View Full Version : Baby Tubby update

10-29-2006, 01:28 PM
Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts but unfortunately they didn't help little Tubby. He is going to be euthanized today at 5:00 pm. His abdomen is so full and I'm afraid his lungs will fill with fluid and he will drown if I don't do something soon. He is one of our precious little bottle babies that has brought so much joy into our home in such a short amount of time.
I really don't think I can endure anymore. My heart is litterally in pieces and I don't even feel like I can breathe right now. I set out to do good things for the animals and it seems all I'm doing is killing them. Why is this happening to me? Why am I losing so many? I am one to believe that there is a reason for everything and that God won't give you more than you can handle but I'm beginning to question that for the first time ever.
Another downer post from me. It seems like thats all there ever is anymore. :( :( :( :(

I'm going to go spend my last few hours with him so that he will leave this world knowing only love. I'm still trying to get through my grief for my Pete Monster, Lucky, Scooter and Gazer.

God I'm going to miss this silly little boy!


Please pray that this will end for their sakes as well as mine. There really is only so much a person can handle and I am at my absolute limit.

Mad Mags Moo
10-29-2006, 01:36 PM
Oh my - I am so sorry to hear this sad news - you have been through so much pain and anguish recently. Thinking of you and I hope little Tubby goes peacefully and he will know that he was loved by you. You are a great person and you do a great job with all these little puss cats who would have had no love if you had not come into their lives. Take care hugs to you xxxxxxx

10-29-2006, 01:45 PM
Oh hon....I just have no words...But you are the most loving person.

Tubby is darling, just darling. Think of your lost babies, and the lives they might have had without you.


I really pray this is over for you and your babies.

Take care of yourself...and don't be afraid to get short-term counselling, this is so much for one person to handle. Your vet might know someone.


10-29-2006, 02:04 PM
Tubby And Tubby 2 Are Waiting To Escort Little Tubby To Get His Wings, And Take Him Where Theres Sunshine , Warmth And Angels To Watch Over Him.
Lisa, We Know Its Sad To Have To Take Such A Sweet Cat In, But If It Wasnt For You Tubby Would Die Alone And In Terrible Pain.
Hes Going To Be Your Eternal Kitten Angel, And Will Cover You In Kitten Kisses.
One Fine Day. :(

10-29-2006, 02:17 PM
This is so incredibly sad. My heart goes out to you and little Tubby. I am so sorry for all the sadness you have been enduring.

Major LES going on here.

(((hugs))) :(

10-29-2006, 02:22 PM
Oh my gosh my heart is in pieces for you, just seeing that picture of tubby, he is the cutest wee puss ever, brings tears to my eyes, i am so sorry you have to endure this and hope some words of comfort will help you to deal with this sad situation, HUGS and thinking of you and hoping Tubby goes peacefully to RB.

10-29-2006, 02:38 PM
Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear that baby Tubby also has the deadly FIP.:( I hope that this will be last cat or kitten that will have this horrible disease. Even though you've only had Tubby for a short time, he's experienced what a loving forever home is like and I'm sure you'll see him again some day. RIP sweet Tubby. :( Please take care Lisa. (((HUGS)))

10-29-2006, 02:42 PM
I am so sad reading this. Poor Tubby, poor you. It is always a hard decision, even when you KNOW what is coming for the kitty and that this is best. You ARE doing wonderful htings for these little ones, even though that gets lost in all the emotion at times. Bless you and strength to you.

10-29-2006, 02:43 PM
I am so sorry to hear about little tubby. He will be looked after at rainbow bridge don't you worry about that. he was loved while he was here with you and you did all you could. He has been loved, and that is the most precious thing that he could ever have experienced.

10-29-2006, 03:58 PM
Oh gosh, it is hard to see the keyboard with tears dripping on it.
Lisa, words cannot express how sorry I am that you are going to lose another one of your precious babies to this dreaded disease.

My heart is breaking for you dear friend. I wish there was a magic word that would help ease your pain.

Just know that you need not go through this alone as we are all here for you to lean on. I am so, so sorry.

((((((HUGS)))))) Lisa

Cross over peacefully dear precious Tubby. You are so loved and will never be forgotten.

10-29-2006, 04:08 PM
Oh, Lisa, my heart breaks for you! :( RIP little guy! :(

10-29-2006, 04:16 PM
My dear friend - I am so sad for you. I am praying. I sure do not understand this.

10-29-2006, 06:30 PM
If tears could bring them back, they would ALL be here today. :( I am so sorry for yet another loss. This is so unbelievable. :( I wish I could take at least some of your pain away.

