View Full Version : Plastic Surgery

10-30-2006, 08:35 PM
Would you? wouldn't you? Have you? ... Honestly if money wasn't an issue.

I think I would, I'm a very shy person and if it meant me being more confident with myself I would definatly do it. At the moment Im eating healthy and Im achieving the results I want by doing it that way but I've thought about it seriously before, Not yet obviously but when Im older.

Opinions? :confused:

critter crazy
10-30-2006, 08:48 PM
IF money wasnt an issue then I would have to say YES!!:D

Rie Rie
10-30-2006, 09:28 PM
I would absolutely have it done. I would have my eyes done, get rid of the bags, I can live with every thing else.

10-30-2006, 09:42 PM
Never. If you cannot accept as God made me, that's your problem, not mine. No amount of surgery can change who you are inside, and that's what counts.

10-30-2006, 11:09 PM
At one point I was very against plastic surgery; so much that it caused tension in a past relationship. However, I have sense met people that have had plastic surgery and have heard the stores, so I'm not as against it.

I'm against it when it's done for the wrong reasons. I'm not so much against it when it improves someone's life such that they are more confident and feel that they can interact better with society.

I guess in the end I'm still split. I'm not totally against it, but not so much in favor of the excessive uses it has been put to.

10-30-2006, 11:10 PM
Possibly fat removal (liposuction)

10-30-2006, 11:15 PM
I wouldn't, I like myself the way I am. If other people want to, I think that's great. One of my clients at the gym I worked at had some cosmetic surgery done and she was so pleased with herself afterwards. I was really happy for her.

10-30-2006, 11:34 PM
Never. If you cannot accept as God made me, that's your problem, not mine. No amount of surgery can change who you are inside, and that's what counts.

I totally agree. I wouldn't do it if I had millions of dollars to spend. No way. It's our imperfections that give us character and make us who we are inside. Plus, I HATE pain.

10-31-2006, 05:43 AM
If I had the money maybe.

Sara luvs her Tinky
10-31-2006, 05:59 AM
I would...

I'm real insecure about my body... and there is one small thing i would loooove to change !!! :( I don't want to sound shallow... but i think it would be nice to have some self confidence... But who knows.. if I could change it... it may not make me any happier... but i think i would take that chance..

10-31-2006, 06:41 AM
I would love some lipo :) Just around the stomach area.

My grandmother got a face tuck done around last November. She regretted it so much, as she was in a lot of pain and couldn't host her Thanksgiving dinner two weeks afterwards. She does actually look better, though I don't think she really needed it. She's a very proud person.

I don't really understand things like lip collagen (who wants your lips bigger??) and needless stuff like that.

10-31-2006, 07:18 AM
I agree with Karen. For the most part I'm completely against it. The only time I think it's acceptable is for health reasons. (for example- SoAndSo was in a car accident and got a badly broken nose. He now can't breath well through it and the only thing that will help him is reconstructive surgery.) If it's purely for cosmetic reasons, I'm against it.

10-31-2006, 07:36 AM
I'd have a facelift in a heartbeat if it wasn't so expensive. Two of my friends had them in their 60's and believe me it took 10-15 years off their age. I truly believe that when we look better we feel better. Who hasn't had a bad hair day or picked out an outfit that we wish we hadn't put on in the morning and hasn't had it affect them a little that day? Who doesn't wear make-up at least occasionally?

Of course there are people who become addicted to this type of thing (Michael Jackson comes to mind :rolleyes: ) and that is sort of sad. I occasionally watch a program on Discovery Health where very severely deformed people are helped by plastic surgery. For them it makes the difference in living or hiding.

Truly it is a personal issue but I wouldn't judge anyone for making this choice.

10-31-2006, 08:12 AM
I plan on having a breast reduction once we are done having children, but I'm not sure if that falls into the classification of Plastic surgery you are talking about. They are a too large for my frame and cause back issues from time to time.

I wouldn't consider any other kind of plastic surgery at this time.

10-31-2006, 08:27 AM
If your mentally stable, can afford it and doing it for the right reasons,
I say "YES".

