View Full Version : Solo pics, 7 & 8 weeks

10-30-2006, 02:59 AM
Here are some pics of Solo last week..

Pics from yesterday coming..

10-30-2006, 03:00 AM

There's something on my face?
Are you sure?
I don't see it..
There, got it!

That's all, hope you enjoyed!

The Cat Factory
10-30-2006, 03:10 AM
Great pictures! Solo is adorable :)

10-30-2006, 05:23 AM
omg, I can't get over how fluffy and adorable he is! I just want to reach out and hug him! :D

Daisy and Delilah
10-30-2006, 06:36 AM
Could you get any cuter doll face??? You're just the cutest, fluffiest, most adorable little boy ever Solo!! We love those perky ears!! Great pics Mom!! :)

10-30-2006, 07:05 AM
Solo is so beautiful!!! He is so fuzzy, and so loveable looking. Fantastic pictures, Jordan!

Willie :)

10-30-2006, 07:24 AM
Solo, you are so adorable! What a sweetie! :D

10-30-2006, 09:26 AM
He is such an adorable little guy! The captions fit the pictures so well^^ If Solo wasn't the only puppy do you think you would have kept him or a different puppy?

10-30-2006, 09:41 AM
I am trying to post a picture of " winny". I am afraid she died of bloat at 3 years old. She was soooooooo cute! And full of it! ( I you get my meaning.) After the recent ambush I hestitate. She was awfully cute. I only got a CD on her and one major on her before she died, but she was a funny little thing!
Beckonridge Hundredacre Woods

Pawsitive Thinking
10-30-2006, 10:26 AM
Simply gorgeous :D

10-30-2006, 11:27 AM
I think you´ve got something on your face..........but wait.......It´s me giving you a GIANT kiss!!!.........lovely boy

10-30-2006, 11:28 AM
Solo is adorable! just precious! i'm lovin watching him grow up. :D

10-30-2006, 11:51 AM
Those are adorable, thanks for sharing him with us.

10-30-2006, 12:08 PM
Thanks everyone!

If Solo wasn't the only puppy do you think you would have kept him or a different puppy?
I'm not sure, but it's definatly possible -- he's pretty dang nice lol. He's a bit shy, thanks to Visa freaking out when people held him as a baby (next time if she has a singleton she will not be near the pup when it recieves attention), but conformation-wise he is awesome. He's very square (Visa has a long body, acceptable in a female but bad in a male), he has a long tail (Visa's is a bit short, but perfect carriage), he has nice pigment and nice coat (just like the momma!). His ears are SMALL. I'm SO happy -- Visa's brother has a habit of throwing pups with big huge GSD ears -- I was worried Visa would do the same (her ears are a bit big, though they fit her big head LOL). But nope, his ears are very small. There's still a chance that they will stick out a bit -- Visa's mother's ears stuck out terribly, and Visa's aren't the best in the world -- but Karma's breeder showed us pics of Karma's half-sisters pups and all had ears like him that turned out BEAUTIFULLY. She says he's the spitting image of Karma as a pup. He sure is a nicer-looking pup than Visa was, and Visa is drop-dead gorgeous so I have alot of hope for him.

Attached are pics of Visa as a pup...Her head is a bit coarse, you can see how wide her muzzle is. It's not a big deal, she could ghet a BIS based on her body and movement alone, but I was still hoping for a more refined head and it looks like I got it! :D

10-30-2006, 12:38 PM
AAAWWW...I just want to rub his belly.

10-30-2006, 02:37 PM
The cuteness is incapacitating!! Seriously!! The belly pictures nearly killed me. :D
Thanks for sharing him!!

My Peanuts
10-30-2006, 02:39 PM
He's growing so fast! He is one adorable little guy. :)

10-30-2006, 02:46 PM
He has got to be one of the cutest pups ever. He reminds me somewhat of a little bear. I was reading in a different thread, you said you would run from a Belgian before a Pit Bull. Lol. Are they very protective of their owners? I really know nothing about the Belgian breed I need to read about them.
I take it you need to be top dog over them? Are they a high energy breed?

10-30-2006, 03:33 PM
oh man, he is just the CUTEST! thanks for sharing these :)

10-30-2006, 04:29 PM
He's freakin' adorable! That has to be the cutest puppy face I've ever seen, and he's so big now! :eek:

10-30-2006, 05:00 PM
Solo sure is a cutie - he has grown so much! :)

10-30-2006, 05:08 PM
Thanks everyone! :D

I was reading in a different thread, you said you would run from a Belgian before a Pit Bull. Lol. Are they very protective of their owners? I really know nothing about the Belgian breed I need to read about them.
I take it you need to be top dog over them? Are they a high energy breed?
They are definatly protective, but also very drivey. :) Belgians are #1 in any all-breed schutzhund statistics you can find, not because of their aggression, but their drive. A high drive Belgian can be a good thing or a bad thing -- for most people a bad thing -- Visa is high drive -- So far Solo is even higher. A high drive dog will excell at things when trained WELL, but otherwise, if you get in the way of a Belgian in drive you are in trouble. You definatly need to be top dog over them -- it took a lot of time to gain Visa's respect. A drivey Belgian will bite their own owner -- we call it "angry enthusiasm." But it's something top trainers look for. Stewart Mackenzie (one of the top agility trainers in Canada) tried to buy Stormy, Jake's son -- Visa's (half) nephew. It's the drive that makes them dangerous. Visa's breeder used to breed dobermans, and she always says she would take on a doberman before a Belgian -- "you punch a dobie in the face it runs away yelping -- punch a Belgian in the face and it pisses it off." :eek: Belgians are the probably my least favourite breed to groom (except for my own, and Marla's -- they have been trained for grooming though). I don't find all of them to be high energy. Most of the Belgians I run into aren't high energy at all, but then neither are their owners. Visa is the most high energy Belgian I've met, but at the same time she runs beside me on my bike for hours each day, she goes on long walks, she does different sports, etc -- I do find that they are one breed that adapts to the energy needs of the owner. And with such a high metabolism in the younger dogs, weight gain isn't really an issue -- putting ON weight usually is (Jake doesn't have this problem, he's a chunky-butt). Definatly can be a difficult breed for the wrong people -- If I didn't have one that I loved dropped into my lap, I wouldn't ever have one -- but I have her, and now I want to help imrpove the breed. :)

Don't get me wrong though -- I've met a ton of WONDERFUL Belgians that wouldn't hurt a fly -- I know alot that are low-drive. Loki only has tug-drive. Jag doesn't have much drive at all. Candy had ALOT of drive, mostly prey drive. Different lines make different things though.

I'd better stop now, I could go on about the breed forever. :D

10-30-2006, 05:15 PM
Thank you for taking the time to explain about the breed. It was very, very intresting. I'm glad you want to improve the breed. Good for you! I would imagine the black color scares some people. I think they are a very beautiful breed. I doubt I will ever get the pleasure of seeing one in person. I would love to though.