View Full Version : Anyone else have neighbor problems???

06-08-2002, 12:17 PM
Ok, I'm so mad right now I'm shaking. Our neighbor next door hasn't left us alone since we moved in here because he doesn't like our dogs. He calls Animal Control varying from every 2 weeks to every other month. Animal Control comes out and they walk around the yard and check things out and never find a problem. They are nearly to the point where they will require 2 other neighbors to agree that there is a problem before they will even come out.

Today, Sadie, the Westie pup that lives behind us, snuck out while our dogs were out and she likes to tease our dogs by running the fence line. Of course, our dogs bite on it and then run the fence line right after her barking. So today, the old fart was out taking pictures of it and the daughter-in-law of the people behind saw him doing it before. If we had the money, a privacy fence would go up yesterday just so the old man would leave us alone.

Animal Control's take on it is that he's just an old man with nothing better to do with his time than to make our lives miserable.

I'm sitting here crying I'm so mad and I don't think there's anything we can do. I CAN'T lose my babies!!! Does anyone have any prior experience or could help us with this moron?

Thanks for listening.


06-08-2002, 12:18 PM
PS. We can't afford a privacy fence, if that was going to be anyone's suggestion.

06-08-2002, 12:40 PM
Take a deep breath, and decide to visit him, sans dogs, one day. Bring him some, I dunno, a bread, flowers from the yard, or a casserole or something, just an excuse to say - "We're neighbors, I feel we've gotten off on the wrong foot, and I wanted to re-introduce myself." If he is just lonely, and has nothing to do, you might find that out. After some non-dog-related conversation, hopefully, you could ask him if he ever had pets. Maybe find out if he just hates animals and why ... Ask him how long he's been in the neighborhood, who lived there before ...

Maybe you could reach him somehow. Maybe, best case scenario, he IS just lonely. If he's never had pets, ask if you can visit again and bring you sweetest politest "dog ambassador" - but not one of the Danes - the sheer size intimidates people, and they don't know it's just a big marshmallow in a dog suit! Anyway, maybe you can rehabilitate the relationship?

In Pettalkville, of course, he would become a volunteer dog walker ... instead of a dog-tattler! ;)

06-08-2002, 12:57 PM
I HAVE the same exact problem with my neighbors.. My dad is building a 6ft. wood fence. We have this "quarrel" with this neighbor who hates our two dogs, and she whines, complains about how they bark a lot, how they're always noisy! THIS neighbor has a cat! She and her husband honestly SHOWS that they don't like us or the dogs very much. They're just idiots. She has this problem about us going across her yard to get to the church yard to play baseball, etc. One time, she yelled at my brother for going across and that really hurts his feelings. My dad has had it, so that's why he's building a fence. I swear, this feels like this is like some kind of a "fence war" we're having. Why can't you afford a fence? Like Karen said, you should go there and have a converstation with him, and talk it out! Good luck :) - Rachel

Kat Kommando
06-08-2002, 01:21 PM
If a neighbor's visit can't make him friendly, e-mail the ASCPA and other animal welfare groups for advise. Also, there are actually lawyers that specialize in animal rights. Hope it does not come to that.

06-08-2002, 01:23 PM
GL with the problem. I haven't really had anything like that, but the neighbor at our old house didn't like my dogs. He was an older man, and Jo always barked at him. This other guy, not a neighbor, but a cat person (Not implying anything other then he didn't like dogs), also was kinda a manic. He lived by my friends, and I'd often walk Rufus down to her house. I was about 8-12 yrs old at the time. This man's cat was out, and Rufus was wagging his tail when he saw the cat, the cat ended up coming up to us and slashing his nose (he didn't do anything- Ruf) And I asked the man to take his cat away, cause he was like stalking us or something, and he gave me this rude remark, and told me my dog used the bathroom down the road and I had to clean it up or he would call some type of animal shelter. He told me to F off after I told him his cats use the bathroom around the whole neighborhood and he should probably start looking for it. I know I shouldn't have been rude back, but I was just a kid and was upset he'd call the animal shelter and get Rufus taken away (I guess I didn't really unstand that he wouldn't have been for that, but we could get a fine). Nice man telling a kid that eh? Anywho, I guess this doesn't have anything to do with anything, but it shows some people are just rude. Your neighbor is probably just lonely, and I'm sure you'll work it all out :D let us know

