View Full Version : Eyelash Transplants

10-29-2006, 03:02 PM
Oh my. What do you all think of this?

My first thought was .... gross! To have eyelashes that keep growing and growing and growing and have to be trimmed. Eeeeewwww. :eek: My second thought was ... how vain and shallow can we get. :( It's a great technology for burn victims, for example, but whatever happened to a little mascara for the rest of us? Wow.

Eyelash Transplant (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15412176/?GT1=8618)

LOS ANGELES - Think you’ve seen it all when it comes to cosmetic surgery?

Look more closely. Eyelash transplant surgery wants to become the new must-have procedure for women — and the occasional man — convinced that beauty is not so much in the eye of the beholder as in front of the eye itself.

Using procedures pioneered by the hair loss industry for balding men, surgeons are using “plug and sew” techniques to give women long, sweeping lashes once achieved only by glued on extensions and thick lashings of mascara.

And just like human hair — for that is the origin — these lashes just keep on growing.

“Longer, thicker lashes are an ubiquitous sign of beauty. Eyelash transplantation does for the eyes what breast augmentation does for the figure,” said Dr Alan Bauman, a leading proponent of eyelash transplants.

“This is a brand new procedure for the general public (and) it is going to explode,” Bauman told Reuters during what was billed as the world’s first live eyelash surgery workshop for about 40 surgeons from around the world.

Under the procedure, a small incision is made at the back of the scalp to remove 30 or 40 hair follicles which are carefully sewn one by one onto the patient’s eyelids. Only light sedation and local anesthetics are used and the cost is around $3,000 an eye.

The technique was first confined to patients who had suffered burns or congenital malformations of the eye. But word spread and about 80 percent are now done for cosmetic reasons.

For many women, eyelash surgery is simply an extra item on the vast nip/tuck menu that has lost its old taboos.

Grows and grows
More than 10 million cosmetic procedures — from tummy tucks to botox — were performed in the United States in 2005, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The figure represents a 38 percent increase over the year 2000.

Erica Lynn, 27, a Florida model with long auburn hair, breast implants and a nose job, had eyelash transplants three years ago because she was fed up with wearing extensions on her sandy-colored lashes.

“When I found out about it, I just had to have it done. Everyone I mention it to wants it. I think eyelashes are awesome. You can never have enough of them,” Lynn said.

Bauman, who practices in Florida, does about three or four a month. Dr. Sara Wasserbauer, a Northern California hair restoration surgeon, says she has been inundated by requests.

“I have been getting a ton of eyelash inquiries ... If I had $10 dollars for every consultation, I’d be a rich woman.”

The surgery is not for everyone. The transplanted eyelashes grow just like head hair and need to be trimmed regularly and sometimes curled. Very curly head hair makes for eyelashes with too much kink.

Copyright 2006 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.

10-29-2006, 04:16 PM
The ultimate in decadence. :rolleyes: They must have more money than sense.

10-29-2006, 04:31 PM
lol I have a lot of chest hairs I can donate for the cause. lol Maybe I could get rich over it

10-30-2006, 08:54 AM
Sad yet somehow I'm not surprised. :rolleyes:

Miss Z
10-30-2006, 04:33 PM
That doesn't surprise me. You can supersize any other body part you want, so eyelashes are just the next one crossed off the list. Sad, really, that people have to 'add' to themselves, but it's how the world works I suppose.

lol I have a lot of chest hairs I can donate for the cause. lol Maybe I could get rich over it

That made me laugh out loud! :D

10-30-2006, 04:41 PM
The thought of this makes me feel sick!

10-30-2006, 06:45 PM
You know, my cousin was thinking of doing this, or getting his eyelashes permanently colored black. However, he has vitiligo, where it changes patches of his skin to a whitish color, and unfortunately was on his face around his eye, and half of his eyelashes and his eyebrow turned white also (he is very dark haired). He is very self conscious about it. Unfortunately in MA where he lives it is illegal to do this, for whatever reason. I can understand why he wants it done, even though it is pretty much cosmetic. I guess it's the same for some people, even if they don't have a disease. If getting eyelash transplants make you feel better about yourself, and you have the money to do so..well I guess that is up to you. I don't really see anything wrong with it.

10-30-2006, 07:39 PM
ewww, it'd be like a permanent halloween costume

10-30-2006, 08:32 PM
I dont see a problem with it, If its causing a person to feel bad in themselves then yes go ahead and get it done especially if it would be a confidence booster, I dont agree too much with it being done for cosmetic reasons but its more common for people to get plastic surgery these days

10-31-2006, 11:49 PM
It may be because I'm a born and bred Southern Californian, but I think its actually very cool!! Mascara doesn't always work on thin eyelashes. Its fun to get false eyelashes for special occasions and they really do look amazing! The singles (not the entire strip) look soooo great and really natural.

I'd totally have this done. :)