Michael Jackson is a scary outcome. :eek:

Miss Z
10-31-2006, 08:36 AM
I like the way Karen put it. For me, if people don't like my appearance, no big deal. Sure, I definitely can't say I look perfect, but it's the way I was born to look and I'm going to stick with it. I really think that plastic surgery should be reserved for those who really need it, such as facially and physically deformed people, but that's just my opinion. I suppose it is a personal issue and therefore a personal choice, but it's not for me.

What I really can't stand are these wannabe barbie-dolls pumped full of Botox and their faces stretched and pulled in every place imaginable. :rolleyes:

10-31-2006, 08:36 AM
I think it's silly,

Why change the person you where born?, just to look better or get more attention from other people ... that's not a good reason to get plastic sugery not at all.

This is a good reason,

You where in an accident and your face was the main part of it, you needed to get your nose fixed or maybe half of your cheek is missing a layer of skin, that's what I call a dam good reason to get surgery & not for looks.

It seems the saying ''It's the inside that counts'' is a bunch of crap to people. :rolleyes:

Don't follow the croud that you see out there, be your own person.

I would never get that stupid thing done, im happy the way god made me & if others don't feel the same way as said ... that's your problem, it could even end up as your big mistake in life.

10-31-2006, 08:54 AM
I think it's silly...


Did I ever tell you that I LOVE PIDGEONS??? I think I did...

Anyways, I was just browsing the site and I see activity from you and I was wondering... if you don't mind me asking - How old are you (generally) and shouldn't you be in school!!! LOL!

10-31-2006, 09:08 AM
Nope. If people can't accept me and my old bod for the way it is, I'm not gonna spend my hard earned money just to please them.

10-31-2006, 09:13 AM
My brain tumor surgery 12 years ago had the same effect on my front skin as it was tightened up afterwards. (And everything I'm describing below is just the effect of taking the front skin and sewing it up a little tighter- not of the tumor they took out.)

It also meant that after the surgery I could not feel anything on my head (because they have to cut the nerve to tighten the skin) and it takes about half a year until that nerve grows back. In my case it didn't grow back totally and now I have a spot on top of my head that's numb. I only think of it in moments like now when I write about it.

So I know about two effects:
first: whatever is tightened up must come down with time. I adore Cher- but there was only a short period when she looked younger than her age. And you'd have to repeat and to repeat.....

second: why have surgery on a healthy body? The risks are considerable and many have experienced it.

I would love to meet a fairy who turns me 30 again- but please with my plus fifty mind and without any surgery :D

Of course plastic surgery is a blessing for people who have an accident etc.

10-31-2006, 09:31 AM

God bless you!! I never realized you had brain surgery. So did my daughter, Amy. She was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor on her brain stem at the age of 16. She's now a healthy, happy 30 year old cancer survivor. Didn't mean to sidetrack from the plastic surgery, but I just HAD to let Barbara know how much I admire her. :D;)

10-31-2006, 09:43 AM
Donna, mine was benign..... and I owe it my only experience with plastic surgery ;) so back to the topic of the thread :)
Glad your daughter was so lucky :)

10-31-2006, 10:00 AM

Did I ever tell you that I LOVE PIDGEONS??? I think I did...

Anyways, I was just browsing the site and I see activity from you and I was wondering... if you don't mind me asking - How old are you (generally) and shouldn't you be in school!!! LOL!

I think you did ... lol I can't remember tho.:o

Yes indeed I do love pigeons with all my heart! there beautiful birds if only more people could see that instead of calling them a vermin:rolleyes: , if only more people knew ''An average pigeon can be cleaner than an average human who from then you can actualy catch a fatal desease from ... NOT from the pigeon.

Im 16 ... I think my profile shows my date of birth and year too,

Im not in school right now because my old high school did drugs n stuff, I always got migranes at that school for some reason and I could not study properly ... I swear ever since I left that school I have not had 1 migrane.

Im going to be doing home schooling .... just waiting for my mom to fill out all these forms.

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-31-2006, 10:06 AM
I plan on having a breast reduction They are a too large for my frame and cause back issues from time to time.

