View Full Version : Oh, Annie! (& a question)

11-01-2006, 05:26 PM
Anvik was back to the vet again today. 8 weeks he's lived with me and he's already been to the vet 5 times! He's famous at the clinic--for both cleaning out the treat bowl on the counter and doing the Death Howl whenever he's had to stay. Fortunately, he didn't have to stay today. He was doing the death howl when I dropped him at home. I think he would have prefered to stay in the truck all day!

He blew out some of his stitches a couple days ago. Left a nice, gapping hole in his side. Annie has no idea that he's sick, not a clue. He thinks he should be running and playing as usual!

The vet says he has to keep a t-shirt or his doggy jacket on, but the hole will heal on it's own eventually. He didn't want to resuture it yet as he doesn't think it would hold anyway. Annie has to go back in next week to get it checked again. He's going to be the death of me! He's lucky he's a sweetie!

Now the question, I have discovered who used to own Anvik. I know of him, but don't know him personally. He has a decent reputation for his dog care and Anvik doesn't show any overt signs that he was ever abused(he's not handshy, not afraid of people, ect, ect.) I'd really like to email this guy and ask him a few questions about Anvik's past health and behavior. Maybe he's got a trick for stopping the Death Howl! I'd be very polite and not confrontational at all about dumping his dogs at the shelter(annie is not the first dog he's brought in). Would you contact him?

11-01-2006, 05:33 PM
I don't know , Glacier.

I guess, if I were in your shoes, and felt comfortable about sending an e-mail to him, what's the worry?

sooo, I guess I would contact him.
since you know he has a decent reputation with his dog handling .,

Maybe he took Anne to the shelter because of the Death Howl. :cool:

Go ahead, I would ;)

11-01-2006, 05:35 PM
Maybe he took Anne to the shelter because of the Death Howl. :cool:

I would not be the least bit suprised if the Death Howl was a direct factor in how he decided Anvik should go! He's brought in several dogs, but I know he's still got a large kennel!

11-01-2006, 06:16 PM
I think I would do it. What can it hurt? Might give you a clue ,even if
it's inavertently, in his response.

p.s. You call him Annie? That's so cute. :D

Ginger's Mom
11-01-2006, 06:46 PM
I think if I were you I would. I am sure that you will be very tactful and pleasant in your inquiries. And, I think that he may be happy to know that Anvik is with you. I am sure you have a wonderful reputation in the area, and he may be very pleased to know that his dog found such a good home.

11-01-2006, 07:51 PM
p.s. You call him Annie? That's so cute. :D

Annie is what I call him most often. Anvik is used when I need his attention right this minute and he needs to know I mean it! I also call him Annie-Wannie, Annikins, crybaby, Anakin, goofball, doofus, ect! He's a dog of many names!

11-01-2006, 09:15 PM
I also call him Annie-Wannie, Annikins, crybaby, Anakin, goofball, doofus, ect! He's a dog of many names!when you introduced him, i thought of Anakin right away. (Big Star Wars fan here) I'd e-mail or call since the guy dumped him at the pound, at least you know he doesnt want him anymore. If Annie had been picked up as a stray...I don't know...I might not call if I thought the ex-owner might want "his dog" back.
*taps foot* still waiting for an Anvik Death Howl recording! :p