View Full Version : Migraines

11-01-2006, 05:48 PM
Does anyone else have these? I get them every so often, they are horrible! I had one last night, fortunately it wasn't a really bad one.

Does anyone have any good homeopathic remedies, or just tricks to stop them from coming on? Thanks.

11-01-2006, 05:50 PM
Feverfew is supposed to work but I've never had any luck with it. Good old Excedrin Migraine formula is what works for me. I do empathize as migraines suck big time!

Suki Wingy
11-01-2006, 05:52 PM
I get them all the time but I don't know how to stop them. I have chronic sinus infections too.

11-01-2006, 06:00 PM
Oh boy do I get migraines! I finally figured out my main triggers and avoid them. Do you know what your triggers are? Once you kow what triggers them you can control them a bit better.

My triggers are many, but here are the big ones:
~lack of sleep
~chocloate (doesn't stop me from eating it, I just have to be smart about it ;))
~blue cheese
You'll notice I have lots of food triggers.... basically a lot of food that is aged. There's a huge list online somewhere that lists everything and you'll have to figure out by trial and error what are your big triggers. Alcohol is my biggest food based trigger. I can't even eat food marinated in alcohol -- it does NOT all burn off like they try to tell you. My body recognises it and sends me into migraine misery. There's been many nights where I neglected to ask how a restaurant prepared its food.... then a few hours later was in pure agony.

The best protection I can say is avoiding my triggers and a combination of a HOT shower quickly followed by a headband of ice. I can't sing the praises of this headband enough:Headache icepack (http://www.painreliever.com/ha.html)

Rie Rie
11-01-2006, 06:02 PM
I've suffered with migraines for the past 5 years. At first I would just get them whenever or if I drank too much alcohol, then they starting coming right before my periods. Now they ccome right after my periods or even still if I drink too much. I've been seeing a neurologist since they started and had many tests, but never found the source. I take Maxalt, which is a migraine medicine and it will get rid of it if I don't wait too long to take it and sometimes I have to take them a couple of days. They aren't cheap , even with my co-pay I still pay $50.00 and there's only 9 in a pack and youcan only get it once a month.

Suki Wingy
11-01-2006, 06:02 PM
I can't avoid my triggers, they're basically all my pets and all the stuff at the barn. I am on meds though.

11-01-2006, 06:16 PM
I've suffered with migraines for the past 5 years. At first I would just get them whenever or if I drank too much alcohol, then they starting coming right before my periods. Now they ccome right after my periods or even still if I drink too much. I've been seeing a neurologist since they started and had many tests, but never found the source. I take Maxalt, which is a migraine medicine and it will get rid of it if I don't wait too long to take it and sometimes I have to take them a couple of days. They aren't cheap , even with my co-pay I still pay $50.00 and there's only 9 in a pack and youcan only get it once a month.

ALL through my mid-teen years, I dealt with debilitating headaches, especially when I got my period. I would miss school, work etc because of them. When I was 17 (I am 19 now) I sat down and talk to a guy who was supposed to specialize in headaches-I was prescribed maxalt-a day later I got one, and tried the maxalt, and I thought I was going die. I came really close to either calling an ambulance or trying to drive to the nearest hospital. It felt like my neck and where my skull meets my vertebrae was being hit with a sledgehammer. Maxalt I think is specifically for migraines, I don't think that's what I have, I think I get what they call cluster headaches. So much for that doctor! If you were to go to a doctor about them, I would keep a log of when you get your migraines/headaches, the food you ate that day, etc. I failed to do this and feel I was improperly diagnosed. Be very specific.

I've somewhat grown out of them now. If I feel one coming on, or if I get one, I can usually take 4 aspirin (no less) and feel better. Not the healthiest thing but it helps me. I've thought about going back and seeing if I can get a less health deteriorating pain reliever, instead of having to take all those aspirin, especially if I have a headache for 2-3 days in a row. I also learned to avoid citrus juice...orange juice, lemon juice, tangerine juice, grapefruit juice, as it is one of my triggers (the fruit itself dosen't bother me, though). Too much chocolate is a trigger, and sometimes I think that dairy foods are a trigger too, although I haven't decided on that one yet. Triggers are a big part of it.