{{{{HUGS}}}} My friend.

10-29-2006, 06:53 PM
Lisa ~ I'm so sorry for all of this. Rest in peace, sweet Baby Tubby.

Laura's Babies
10-29-2006, 06:54 PM
I am so sory Lisa! ((((((((HUGS))))))

10-30-2006, 08:12 AM
Oh Lisa I am so very, very sorry. :( :( I don't have an answer for why this is happening or why it has to happen. My heart absolutely aches for you and what you have been going through.

I pray that you have continued strength to get you through all of this.

((((MAJOR HUGS)))) --- Meg

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-30-2006, 09:16 AM
I'm so very sorry, Lisa. :(

It is just so heart breaking when somthing this sad happens to someone who does such good for so many.

I, like you, believe there is a reason for everything and that everything will work out for the best. The only thing I can come up with in the way of explanation for what is happening to you is that there are so many more kitties out there that need your help.

Please don't become totally disheartened as this too will pass.....and hopefully it will pass real soon before anymore of your sweeties are taken. :(


10-30-2006, 03:24 PM
Lisa, I'm sooo sorry you have had to endure so many times of having your heart ripped open. :( I have been in your shoes more times than I wish to count, and I have to think of the "what ifs" of the whole situation. What if you had never rescued and taken them in and loved them? They most likely would be dying a slow painful death outside never having known any human kindness or love. :( They knew love however short their time here was. They had warm dry beds, and nourishing food to eat every day. They knew that feeling of deep sleep that most outdoor feral kitties never enjoy as they have to be alert for preditors. I know this isn't much consolation right now, but things will get better..they have to! Kiss all your others and tell them you (we all) love them. I have had a heartwrenching year as well, so know pretty much what you're going through. I'm so sorry that you are going through such Hell right now. :( Praying things get better Lisa. ((HUGS)) Jan

11-05-2006, 10:56 AM
I hate to dredge up the bad things of last week but I really want to thank everyone for their comments and the wonderful feeling of support. It has been pure hell here lately and I really needed the encouragement to go on.

A little note about Tubby. Since he was alone I put this goofy stuffed animal in with him so he would have something to snuggle with. Some pups had chewed on the head section of this toy and it no longer had stuffing in that part. Tubby sucked on that part of it all the time. So I cut a couple of slits in the empty part and would slide the nipple of his bottle through them so could feel like he was nursing on his momma. He slept with and cuddled with that thing all the time. Even after his bottle days were done. We called it momma. I took momma with us when the time came for him to go and he made happy feet, purred, and sucked on momma while he went to the bridge. It was buried with him so he will have her forever. It was one of the most heart wrenching moments of my life. :( :( :(

He is gone now and I hope he is the happy little boy that he was before he got sick. He sure has plenty of company from here to make him feel at home. :(

Thanks again everyone and please keep the prayers and good thoughts coming that this is now over.

I'm so sorry you are experiencing tragedy as well. My heart goes out to you because I sure know how you feel. It's very hard to hang in there some days but I guess somehow we will get through it. The easiest thing to do would be to quit but I've never done the easy thing and I'm not ready to just yet.

11-05-2006, 11:05 AM
Poor little Tubby and poor you, this is heartbreaking :( . RIP Tubby boy.
I am crossing fingers that it is over. (((((Hugs)))))

11-05-2006, 11:45 AM
Oh Lisa, I'm just now seeing this. I'm so sorry. It is such sad news but your last post just absolutely broke my heart.

I pray all this heartbreak is over for you.

Rie Rie
11-05-2006, 12:00 PM
This is so sad and I know how hard this is for you. I'm sure he went with a happy heart knowing the love and care you gave him.
RIP little one,,,,,

11-06-2006, 08:58 AM
I was in acute grief after my Myrtille died, and somehow I thought to call Hospice, knowing they do grief counseling. There was a person there who was so compassionate and stayed on the phone with me for as long as I needed, as I wept and talked to her - and she said I could call back anytime. It might help you to call and ask if there is anyone there at your local Hospice who would be willing to talk to you about your losses.

11-06-2006, 03:19 PM
Oh Lisa, what you wrote about precious Tubby was really heartbreaking. At least he went peacefully knowing that he was well loved and cared for.

How I pray that this is all over for you and no other kitty has to endure this dreaded disease.


11-06-2006, 04:25 PM
Oh Lisa, what a sweet thing for you to do for Tubby. I'm sure that little stuffed animal was close to 'mama'. It had to make that little boy happy.

I'm so sorry it ended like it did............ :(