I wouldn't consider any other kind of plastic surgery at this time.

Well, I am having serious back problems because of "them" too.... . Extra is that there is 1 size difference between both....

But, I am to scared to do this!!! Have had enough pain already in my life :(

10-31-2006, 10:27 AM
Well, I am having serious back problems because of "them" too.... . Extra is that there is 1 size difference between both....

But, I am to scared to do this!!! Have had enough pain already in my life :(

Sorry... I can't resist. I know this is a serious problem and that "only" guys can make light of this, but you know... we guys are always distressed at the notion of someone "reducing" the size of their breasts!!! LOL!

I mean... we are concerned for your health! Yeah... that's what I'm talkin' bout!

:mad: :mad: :mad:

10-31-2006, 10:36 AM
Never. If you cannot accept as God made me, that's your problem, not mine. No amount of surgery can change who you are inside, and that's what counts.
Karen, You just took the very same words right out of my thoughts!!!

The older I become, the more Seasoned I Appear~

I was meant to Look This Way!!

11-01-2006, 01:25 AM
Well, when you diet your all life, excercise etc, and have a 34/28/48 figure, shockingly receive a beneficiary check from a distant relative, just as you're ready to dig a hole and jump in it because your self esteem is shot and you are called names, you betcha you have plastic surgery. I had lipo years ago as a treat to myself and blessings from my family. Since I wasn't satisfied with the total results, I had it 2 more times for free, all in return for doing PR for the surgeon, as we hit it off.

I'm not a raving beauty. I'm aging gradually, have laugh lines, wrinkles, gray hair, sometimes raccoon eyes. Oh, and, let me add..a sagging chin. Will I have a face lift? I doubt it. I earned my looks. I accept aging with dignity and grace.

But since the lipo, my self esteem just soared! I tuck my shirts in. I can buy a suit in one size. I don't buy 2 sizes too large or walk with my head down. It was that bad, I hated myself, and since I was the only "heavy" person on both sides of my family, I felt like an outcast- I inherited a "bad" gene from somebody way back. Lucky me.

So, in closing (sorry) I think plastic surgery can make a world of difference for self esteem. I don't mean Joan Rivers or people whose faces don't move. There's a limit. Far be it from me to pass judgement. If it makes you happy, fine.

11-01-2006, 01:45 AM
Sometimes there's a thought in my mind that I dont really satisfy with the look I am. And I'm trying so hard to love my look as given by the Creator... :)

but if there's an opportunity to do plastic surgery... mmm.. I dont think I would take it. :D


11-01-2006, 04:32 AM
I dont even want to have the surgery I have to have tomorrow. To have an elective?? nooooooooooo way... If my looks would make someone like me more, then they are pretty shallow...

11-01-2006, 11:52 AM
What I think is ridiculous is that if I had the money I could go and get myself ZZZ sized breasts, but doctors won't let me make a responsible life decidion and get sterilized. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Ookay, end rant. :)

11-01-2006, 12:08 PM
I soooo would love to have the money to do something like that. There are just little minor things I would like to change for me to feel a pinch better. I don't think there is anything wrong with people making a little change in themselves to feel better about themselves. And even though people do say they don't care what other people think about what they look like (I thought the same), but deep down there is always that little piece that does care. But I do think it is a totally personal opinon.

11-01-2006, 12:08 PM
What I think is ridiculous is that if I had the money I could go and get myself ZZZ sized breasts, but doctors won't let me make a responsible life decidion and get sterilized. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Ookay, end rant. :)

I would agree with the doctors that you shouldn't be sterilized so young. God knows what might change in the next ten or fifteen years for you.

And back the original topic, yes, I would get some work done. I don't want anything at this moment in time, but in 20 years, I might want a little helping hand!

11-01-2006, 04:22 PM
I'm not against people getting plastic surgery. I think often people think it will solve all of their problems but it doesn't.

I don't think I would get it done because the thought of surgery scares me! If I had the money, maybe liposuction- but I would much rather pay for someone to make my meals and hire a personal trainer. Any kind of surgery sounds too painful.