06-08-2002, 01:36 PM
Karen, Thanks for the idea, but been there done that and he turned around and walked away from us. He's not lonely, he's married and has kids who have kids and they are ALWAYS there. The grandkids run at the fence teasing our dogs and then he gets POed when the dogs bark. Nuf said there. Animal Care and Control said that if we can get it on video tape when the kids tease them that they will come out and watch the video tape and then cite the guy and it's something like a $500 fine.

I was not at my best today, I blew up when I saw him taking pictures and then I (OOPS) flipped him off and his response was..."Where's your mother?" I had to giggle at that one, being that I am 40 years old, soon to be 41!! lol

I hate it when I let people get the best of me. I think that may have made me as mad as him taking the pictures. The guy behind us apologized for Sadie getting out and said he would let us know if the police went to him.

Mike is going to go by this business (and I have no idea what kind of business it is) on his way home and they put out fence panels by the side of the road that we can take for free, which will suffice until we can afford a "real" fence.

Thanks for listening to me blither AGAIN! And thanks for the suggestions.

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-08-2002, 02:04 PM
I can not believe that guy... if that would have been me I probably would have gotten so mad I would have been out there taking pictures of him taking pictures of my dogs :mad: :mad:
Sorry I don't have any advice.... Good Luck though... I know how frustrating a seemingly hopeless situation can be **hugs to you**

06-11-2002, 10:14 AM
Luckily I've never had any neighbor problems.

There there, Molly. *HUGS* Please don't let him get to you. From the sounds of it, Animal Control is on your side. Especially since they never find anything wrong and are now thinking of requiring that other neighbors have to complain too.

Please don't worry about losing your pooches.

06-11-2002, 10:31 AM

First of all, let me tell you how upset I am that you are upset. That miserable neighbor of yours needs to mind his own *#@$% business!

I don't know if you remember, but when I first joined Pet Talk I posted about a GSD and Malamute that lived next door to me that had been left out tied to a tree and Andrew and I would go and feed them give them water, and put a shelter over their heads when it rained. I finally called Animal Control and they told me the following:

As long as the dogs are cared for: Fed, Given water, and have shelter, they can not be taken away from you. In addition to that, as long as your dogs are on a leash or runner and remain on YOUR property, they can not be taken away from you. As long as they haven't hurt anyone who has complained, there is nothing that animal control can really do.

Molly, you have nothing to worry about! Animal Control's rules may be a bit different from state to state, but I am sure the basics are similar. Call your local Animal Control office and inquire about their rules and be sure to tell them what your nosey neighbor has been up to. Animal Control doesn't want to take anyone's dogs unless the dogs are in jeopardy. They know that dogs will be dogs and bark and eachother or when teased.

You and the rest of your klan will be in my thoughts.

Love, Souraya

06-11-2002, 02:11 PM
Oh I'm sure that Animal Control isn't going to do anything, I was just really upset. So upset, that Mike went over to this fencing place that puts out used fence pieces that people can just take for free and put them up along our fence on his side of the yard. It looks like crap, but, that's part of the fun!! When someone says something, Mike will make them secure. I think we're going to buy a couple of panels at a time and put them up to replace the old tired ones. If you haven't noticed by now, I have an evil streak in me.

I appreciate you guys listening to me and giving me ideas. Souraya, you're right, our Animal Control is very similar. As long as the animal has food, water, and shelter (no matter how lame it may be), they are not being abused. The last time Animal Control was here, the guy complimented us on how healthy and happy the dogs looked. They are definitely of the opinion that this guy needs to get a life.

06-11-2002, 02:17 PM
Woohoo!! You go girl! Put up the ugliest fence in the world. ;) :D

That'll teach him. *GRINS*

Heather Wallace
06-11-2002, 02:21 PM
I am a dog sitter and I am very responsible. When we take the dogs out we have them on leads, we also have a 6ft fence so they can't get over that anyway. And also we have only had about 5 dogs stay in the last year.