11-01-2006, 06:18 PM
Thanks for the ideas. I will have to try the Excedrin Migraine formula and taking a hot shower. I think my main trigger is stress. When things have been bothering me the tension just builds up and I usually end up getting a major migraine.

Last year I was very stressed out by a job I had and I was also coming down with the flu- I developed neck and head pain so severe that lasted so long I was sure I was coming down with meningitis! I didn't have any health insurance but I saw a doctor anyway. I ended up paying $120 for them to tell me to take a ton of Tylenol/Alieve. I tried the same combination a few months ago for a severe migraine and I ended up getting severely ill so I'm more careful now about not taking too much medication. I wonder if there is any kind of aromatherapy that helps?

11-01-2006, 06:27 PM
My god did I ever get them when I was in my other high school, I came home in tears a few times it was soo bad I could just not take the pain.

I had to lay down and rest right away, sleeping always helped it go away.

Advil is also my second option.

Good luck with them, dam they can realy suck.

Russian Blue
11-01-2006, 06:53 PM
My migraine trigger is unforunately due to the weather. They are brought on by rapid changes in the weather - usually storm related and usually worse in the fall/winter.

I usually know when a bad storm is coming before the weather person reports it. I start getting a migraine the day before the storm/weather change and will keep Advil with me at work/home. For me, the only thing that works is to sleep it off.

11-01-2006, 07:53 PM
Hormones can be migraine triggers. When going through the worst part of menopause I regularly got vicious migraines. Now that I've "paused" they have lessened, however lately they were starting up again and voila! Yes, I had a sinus infection! Taking a Z-pack (Azythromycin) for the sinus infection made the headaches go away - there IS a connection.

Some people get relief from heat; others from ice - everyone is different! My doctor used to prescribe Fiorinal, but now that they have more advanced drugs, I don't think they give that anymore. It worked extremely well for me at the time; now I rely on the Excedrin - I should own stock in the company!

11-01-2006, 08:36 PM
I get migraines, and my son gets them, too. He can usually take care of his by taking Ibuprofen as soon as he senses it coming on. He takes anywhere from two to four of them, depending on the severity of the headache by the time he takes them.

Most of my migraines are caused by caffeine withdrawal. I can't drink caffeinated beverages or eat chocolate without getting a migraine headache when the caffeine wears off. Caffeine dilates the blood vessels, and when the caffeine wears off the blood vessels constrict (or vice-versa!), and that's what causes the migraines. I also get migraines when I get really over-tired and sleep-deprived.

I used to get migraines really badly, associated with hormones, and Birth Control pills. I used to have to go to the hospital Emergency Room for a shot of Toradol for the pain, and Vistaril for the nausea if I let it get to that point. I have had a hysterectomy so don't have that problem anymore though, thank goodness!

I now take oral Toradol whenever I get a migraine headache. It works fairly well. If I wait too long before taking it though, I get nauseous and have to go get a shot of Vistaril. If I take it too soon, the headache comes back after the Toradol wears off and I have to take another dose of it.

Migraines can also be triggered by nuts, cheeses, liver, wines, and high-protein meats such as liver. Sleep schedules can cause migraines if they are disrupted. Lots of people get migraines on weekends because they sleep in longer than on week days when they have to get earlier to go to work or school. Regimenting your lifestyle and diet can do a lot to help avoid migraines, if you can figure out what your triggers are.

Good Luck!


11-02-2006, 12:00 AM
Most of my migraines are caused by caffeine withdrawal. I can't drink caffeinated beverages or eat chocolate without getting a migraine headache when the caffeine wears off. Caffeine dilates the blood vessels, and when the caffeine wears off the blood vessels constrict (or vice-versa!), and that's what causes the migraines. I also get migraines when I get really over-tired and sleep-deprived.

