of people online on pet talk, what does it mean when their name is in red? So far I've only seen one name like this and the rest are in blue.:confused:

11-02-2006, 10:13 AM
I'm not sure, because I never see any members name in RED.., while checking to see who is online, I man~

But, I think it might have something to do with A Buddy List~~ :confused:

And, not meaning to steal your Thread Away, I've often wondered what the red triangles are that accompany a members post~ (reply) ?

11-02-2006, 10:58 AM
When you see the list of people online on pet talk, what does it mean when their name is in red? So far I've only seen one name like this and the rest are in blue.:confused:

Whose name was that? We have no idea, as I don't see anyone's name in red, and Paul cannot find any reference to it in the software.

11-02-2006, 11:15 AM
I think the sign on name will show up in red after you have checked the
profile of that person.Is that what you mean?

11-02-2006, 11:18 AM
I think the sign on name will show up in red after you have checked the
profile of that person.Is that what you mean?

No, that doesn't happen, I tried that.

Ginger's Mom
11-02-2006, 11:25 AM
Well, I would have called it purple instead of red, but yes, if you have recently looked at someone's profile it will show up as something other than blue. ;)

11-02-2006, 11:28 AM
No, that doesn't happen, I tried that.

Karen, that is the way it works for me. For instance, when i look at the
line/lines showing who is online right now, Killearn Kitties shows up in red
and all the other names are in blue.(I believe she was the last person I
pmed a message to & I used the profile to access her pm address).

11-02-2006, 11:48 AM
It's been shais_mom that has been showing up in red for me and I hadn't looked at her profile either. I did send her a pm a while back though but when I send other's pm's it doesn't happen with their names.

11-02-2006, 01:07 PM
It's been shais_mom that has been showing up in red for me and I hadn't looked at her profile either. I did send her a pm a while back though but when I send other's pm's it doesn't happen with their names.

Prolly cause she has red hair. :D