Our neighbours called our local council/authorities and complained that the dogs where trying to bite their kids which is a total lie. Just because they are not animal lovers doesn't mean to say we have to be the same way.

06-11-2002, 02:21 PM
Yeppers....my philosophy is...I don't get mad, I don't get even, I ESCALATE!

06-11-2002, 02:56 PM
Yes, Mugsy. I have had the same sort of problems recently.

My next door neighbors have rented for the last 9 years. I have had dogs for 11 years. Until early last summer, they were OK with it. I even fostered a lot of dogs and they liked the idea.

Our yards are separated by a 4 ft chin link fence that her grandkids liked to stick their fingers though. Grandma was afraid they would get bit or catch some awful disease. so now I have my yard seperated into two parts with chain link, creating a buffer zone of about 12 feet between their yard and the dog's part of the yard. So now I have a small yard the dogs don't destroy.

I guess that wasn't enough. In January, I got a notice from Animal Control that my dogs were barking constantly!

I immediately called the officer. I found that our city law says that if your dog barks for 10 minutes at a time, it is considered a disturbance and you can be fined.

I explained that the person is agorophobic with no life outside of her house and family and she is going through the Change. She admitted to me that she was having hot flashes. Since I've been there, done that, I figure she's super sensitive. But I also told him that she once said, quote: "They don't bother me. It's what dogs do."

I was so ticked off, I built a 6 foot high fence of treated wood. I charged about 800 bucks worth of wood to my Visa card and spent two weeks of evenings and week ends screwing every board up myself. (65 feet)

I love the silence :D

I haven't heard a word since it's been up. And it'll last a long time. I can even have dinner outside without comments about how good it smells, looks, etc.

If you don't have any laws regulating fences, do what ever you have to --- ugly or not. It's sure made my life easier!


06-11-2002, 02:59 PM
Some people are just dumb (like your neighbor). The world would be too perfect without there annoying presence.

I have two large dogs and tons of experience with "animal haters". The manager of the complex next to mine actually asked me not to walk my dogs in their complex. My dogs are always on a leash, non-agressive, and don't leave "presents", but residents claim to be scared to walk their little dogs outside when there is a big dog outside. Neither of my dogs has been near any of their precious pooches, so I don't know what their problem is.

I am also living in an apartment for a few years, while my boyfriend is in med school, and our residence is temporary. They allow large dogs, and many people have them. Still, people glare or even run away, when we walk by! My old neighbor, who by the way had a bity dog that barked all day long, hated my dogs just because they existed.

Some people just don't have the wonderful personalities, understanding, and love for animals that we all have. It's too bad we have to put up with them. At least we are better people for it. I never stoop to the level of someone trying to get under my skin. I am too good for it. You are, too! :)

06-11-2002, 04:10 PM
You know, I tried not to let him get under my skin, but after he called Mike a punk (now Mike called him an old ....well...you get the idea) and then when the neighbor told me about the pictures and then I saw him taking pictures...that was more than I could take and I went off on him...oh well, haven't heard anything since Saturday night when Mike propped that fence up while they were getting out of their car at 10 pm!! lol

Mary, your situation sounds SOOOO familiar....this guy says that dog poop is unsanitary...well....REALLY....what poop isn't?? Oh and when they poop in the yard it's disgusting....yep...that's it...a natural phenomena is disgusting. Yet, like you Mary, it's ok for his grandkids to poke stuff through the fence and throw rocks at them (we keep finding unexplained rocks in our backyard). Animal Control said that if we get him on videotape throwing rocks or harassing the dogs that they can fine him up to $500...wouldn't that be sweet justice?

Mary, our Animal Control said that THEY have to hear the dogs barking before they will cite anyone, and the officer who came the one time he tried barking since poop smell wasn't having an effect, the officer just laughed when Mike came to the door and said, "No one will ever sneak up on this house!" and laughed. And I'm glad your fence made a difference for you.