Also important to note- that if this is the case for you. (obviously not Deb b/c she didn't mention it and she seems to have her's "figgered" out) that taking Excederin Migraine or a lot of OTC meds won't help b/c they contain caffeine. It is SUPPOSED to help with pain relief.
I get tension headaches frequently - those are mostly an annoyance but on occasion I will get full blown migraines. Photophobia, nausea the whole 9 yards. On occasion I have missed work b/c of them. My triggers are usually lack of sleep, and stress. I haven't really paid attention to if eating something bothers it, but I am going to have to start. One of my coworkers son's gets debilitating migraines and they have found a couple of his triggers are caffeine and MSG. He can't eat Chinese food unless it says no MSG. There are also a lot of food you wouldn't think has it in it - like bbq potato chips. He also had a CT Brain b/c of it and they did find a benign tumor that they keep an eye on.
What helps me is ice - sleep- if I am nauseated - honestly to throw up! It relieves the pressure somehow. I found an eye mask that I keep in the freezer that ROCKS. Zippy cat sent me something similiar for my birthday - it is lavender scented. Also I swear by a headache pillow - links to follow -
Lavender helps sometimes. Scalp massage also (put husband to work! ;))
links to follow.....

11-02-2006, 12:09 AM
headache pillow -


IMAK eye mask -

warm whiskers -
---- http://www.warmwhiskers.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=WW&Product_Code=ep she got me the kitty ;)
I have also bought several of these products - they are holistic and specific for which symptoms..

11-02-2006, 01:07 AM
I definitely know that any red wine, champagne triggers a devastating migrane, with nausea, flashing lights, no feeling on one side of my face. So natch, I don't touch them,not even a sip. (goes from tongue to head almost instantly).

My last one was the day after my wrist surgery, most likely from the anesthesia. Even the morphine drip didn't touch it. You'd think being in a hospital, they'd give me something, but they only gave me a shot to keep me from continuing upchucking.
Nerves can do it for me. But they've deminished since I went into menopause (YIPPEE!).

I pity anyone who gets a migraine. Only major narcotics work for me. Tylenol, Alleve, Motrin might as well be candy. Shut the blinds and lights, bring the ice and for heaven's sake, don't try to talk to me! Honestly, I can't think of anything worse.

11-02-2006, 01:45 AM
I used to get HORRIBLE migraines. What my Grandma taught me:

Pour some vinegar onto a face cloth and put it under you nose for a while, breathing it in.

It cured all of mine 90% of the time. :)

11-02-2006, 07:38 AM
Migraines run in my family. My Mom's been hospitalized with them. I find that Excedrin works the best for me. I'll take 2 or 3 of them and in about 2 hours, I'll feel better. I try to rest and try to make everything quiet (no t.v., radio or people around). Sometimes it helps to lay in your bed with the shades shut (darkness helps).

I find that there are several reasons why I get them.

1. Garlic (this stinks because I love garlic bread & pizza). If I have garlic bread (like at Pizza Hut), I will take 2 Excedrin afterwards to fight the migraine.

2. Too much sleep. If I oversleep, I'll wake up with a migraine and I take an Excedrin. Luckily, I don't oversleep that often.

3. Really bad stress. Again, the Excedrin helps (but only sometimes on this one).

4. If I drank too much the night before (like red wine). Excedrine helps.

I should do a commercial for Excedrine, huh?

Good luck with your migraines.

11-02-2006, 08:23 AM
I got migraines all the time when I was a teenager but they have tapered off dramatically now that I'm a bit older. I didn't have any for a couple of years before I got pregnant, now I get one every couple of months or so.

Russian Blue, like you, mine are tied to weather patterns. The fall being the worst by far. Once the snow starts, they generally stop. One of the big reasons I like snow! :rolleyes:

Peppermint extract helps me a fair bit. Diluted with almond oil and put on a hankie in a dark, quiet room is the best way for me to feel better in a couple of hours.

