View Full Version : Casey has roundworms

10-31-2006, 08:45 PM
Casey had her 6 month comprehensive exam today. I was expecting a not-clean stool sample. Since I inhereted my brothers kitty when he passed away she has been eating the kitties poo...I know...totally disgusting.

Anyway I had to break down and make a vet appt for kitty also since he obviously has worms. I was putting it off because for right now I am paying a lot of my brothers bills.

My vet said I could bring in a stool sample of bubba's because I am really not sure if he has eaten the poo...I think he has also. The vet isn't even going to charge me for bubba's stool check because I have insurance on him.

The good news is casey got her nails trimmed...she growls and tries to bite when I do it. Other than the worms she got a clean bill of health, she is still somewhat overweight...probably because she supplements her diet with cat poo!

11-01-2006, 04:18 AM
Well rounds are easier to get rid of if all animals are treated. The hardest to get rid of is hook worms. ( or heart worm in the heart etc..) I am sure he gave you the medication for it. While you can purchase this medication for rounds over the counter at most pet stores, it is better to get it from the vet. Also a recheck in 3 weeks would be in order.

Daisy and Delilah
11-01-2006, 06:19 AM
Awwww!!! Poor Casey. Change that diet cutie pie and the problem might disappear--I know Casey, easier said than done--right? Feel better!! :)

11-01-2006, 09:13 AM
Oh Casey!
Those are NOT Tootsie Rolls!! :p

Ginger's Mom
11-01-2006, 09:20 AM
Oh poor Casey. Diets are tough, sweetie, but you can't "find" your own treats. Hope that Bubba's stool sample comes out clean and that Casey feels better soon.

11-01-2006, 09:23 AM
Casey, leave the kitty poo alone! ;) Ebony is the same way about her nails. She will let my husband trim them but she isn't one bit happy when he does. I'm glad she got a clean bill of health. Hopefully she will stay out of the cat box. I wonder why dogs like to eat poo? I would think it would taste nasty. :p

11-01-2006, 09:24 AM
Thanks everyone...borzoiman....she is getting rechecked in 3 weeks. Yes they did say that the roundworms are the easiest to treat.

All the animals are on flea meds and the dogs are on heartworm meds.

I thought about treating bubba and potter with over the counter but potter needs a rabies and a check out anyway and I think bubba's will be mostly no charge so I may as well leave it to the professionals.

It is the grossest thing casey will come in from outside and try to plant a big kiss on me with cat poo breath...yuck!

11-01-2006, 09:25 AM
Jadapit...the problem is this cat has been outdoors for 6 years so he poos outdoors...for the litterboxes I bought the enclosed kind.

Yeah the vet says it is filet mignon to the dogs...yumm yumm....

11-01-2006, 10:31 AM
Poor Casey, and poor kitty, too. :( I'm sure that's no fun.

It is totally disgusting the way dogs will eat cat poop if given half the chance. I have a gate with a hole big enough for Seine but too small for the dogs in front of her litter pan so we don't have that issue. Yuck!

11-01-2006, 10:33 AM
I just called and got the kitty on the banfield wellness plan that the dogs are on...for one year of coverage it is the same price as one office visit...plus they will do all the leukemia testing and shots.

There is a 3 business day waiting period before I can take him in though, I am wondering if I should get him some over the counter in the meantime...does it really work over the counter I mean?

11-01-2006, 10:41 AM
I just called and got the kitty on the banfield wellness plan that the dogs are on...for one year of coverage it is the same price as one office visit...plus they will do all the leukemia testing and shots.

There is a 3 business day waiting period before I can take him in though, I am wondering if I should get him some over the counter in the meantime...does it really work over the counter I mean?
Well yes- but really any medication should come with an exam just to make sure something else is brewing at the same time..

11-01-2006, 10:54 AM
Yes, I have an appt for an exam, I have to wait the three day waiting period and I am trying to coordinate the medicine with all the pets. I am just wondering...can someone tell me if the meds are the same over the counter or if it weaker and not so effective???

11-01-2006, 11:12 AM
They work but only for moderate infestation. Only a vet can determine that one..
I dont self medicate much at all. Only certain things- like hottie- he gets asprin and glyco flex, and a few others things I wont mention on an open forum..

11-01-2006, 11:14 AM
We have an animal health store here a vet works there so he will give you the pills for worms. When we got Ebony we went ahead and wormed her just to be safe. The vet said the pills wouldn't hurt her if she didn't have worms. Anyway, I think what a vet gives is totally different than the over the counter stuff. If it were me I think I would wait to give them what the vet does. Hope all this made sense. ;)

11-01-2006, 11:14 AM
Well they gave casey strongid and apparantly that is available over the counter....casey only had eggs I believe it wasn't bad, now the cat may have a full blown infestation.

11-01-2006, 11:15 AM
I think right now I will just take casey potty on her leash, other than that she doesn't go out or have access to the delicasy she seems to love.

11-01-2006, 11:16 AM
worm ex and a few others treat rounds.. But are you sure its just rounds??

11-01-2006, 11:17 AM
Maybe you could call and talk to the vet or vet tech I bet they would tell if if the over the counter stuff was ok. I'm a lot of help aren't I? ;)

11-01-2006, 11:28 AM
worm ex and a few others treat rounds.. But are you sure its just rounds??

Yes I am positive. My dogs get very thorough comprehensive exams every 6 months and I get lots of paperwork back and I am sure of what I am reading. It clearly says roundworm only.

11-01-2006, 12:06 PM
Awww, Casey. I hope you feel better. I'm glad you got him checked out.

I once read a quote that was something like, "If I can find a way to make a doggie treat taste like cat poo, I'd be a millionaire!"

Sammy's box his elevated so Maggy doesn't help herself.