06-11-2002, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
I was not at my best today, I blew up when I saw him taking pictures and then I (OOPS) flipped him off and his response was..."Where's your mother?" I had to giggle at that one, being that I am 40 years old, soon to be 41!! lol
I would have mouthed off to him and asked him where HIS mother was. I bet she would be SO PROUD OF HIM.....NOT! I'm thankful for my neighborhood. There's dogs and cats everywhere. They would have to lock the whole neighborhood up if anyone complained.:)

06-11-2002, 05:18 PM

I think Karen has the right idea.

I live on the second floor of an apartment complex. I lived on the first floor when I first moved in. I lived under a woman with two young children that she never let go outside. THAT was a hassle. To take care of the problem, when she moved out, I moved up into the apartment, complete with wall to wall carpeting.

Then this woman and her teenage daughter moved in. Now, I have 6 cats and work nights. This woman works days. I don't have wild parties, I go home after work at 10 p.m. and watch tv for two hours before going to sleep.

This woman has made my life hell. She has no carpeting in her apartment because of her daughter's asthma. She first started banging on the wall. That was okay cuz it let me know my cats were making a little too much noise.

Well, then they started banging on the wall at 3 in the afternoon on a weekend because my cat box lit accidentally hit the wall. Then she came up to talk to me with her smart a$$ daughter who exclaimed "I'd like to be able to sleep till at least 10 a.m. during the week!!" Well, wouldn't we all?? I have stopped talking with this woman. I won't answer my door or phone when she calls. I am through dealing with her and don't feel like I have to anymore.

I offered to give her carpeting that I had in my storage bin to cut down on the noise. My landlord gave me carpet remnants to put near the cat trees to help with the noise. He told me that we've done everything possible to help with the situation. She sent me this nasty letter saying I was getting my cats riled up just to piss her off. And she said that I play my stereo loud. The kind of music I listen to would put you to sleep (Yanni, Jim Brickman, George Winston, anyone asleep yet???) I only play it on the weekends and it's not loud or late at night.

I feel like I have to walk on air and watch tv via the lip reading method in order to please her. My landlord says he won't get involved but calls me and leaves message on my machine about her complaints. I have lived there for over 5 years. She's been there 3. And of course, it's okay that he daughter hangs out the livingroom window and yells at her friends across the street at all hours. UGH!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: This kid also hangs out with her friends making great amounts of noise when her mother is at work in the hallway.

I would do what Karen said to do in an effort to keep the peace. My situation is just plain stupid, out of control and borders on harassment and I'm getting pretty annoyed with the whole thing. I have come to hate apartment living because of this woman. If it weren't for my cats I'd have moved out when this chick moved in.

I hope you can work things out. Good luck and keep us posted.



06-11-2002, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by moosmom :
"I feel like I have to walk on air and watch tv via the lip reading method in order to please her."

I had a next door neighbor that would bang up and down the bedroom wall when I would walk across the shag carpet barefoot. She was also the type of neighbor whose stereo could literally be heard down the street, windows closed and all.

06-11-2002, 06:52 PM

I love your dogs. They are so adorable! I've chosen to completely ignore her now. It's gotten to the point where there is no way to make her happy.

My landlord did tell me that she asked him if she could have a small dog and he told her no, that her schedule is such that she's never home to walk it. She was mad at that saying he allows me to have 4 cats (I actually have 6 :p ) but won't allow her to have a small dog.

His point was you don't have to walk cats and there's no need to worry about neighbors calling because of cats barking. End of discussion.


Score: Donna 1, Vickie 0 :p

06-11-2002, 07:15 PM
Well, if we lived a block over from where we live, it would be ok...everyone over there has dogs, we just got lucky (NOT!) moving in next to this moron (I'm cleaning up my language for the youngins and for those offended by bad language). The guy that moved in across the street from this guy moved here from Guatemaula and had 10 dogs and 30 cats and some chickens, so he doesn't have a problem with the dogs.

Donna, it sounds like you need to find a house to move into girl! I hated apartment life with every ounce of my being...I lasted a year and then bought a house.

Good luck with your situation, and btw...we have considered checking into harassment.

