View Full Version : I have a few questions.

10-31-2006, 09:53 PM
I have some questions for those who have had experience with a mother cat and her babies.

I find that Sweetpea seems to be very aggressive at times when cleaning P-Pod. She will hold him down and just lick and lick and lick and then put her mouth around his neck or around the top of his head. It doesn't seem like she is actually biting him, but she seems agitated when she does this and P-Pod squeals from it. She also makes this high pitched mmrrff, mmrrff noise while doing it.
Could you tell me if this is a normal behaviour or not because I hate it when she does that.

Also when she goes into him she will curl herself up in a tight ball and he has to fight his way to get to a nipple. She doesn't seem to lay properly right away to feed him. She just starts licking the heck out of him. It's a wonder he has any fur left on him.
Is this something that they normally do also?

I spoke with my vet yesterday in regards to hand feeding P-Pod, because I am having such a hard time with it. He fights me all the way. I can't even get the full amount into him. He just screams his little head off and poor Sweetpea gets upset by it. The vet feels that with the way he is growing and thriving that Sweetpea is producing enough milk for him, so he said for me to stop feeding him and just keep an eye on him, but feels he will be okay now, because he feeds off of her about every 3 hours. P-Pod is 10 days old now.

Thanks for any info you can give me.

10-31-2006, 11:10 PM
Babies never like baths at any age or of any species! ;) Mommy is just scolding the little fella and telling him he needs to sit still and learn to wash behind his ears! :p

I agree with the vet, as long as mom is willing to nurse and baby seems satisfied (doesn't continue to cry afterwards) then let nature do it's job! ;)


10-31-2006, 11:19 PM
Thanks Kim, for putting my mind at ease. :)

The only time that P-Pod cries is when Sweetpea goes in to see him. He has never cried after he feeds, just goes right to sleep. :)

I forgot to ask a few more things. Is it normal for the babies to jerk in their sleep and have what seems like the hiccups. There are also times that he seems to be panting and I feel it isn't too hot in my room, just comfortable.
Are these all normal also?

Laura's Babies
10-31-2006, 11:20 PM
It's been so long since I have had a Mom with babies that I just don't remember but if he is still gaining weight and growing, it is obvious that he don't need hand feedings.

10-31-2006, 11:37 PM
He cries when mommy comes in the room, because he wants her to think he's starving!!! :eek: ;) The dreams, jerks, hiccups are all normal too. You might even be surprised to hear him hiss now and then! As he starts taking in new smells and sounds, he will start asserting himself! :D

11-01-2006, 10:31 AM
He cries when mommy comes in the room, because he wants her to think he's starving!!! :eek: ;) :D
Oh how cute! They learn early don't they? :D

11-01-2006, 10:54 AM
Your vet is right.

11-01-2006, 07:58 PM
Little Pod s dreaming , as he is learning more and more about the World around him.
And Sweetpea may be overly attentive to her baby, but shes a very young Momma Cat, and may not be sure what to do.
But if Pea Pod is growing , she must be doing something right.
I would try a bag of Royal Canin Baby Kitten Food, usually 1.99 a bag, in a week or so.