11-02-2006, 08:53 AM
I have had migraines so bad that last year my parents had to rush me to the ER, I tried to take a hot shower and threw up allover, I ended up throwing up so much i became dehyrated and had to stay in the hospital overnight, I think it was caused by stress, i tried everything i could think of, cold wet rags, hot shower, medicine, nothing worked but they put this other medicine in my IV and that actually was the only thing that would help me.

11-02-2006, 09:02 AM
I get migraines if I don't take care of myself when it's hot out. Honestly, I haven't found any remedies that work other than a cold compress over my eyes and some tylenol PM to make me sleep. :(

11-02-2006, 11:15 AM
I used to get HORRIBLE migraines. What my Grandma taught me:

Pour some vinegar onto a face cloth and put it under you nose for a while, breathing it in.

It cured all of mine 90% of the time. :)
now that's a new one!
I'll try it!

11-02-2006, 11:17 AM
My migraines have been caused by food (wine), hormones (I'm slowly sliding towards menopause) and the weather. Here's what helps me:

~ Excedrin Sinus Headache
~ Hot steam shower
~ Now, for some reason they usually recommend cold for a migraine, but heat always helps me. So, I have made a "rice sock". Basically, take a brand-new sock, put a couple of cups of rice in it (not MINUTE rice -- real rice), tie a knot in it or sew it shut. Throw it in the microwave for a minute or 2 depending upon the wattage of your microwave, and then drape it over your nose and eyes. It will loosen the "concrete" in your head and you'll start feeling better.
~ Vicks Vapor Rub: Put a little of it up each nostril and breathe deeply (if you can't stand putting it up your nose, put it under your nose). This also helps loosen up your sinuses.

I have a very bad migraine on Monday. I tried all of these things and it wasn't completely gone. So, I drank 2 cups of strong coffee and felt better within an hour. Most migraine medicines contain a lot of caffeine, so that makes sense.

11-02-2006, 01:13 PM
Thanks for all the responses. I'll be sure to try the suggestions when I get another migraine (which hopefully won't be soon!).

I had no idea so many people here suffer from them. They really are agony, aren't they?

11-02-2006, 01:24 PM
I get migraines from time to time. Yes, they are agony. I try not to cry when I get them because I know it probably makes them worse but its hard not to. I get them so bad sometimes that I throw up. I will also try some of the things suggested.

11-02-2006, 08:48 PM
Latley I have started to get them really bad and often.

They drive me insane. Sometimes make me feel like being sick

I was actually getting really worried , but after reading how common it is

in Pet talkers I realize its not that un common

smokey the elder
11-07-2006, 10:48 AM
I don't get migraines, but occasionally I get a really evil sinus headache! Sinus meds (Sudafed or the new stuff that you can't turn into meth) + ibuprofen work well, and I put heat on my forehead. I can feel the "sludge" break up! Headaches of any flavor are the pits.

03-10-2007, 11:41 AM
Yikes...I got one last night in my sleep- I hate when that happens, my head starts hurting so bad it literally wakes me up and it hurts to be touching the pillow. I thought of this thread (last night was the 1st time since then I got one) but the thought of looking at a computer screen was too painful. So here I am now...it went away after a while after I took 4 tylenol. I'm going to buy some Excedrin today though.

critter crazy
03-10-2007, 11:43 AM
I get Migraines way too often! Aleve seems to work for me!

03-10-2007, 11:44 AM
I am glad you feel better.
I got one last nite at work and it subsided when I threw up.
I came home and took a cold shower and it helped a lot.
Believe it or not but I have an Amish home remedy book and
it says to eat honey (not store processed- but kind you find from
bee keepers- raw) and sniff vinegar.
I haven't tried the honey but have tried the vinegar when I'm home and
it does subside it! :eek:

03-10-2007, 11:46 AM
I get Migraines way too often! Aleve seems to work for me!
I just picked up some new Aleve - it is liqui-gels!