06-11-2002, 08:12 PM

You're right, I do need to check into a bigger place. I went to Michigan for 6 days to visit with family and cried the night before leaving cuz I didn't want to come home. I am looking into moving to Michigan but have to find a job first. Hopefully I'll find one and be able to get a bigger place, possibly a house where I can live in peace with all my babies and not worry about flushing my toilet for fear of waking up the noise police.

BTW, isn't it amazing the difference a BLOCK can make.



06-11-2002, 09:28 PM
:rolleyes: molly, this guy has problems!!!!! if i were you i would sling some dog poop in his yard, and hope he steps in it. DONNA, WHO DOES VICKIE THINK SHE IS?? IF SHE AHD A DOGGIE SHE PROBLAY WOULDN'T MAKE A GOOD OWNER..

06-11-2002, 09:58 PM
You know after reading all that has been posted made me realize that there are a lot of just plain miserable people out there who have to find something to complain about cause they don't have a life and have to fulfill their lives by making other people's lives a living hell.
Mugsy, i know it's easier said than done, but try to ignore this sorry excuse for a human being. I find people like that, when they know they can rile you just keep it up. But if you let on that it is meaningless to you in what he does, gradually (Ihope anyways) that he will finally get bored with it and move on to something or someone else.
Good luck with the fence.

06-11-2002, 10:18 PM
I decided tonight that I may put the little photo album that Meijer gave me free for developing film, in their mailbox with a note that says, " Here is a photo album for you to put the pictures of our dogs in so you can show your friends." Hey, I never said I was kind! lol

Thanks again for all your good thoughts.

Donna, what do you do for a living?? Is it difficult to find a job in Michigan?? Where are you talking about in Michigan?? Is it close enough to Ohio or Indiana that you could look for work in any of the border towns?? Just some thoughts. Good luck!!

06-12-2002, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by mel55smiles
:rolleyes: molly, this guy has problems!!!!! if i were you i would sling some dog poop in his yard, and hope he steps in it. DONNA, WHO DOES VICKIE THINK SHE IS?? IF SHE AHD A DOGGIE SHE PROBLAY WOULDN'T MAKE A GOOD OWNER..

LOL. Our next door neighbors hate all animals. They used to trap cats, and they just love calling everyone (especially us) up about barking dogs. I actually *did* sling dog poop into their yard once.....when my friend and I were kids, we got in a fight with their kids and started chucking doggy poo over the fence. Who knew it could come in so handy?

We had another neighbor w/ dog problems. Except we were the ones complaining about their dogs... They have these two little white poodle mix dogs. Mean little buggers. And their owners particularly enjoyed letting them out every morning (they live diaganal across the street) to go potty out front (when they have FENCED back yard!!!). Those dogs had something out for us, because they always went across the street (while the owner watched mind you) to our front yard to crap. It began to piss us off so we complained to them about it. Well she said that our dog (Reggie) was going to the bathroom in *their* back yard. Ok uhh..nuts? There is another schnauzer that runs loose a lot. Our dogs never run loose, they are always in the house or backyard (if they are loose its w/ me to check the mail or something). Ok this other dog is TINY, light silver, folded ears, and female. If you've seen my Reggie you'd know that he doesn't even resemble a schnauzer to most people, lol.

LOL but anyway...the other day I think they had a car run through their garage....the door is down and there's a huge hole in the back. I shouldnt think its funny but it is!! Ha! And they probably ran though their *own* garage...my dad calls the guy Mr. Moto b/c he owns so many vehicles.......we don't even know their real last name.......oh yes I love my neighbors can't you tell?

06-12-2002, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
I went to Michigan for 6 days to visit with family and cried the night before leaving cuz I didn't want to come home. I am looking into moving to Michigan but have to find a job first. Hopefully I'll find one and be able to get a bigger place, possibly a house where I can live in peace with all my babies and not worry about flushing my toilet for fear of waking up the noise police. Donna

Michigan? Did someone say Michigan? :D

Hey Donna, what kind of job are you looking for? I could check around where I am to see if anyone is hiring. :)

So far, I'm VERY pleased with my new apartment. The people I've met so far are nice and the guy who lives below me said good morning and that I had a very pretty dog. :D

Although I might of made the people who are above me a little upset. Andy and I were finishing hanging up shelves at 1 in the morning. I commented that the neighbors probably won't be too happy and that we should stop. Just then the people above banged on their floor. :o Oops! Haven't seen them yet to appologize. Other than hearing water running thru the pipes near my bathroom and kitchen I don't hear any other noise. (I live on the end apartment so I only have neighbors on three "sides".) Since that's the case, I assume they can't hear me walking around and what not. Either that or they don't mind any noise I make.

