View Full Version : Ralphie the one-eyed rattie...

11-01-2006, 10:47 PM
I was working at Petco tonight, putting away new arrivals. I noticed a small white rat with one eye (he is the SWEETEST thing!!!) and brought it to the attention of my manager. I asked her if someone would buy him, being a "special needs" rat and all. She said, "I really don't think that a snake is gonna worry about whether his dinner has one eye or two." :eek: :eek: I was HORRIFIED!!! I told her that this rat was NOT going to be no damn snake's dinner, and that I want him put in the back until next week when I can take him and give him a wonderful home. :rolleyes: With my employee discount, I can buy his aquarium, his little rollie ball thingie and the rest of his supplies.

Any advice I should know about from you rattie experts?? He's a small little boy. Will he get bigger?? Is a 10 gallon tank gonna be big enough??

Am I crazy or what??? :rolleyes:

11-01-2006, 11:21 PM
Rats Rule Forum (http://www.goosemoose.com/component/option,com_smf/Itemid,118/forum,rat)

Here is a forum that I am a member of. Lots of good information all about ratty care, and lots of friendly people.
They will be able to answer any and all questions you might have.

Welcome to the world of rat ownership.

One thing I do want to mention though, that rats are not loner animals, they thrive on having a companion.

11-02-2006, 01:14 AM
Uh, Donna...looks like you'll have to find a Mrs for Ralphie! You wouldn't want him to be a lonely ole boy, would you?

11-02-2006, 03:47 AM
Hey Donna...you have my #...give me a call!! I'm free tomorow about 3-4 pm my time...shoot me a PM if you are gonna call later than that.

Welcome to the wonderfull world of ratties! You will fall in love pretty quick I think!

Miss Z
11-02-2006, 06:15 AM
I must warn you Donna that rats are addicting! You will get attatched to this little guy, and from then on, you are infected and will never be able to stay away from rats again :p ;)

As far as his cage goes, he'll need a couple of chews to keep his teeth down, plenty of tubes and hidey-things and a mineral lick.You could give him a wheel if you like, Tia never used hers but some rats do, just make sure it's a solid wheel with no bars so his tail can't get stuck in it. Tia also has a parrot rope in her cage that she loves to climb on! One thing more, if possible, it might be best to keep him in a cage that has levels and he can climb up. A tank is fine to begin with, but rats really do need to climb and explore different levels to prevent boredom. He'll also need handling quite a bit and he'll get very attatched to you, you might find that he'll come to call within a few days!

Another asset to his cage, put a small plastic plant pot in the cage for his bed. He may or may not use it, but Tia loves hers! Here is a pic:


If you need any more info or have a question, then just send me a PM, if I typed out everything I can tell you here this would be a very long post! :D

11-02-2006, 09:00 AM
I recommend not posting at Rats Rule....I used to post over there a lot and they are very VERY hostile to new rat owners. You're more than welcome to PM me with any questions too. I loooooooove ratties! :D

I was going to write a more substantial post, but I'd make myself late for school. ;)

11-02-2006, 09:25 AM
I have seen some really cool cage topper things you can put on a 10 gallon aquarium (which is fine to start with), that allows them to climb and do what they love without costing you a lot for a higher cage later on. Thewy also have them for a 20 gallon etc as well, that I have seen. Your little guy would do best with another little guy to keep him company so you really ought to get two if you are going to get him. They just so best with more than one, emotionally. They are great pets, I love them. I have 4 girls, little terrors that they are getting into everything LOL. Someone left their box of cheerios too close to their cage, and they reached out with theri little arms, pulled it close and ate half the box away LOL.

11-02-2006, 10:19 AM
They can be hostile to new owners, but its from my experience that they aren't in most situations...

Besides, I think there is hostile people on every single forum, regardless of whether you are new or have been there for a while.

11-02-2006, 12:17 PM
Donna, I'm wondering what your kitties are going to think!! ;) :p :D

Seriously though, that is so sweet that you took him in. I think rats make great pets.

Maybe I'm naive, but being a snake owner, I never once thought about the mice and rats in Petco (or Petsmart) being used as snake food. I just assumed they were the "pet" mice, not the feeder ones.


11-02-2006, 12:45 PM

I haven't brought Ralphie home yet. And I don't have the capability of posting pictures right now as I no longer have a card reader. But I'll try to get pictures once I get them.

11-02-2006, 12:51 PM
That is great you saved Raphie.I have heard nothing but great things about pet rats. :D Hope your kittys don't get jealous.

11-02-2006, 12:58 PM
Awww that's nice of you too save Raphie,

Did the snake just eat another different rat after that?

Hope you can get some shots of Raphie.

Congratz on your new addition. :)

11-02-2006, 02:54 PM
Did the snake just eat another different rat after that?
Not sure but I think she ment for people who come in and buy rats as
snake food. Hes was probly going to be put in the spot where they sell
them as food.

Congratulations on the new guy!
Rats are amazing pets I love them so much!
Cant wait for pictures

11-02-2006, 03:24 PM
Donna, it's very sweet of you to want to give Ralphie a good home. But, ah, do you think your kitties will be less interested in him than a snake would be? Just asking cause I finally quit buying parakeets when I had my kitties because they ALWAYS seemed to wind up being an exotic snack, no matter how hard I tried to protect them. Also, how does your new landlady feel about more pets? Please don't risk loosing your new place, ok?
(Donna honey, I'm not trying to be critical, I'm just voicing what's going through my mind. I hope you aren't offended. :) (((hugs)))
*edit - btw, I love the name -- "You're gonna shoot your eye out, Ralphie!" ;)

11-02-2006, 03:56 PM
Wonderful!! :D
As all the other rat owners/previous rat owners, I will agree, they are great! I, myself, own 7. I couldn't live without them.
Good luck! And if you have questions, feel free to PM me.

And keep a VERY close eye on him for sneezing or any other sickness signs. Petco has a bad reputation for carrying sick rats (I know not all do, but I certainly know the ones around here do!). And just for a future referance, I'd say you'd need to find a vet that treats rats in your area. Rats will have to go to the vet atleast once in their lifetime usually, if not more. They're prone to such things as tumors, respiritory infections, and similar diseases. And treating a sick rat usually can't wait. Also, be aware most vets charge a pretty good ammount of money, as they consider rats to be exotics.. Just be sure to have plenty of money set aside for your new boy!

11-02-2006, 06:12 PM
He sounds adorable! I just recentlly went to Petco and spent some time talking to the ratties, and ended up talking to a store clerk who said most or all of the rats I was talking to will end up being snake food. He said once in awhile a baby rat will go as a pet, but for the most part they're snake food.

I love all animals, and I know that all animals have a place in the food chain, but it's always hard to meet and talk to the soon-to-be snake food. Rats make wonderful pets. I plan on getting my children rats when they are ready for a pet of their own. I hope if you don't take Ralphie, he ends up in a pet home not a food home.

If I were closer, I'd offer to adopt him :) I have a big soft spot for ratties!