03-10-2007, 11:59 AM
I am glad you feel better.
I got one last nite at work and it subsided when I threw up.
I came home and took a cold shower and it helped a lot.
Believe it or not but I have an Amish home remedy book and
it says to eat honey (not store processed- but kind you find from
bee keepers- raw) and sniff vinegar.
I haven't tried the honey but have tried the vinegar when I'm home and
it does subside it! :eek:
Gosh, sorry you had one too! They are so awful. :( I think I will buy some vinegar today, too. It doesn't sound pleasant sniffing vinegar, but if it works, then I'm definitely up for trying it!

03-10-2007, 12:07 PM
I've had migraines my whole life. I had one when I was 17 brought on by a chiropractor that lasted until I was 25, when I somehow manager to pop the vertebra back into place. I get them now from stress. What I do is 1 benadryl, 2 psudaphed and 3 ibuprophen followed my sleep. This usually works, but sometimes they are so bad that the combination above plus very LOUD heavy metal music works. Why? i have no idea, but it makes them bearable after about 30 minutes, then I turn the music off and sleep it off.

Bright Blessings

Dr. Jasper Goodnow

03-10-2007, 12:31 PM
I recently read a newspaper article that said taking Vitamin B 2 was a preventative for migraines. It said to take 200 to 400 mg. a day. You might want to do a search on that subject. Alden has severe migraines and uses Imitrex. The nasal kind. I recently bought him the vitamin b2, but since he isn't here now I don't know if it has helped him or not.

03-10-2007, 07:55 PM
I have suffered with migraine headaches all my life. The only thing I can do when I get one is take special medication for it. My doctor prescribed a medication made to relieve migraines called Max-alt. It works very well. My triggers are alcohlic beverages of any kind, getting over heated,skipped meals, irregular sleep patterns, and a big one WEATHER CHANGES, also strong chemical odors. I was diagnosed with chronic motor rhionitis. I take sudafed every day and fiorinol when I need it. I feel pressure in my face around my eyes and the bridge of my nose. The weather changes really affect me. I was also told that this is a hereditery problem also. I inherited this from my mother, and my sister get migraines to.

Types of headaches
Although much about headaches still isn't understood, some researchers think migraines may be caused by functional changes in the trigeminal nerve system, a major pain pathway in your nervous system, and by imbalances in brain chemicals, including serotonin, which regulates pain messages going through this pathway.

During a headache, serotonin levels drop. Researchers believe this causes the trigeminal nerve to release substances called neuropeptides, which travel to your brain's outer covering. There they cause blood vessels to become dilated and inflamed. The result is headache pain.

Because levels of magnesium, a mineral involved in nerve cell function, also drop right before or during a migraine headache, it's possible that low amounts of magnesium may cause nerve cells in the brain to misfire.
The chemicals dopamine and serotonin are among those involved in migraine. These chemicals are found normally in the brain and can cause blood vessels to act abnormally if they are present in abnormal amounts or if the blood vessels are unusually sensitive to them.

Sumatriptan (Imitrex)

Zolmitriptan (Zomig)

Eletriptan (Relpax)

Naratriptan (Amerge, Naramig)

Rizatriptan (Maxalt)

Frovatriptan (Frova)

Almotriptan (Axert)

Try to ask your doctor for one of theses medications so you can have it on hand when you get a migraine.

03-10-2007, 08:44 PM
I have one right now. :( And can't even read everyone suggestions cuz it hurts so bad. So I'll have to come back later to read them.

Scooter's Mom
03-17-2007, 11:58 PM
I just found this thread...

I have had migraines for many years. I have to take Topamax as a preventative. Then if I do get a migraine I take Imitrex.

I was having migraines for about 4 of the 7 days every week, until I started the Topamax. Now I have maybe one a month, sometimes as infrequently as one every 3 months.