06-12-2002, 09:51 AM
Wow! And I thought I had a dog- and cat-hater next door! Luckily, when we moved into our house 5 years ago, there was a privacy fence all around the back yard, which is a double lot, and that helps a lot. We did have a neighbor who was a real "control freak," and he wanted the dogs (two, then later, three) to obey his every command. They would look at him through the fence slats and walk away. He would get very ticked off and start yelling at my dogs, then they'd bark at him (my dogs have all been abused, so they don't take raised voices and violent language very well -- then again, what animal does??) I finally told him, "Look, Einstein, these are MY dogs, not yours, so they will not obey you! Try leaving them alone." His son, aged 7, got the great idea of cursing my dogs and thrwing stuff at them over the fence and from the top of his swingset. What a fine example his father set for him! This man and his son moved out and the current neighbor, a single lady, doesn't like animals of any kind -- she even hates squirrels and birds -- but the dogs have never barked without reason so she doesn't have a problem with them. On the other side, there lived an elderly man who was a good neighbor, but he was always upset because Fluffy, my cat, would sit on the roof extension of our garage and look into his yard. Maybe he thought Fluffy was casing his house or something. At any rate, reasoning with your neighbors doesn't always work. Also, I would check with your local ordinances, but in general it takes a lot more than a complaining neighbor in order for your fur-kids to be taken away from you. You might get fined for the dogs barking, but in our town, it has to be proven that the animals were just making noise, and not provoked.

06-12-2002, 10:57 AM

My family's cat, who died recently:( , would visit our neighbors frequently. If they left their garage open, she would be found curled up on the car seat! Once they left their door from their garage to their house open and found her sleeping in their bed! They never complained and even laughed at the situation. At least, it was our friendly cat and not a wild animal.

Many of my parents neighbors are cat and dog lovers. They leave food out and give treats. Unfortunately, this has lead to the family's once obedient and lean dog, Cody, to wandering around the neighborhood and pudging out more than a bit (I know the dog should be on leash or behind fence, but I live in another state and can't do anything about my parents behavior).

Kids in the neighborhood would come by and want to visit our animals. When one of our pets dies, even our neighbors get upset.

Happy thought! Yeah for nice people and great neighbors!:) :) :D :) :D :p :D :)

06-12-2002, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by pupper-lover

My family's cat, who died recently:( , would visit our neighbors frequently. If they left their garage open, she would be found curled up on the car seat! Once they left their door from their garage to their house open and found her sleeping in their bed! They never complained and even laughed at the situation. At least, it was our friendly cat and not a wild animal.

Many of my parents neighbors are cat and dog lovers. They leave food out and give treats. Unfortunately, this has lead to the family's once obedient and lean dog, Cody, to wandering around the neighborhood and pudging out more than a bit (I know the dog should be on leash or behind fence, but I live in another state and can't do anything about my parents behavior).

Kids in the neighborhood would come by and want to visit our animals. When one of our pets dies, even our neighbors get upset.

Happy thought! Yeah for nice people and great neighbors!:) :) :D :) :D :p :D :)

Good for you, bringing up the good neighbors too!!! :D I have good neighbors and I have bad neighbors (only one). But, I had a dilemma a couple of years ago with the "bad" neighbor that has made me very sensitive about my barking dogs. So I go the extra mile to make sure that my dogs don't disturb them, even if it means that I stay up all hours of the night, trying to get Honey inside when she doesn't want to come. I wouldn't want them to have dogs that kept me awake, so I try hard to keep mine from doing that too.

06-12-2002, 04:04 PM
If our dogs are barking, we are out there immediately (if we happen to be in the kitchen looking out the window) if not sooner to corral them back into the house, so the guy doesn't have a leg to stand on as far as I'm concerned. He's just a jerk.