Sure does make working hard when you can't open your eyes! Thankfully the Topamax has them MOSTLY under control.

Scooter's Mom
02-11-2009, 03:34 PM
Wow, I was the last to reply to this thread.

Since I commented about migraines, mine have gone out of control again. I am back to having migraine headaches all the time. Daily now. I've been to the ER several times, discovered not to let them give me morphine as the rebound headache is even worse than the original migraine. The nausea that accompanies the migraine is the pits... It is constant.

I can't take most of the Excedrin products, because I developed an allergy to aspirin.

Anyone else have their migraine headaches recently get worse?

02-11-2009, 03:58 PM
I have recently made the connection that my migraines mostly happen around my period, usually the worst on the first few days I go off the pill for the week. I googled it and realised that there is something called menstrual migraines, and it's more common in women that take the pill due to the sudden drop of the hormone during the week you don't take it. I've recently started a lower dose pill so I'm hoping this will help me. I've noticed this in only the past 3-4 months.

I also trigger migraines when my blood sugars have gone crazy, like rapid highs and lows (I'm diabetic).

I can take 3 advil and 3 tylenol at one time and this will numb the pain enough for me to function, but it makes me feel woozy. I always make sure I eat with them. For me, I find that caffeine helps so I tend to take them with a cup of coffee :p Probably not too healthy but it works!

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-11-2009, 04:07 PM
My migraines are hormonal related. I used to have several attacks per week, but since nearly 1 year, it came down to 1 attack per 2 weeks!! I am 52 now, so I am in my menopauze now. The doctor promised me that from now on it will only get better and better!! Viva menopauze (lol:p)
I almost always get help with Zomig and Imitrex, sometimes I also take Naramig

02-11-2009, 05:07 PM
I just developed migraines last year & never had them before that. After
visits to a neuroligist who prescribed amitriptylime in various doses, I finally
found a dosage that has worked to end them. Migraines are the pits.:(

During testing with the neuroloist, I found a anyurism that I didn't know
I had. I found out it was a small (5mm) type & behind my right eye. It was
not the cause of the migraines because my pain was always on the left
side of my head. The medication is supposed to break the cycle of daily
headaches I was having & seems to work so far.

02-11-2009, 05:17 PM
Ugh I dunno if you would call them migraines or not, but ever since Semptember I have had one huge ongoing headache. We thought it was from a horse-related fall (fell on my head/neck, popped a vertebrae out of place which was pinching a nerve) but even going to the chiro once ever 2-3 weeks doesn't help.

They're always in my neck going up the right side of my face and they stop right behind my right eye. It gets so bad that I can't open that eye at all. I have missed countless days of school because I couldn't get out of bed. Now they're getting worse, going by my jaw which already has problems (verryy painful) and spreading over the top of my head.

For a while I would take 2-3 Ibuprofin and that would stop it, but not anymore. Nothing helps. I have a heating/cooling pad that I use, but it doesn't make much difference. I've got it all day, everyday. It's very rare now that I wake up without a headache. I've been having sleeping problems because there's just so much pain.

So yes, I've got them. Or something. Either way, they suck.

08-22-2009, 06:23 PM
I take a very low dose of topamax, an anti-seizure drug daily for my migraines. Mine are so bad I was hospitalize da few years ago because they had gotten to the point at the onset I could not speak, recognize speech, read or write. My GP thought I was having a stroke at the age of 29. Fortunately I was not.

As previous posters said, finding your triggers and trying to avoid them is the best. My triggers are stress, too much caffeiene (makes me feel hungover the next day), sleeping on my back, and poorly lit rooms. I cannot watch TV in a room without other lights on. The pinpoint of light coming from the TV is almost an instant migraine for me.

Talk to your physician about seeing a neurologist and having an MRI done. They can determine whether or not you are experiencing vascular migraines. If you do have vascular migraines, any caffeiene will only aggravate them.