We have a "neighbor" that lives on the next block, that when Jessie got out and was gone all night, she came out to the road as I was driving by and told me that she would keep an eye out for her because she knew how she would feel if her dog got out. Her mom was the woman who called me about Smokey thinking that he was our Tobey. We actually do have some nice people in this addition, it just happens that we moved in next door to Jerk #1.

06-12-2002, 05:39 PM
We are fortunate to live in a neighborhood full of dog people. when we first moved in we thought is my be a requirement for walking to have a dog with you!!! There is a Viszla directly behind us, a daschaund next dog and a scottie across the street, and many, many more dogs inthe neighborhood. The neighborhood I grew up in was the same way much smaller, so fewer dogs, but nearly everyone had a one( or more)). Anway, I am sorry the guy is such a jerk, but they way you care for your dogs gives him no leg to stand one. I know it is hard not to get mad, but have fun with it! Like you said, get ahead! Sometimes an evil streak is fun!!!

06-12-2002, 10:26 PM
Geee Whiz I think many of you are giving us ole people a bad name, dog haters, cat haters. Don't have a life!
Believe me we have a life and Don is 72 and I'm 66 and we love all animals especially our two "little dogs" Miss Daisy and Perry.

In a reverse situation we had a young man move into the house next door with two children and three Pit Bulls and all we had was a four foot chain link fence. We didn't fight with him, although I was scard to death of the Pit Bulls, scared for my dogs too. The big pit bull does not like women or other dogs. I talked to the young man and explained my situation that I was afraid of them, he keeps them tied up because there is no fence around
his house, and at night he takes them in.

We talked and he is planning on putting a fence up and I gave him some bones for his dogs and we are getting along well.
I don't think all old people hate animals and I think instead of fighting, the best solution is making peace and trying to get along . Someday you will all be old too, a little compassion goes a long way.

My family came over and built a six foot fence for us so that we don't have to worry about his dogs attacking ours. Now all I have to worry about is his dogs being outside all day tied up and sometimes without water and he is a very young man.

06-13-2002, 06:57 AM
Jackie, I have no problem with older people. My parents are 74 and 83 and they love animals. I only have a problem with the moron next door who REFUSES to talk sense....he just plain out hates animals and wants them all off the face of the earth and if that doesn't happen, then no one should be able to own a pet.

Some of my best friends are older people, I grew up spending my summers with older people playing cards and stuff and had a great time. So please don't be offended!!!

06-13-2002, 06:57 AM
Jackie, I don't think anyone was trying to give you guys a bad name. Molly's neighbor happened to be an old man who hated animals and didn't have much of a life. There are plenty of young people like him.

I would live next door to you and Don any day! I am certain you are great neighbors.

06-13-2002, 09:42 AM
Jackie, I surely don't have anything against older people, either. I AM one.

I just don't understand some people who choose to live in a neighborhood where animals are in every backyard, claim to love dogs and are totally intolerant.

My neighbor on the other side has a wife who is dying of cancer and a mother with Alzheimers. He has no complaints. Of course he has a cat that wanders the area and irritates the nasty neighbor too.


06-13-2002, 12:41 PM
Of course I'm not offended, I understand what you are talking about. Life is different when you get older, perhaps some of these people have lived in their house for many years and may have had pets of their own when they were younger, however when they get older their sense of comfort changes, noises bothers them, sometimes they have a hard time keeping their property up and if a dog poops on their property, it upsets them because they have a hard time having to pick it up.

Many old people try very hard to stay independent and stay in their homes and at times it is very difficult for them in a world full of young people.

My suggestion is still try to be nice and talk to them. Explain how much you love your animals and ask if they would be interested in petting them or seeing them. I think most people want to get along together, but it takes two to talk.

06-13-2002, 12:58 PM
I totally agree Jackie. Mike and I have both tried to have conversation with the man and just turns his back on us and walks away and won't talk. I tried to strike up a conversation about his back surgery and how I could relate and he went off on a tirade about Vonney barking too much. He also threatened to shoot Vonney once when he got out. He is just a very intolerant man who is very set in his ways and won't listen to what anyone (including his kids who try to reason with him) has to say.

He just hates animals (except rabbits and birds) and will do anything humanly possible to make us get rid of ours.

06-14-2002, 07:56 PM
please pray for jackie....her miss daisy and perry have seen the worst of the neighboring pit bulls....go to dog health for the thread....
i am praying that they recuperate.....
paws and fingers crossed:(

06-15-2002, 07:32 AM
Ramath and Mugsy,

Thanks for the offer to help me find a job. I'm a staff writer at the Hartford Courant, the oldest continuously published newspaper in the country (God, I sound like a commercial!!:p ). I've been there 4 years and have realized I am going NOWHERE in that company. People are dropping like flies there and I think it's time I flew the coop as well. But I do need to find other employment first.

My former sister-in-law and her husband (she's my brother's first wife :eek: ) live in Ecorse. I have been looking in www.monster.com for a job (they list them by states). I also have 12 years experience as a Legal Assistant, so I'm not limited to just writing (although it IS my passion). When I was in Michigan a couple of weeks ago I checked the local newspapers and even called them to see if there was anything available. There isn't. So it looks like I'm going to have to find a secretarial job or Legal Assitant job (although I swore I would NEVER work for a lawyer ever again). I looked in Wyandotte, Dearborn, Monroe, and a couple of other places. Not much there. It is difficult to look for a job in another state when you're gainfully employed and don't want your employer to know you're looking. (After being passed over for a promotion, now I don't care if they know or not). I'll let you know how I'm making out.

Thanks again guys for the offer. :D


06-17-2002, 08:19 AM
Well, since Mike went and got that old beat up privacy fencing and propped it up against the fence on their side, they've pretty much shut up. The guy and I had a stare down at 6am the other day, but discretion being the better part of valor, he didn't say anything. The grandkids were over yesterday for Father's Day and I just made sure that the dogs didn't go out when they were out, I don't want them teasing them and attempting to make them mean.

07-09-2002, 07:35 PM
I'm packing up and moving to Michigan the first weekend after Labor Day! I've decided the only way to get a job there is to be a resident.

And...before I leave, I plan on making my downstairs neighbor's life miserable. She will be greatful that I've moved out. She thinks my cats are noisy now?? Just wait. Revenge is sweet!


07-09-2002, 07:48 PM
We used to have problems with the people who live next door, they once called the Humane Society to report us for neglect of our Samyoed who in all types of weather prefered to live outside...yes even in the below freezing Canadian temps...but when the officers came by they said that he had the perfect living conditions. He had a well built dog house (dad made it professional wood worker, it had better be well made) that was raised off the ground and that had three or four blankets in it, but he prefered to sleep in the whole that he dug for himself (sledding dog what can I say) and he always had fresh water. Not to mention if the weather got beyond a certain point we would bring Sam in the house, which he didn't always like. And Yes I know it's bad to keep a dog outside all the time, we had no choice though because Sam refused to enter the house because he would get to hot.

Then a few years after Sam died we got Coco our chocolate lab/pointer cross...I know my family wasn't original with the names...and he complained about something else with her and once again the officers couldn't find anything wrong. Luckily he hasn't compalined about Smudge and Winter, so either he could care less now or they aren't that bad.

07-10-2002, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
I'm packing up and moving to Michigan the first weekend after Labor Day! I've decided the only way to get a job there is to be a resident.

And...before I leave, I plan on making my downstairs neighbor's life miserable. She will be greatful that I've moved out. She thinks my cats are noisy now?? Just wait. Revenge is sweet!


WOOHOOO indeed!!!! What city are you moving too?

I'm still hounding staff here for info. ;) :D

07-10-2002, 11:50 AM

I'm probably going to be in either Ecorse or Detroit. The apartment I'm looking into right now is in Ecorse. I called a bunch of temp agencies and they said once I get into town to call them and they'd set up interviews. I think this is going to be a piece of cake.

And I meant to say MICHIGAN HERE WE COME!! Wherever I go, my furbabies go. :p

Thanks for looking Ramath.