View Full Version : to wolfsoul

10-29-2006, 12:33 PM
Here is Chancey and Clipper ( eclipse.) // photo edited due to size..//

10-29-2006, 12:47 PM
Hi borzoimom, nice looking dogs. :) I've never heard of Stalen before, where are they?

10-29-2006, 12:50 PM
Stalenwalt ( alternate spelling Stalenwald)- If I remember right, they were in Pa. But most of the dogs came from imports.

10-29-2006, 02:11 PM
Georgous dogs. Were they AKC champions or shown under another registry? Their names aren't showing up on the AKC registration lookup. Maybe it's just the spelling because the collie didn't show up either.

10-29-2006, 02:14 PM
I think its the age. They only retain records for 5 years.. Neither had any puppies so they are not in the registry. Neither did captain..
Who are you by the way?

10-29-2006, 02:17 PM
They are very lovely dogs. They have a lovely shape and colour to them. They look a bit like German Shepards IMO :)


10-29-2006, 02:19 PM
They are very lovely dogs. They have a lovely shape and colour to them. They look a bit like German Shepards IMO :)

Thank you but a wonderful breed!

10-29-2006, 02:29 PM
I think its the age. They only retain records for 5 years.. Neither had any puppies so they are not in the registry. Neither did captain..
Who are you by the way?

It's very simple to look up any dog. Go to the AKC online store and click on dogs lookup. Click on the breed and type in the name. All registered dogs from at least the 70's are listed there. The spelling must be exact though.

I'm new to the site and my interests are showing.

10-29-2006, 02:33 PM
It's very simple to look up any dog. Go to the AKC online store and click on dogs lookup. Click on the breed and type in the name. All registered dogs from at least the 70's are listed there. The spelling must be exact though.

I'm new to the site and my interests are showing.
duh.. you can also see current dogs on info dog... are you yapper whats their name? So far I am not impressed with your approach.. you seem hostile to me and I need to take it easy as I am not well..

10-29-2006, 02:34 PM

You have 3 posts on this site and are all directed to Borzoimom in a manner as if you are on a mission to prove her as a fraud. I think I know who you are. Don't really appreciate what you are doing. Maybe we should pry into you a little. I have never searched anyones personal affairs like you have. Karen will be advised.

10-29-2006, 02:57 PM
That's kind of sad. Leave one site because of people baggering, and it starts all over. I'm curious as to why they would look up the dogs anyhow. That's going awfully far for someone who is new to posting, and just picks that persons dogs to look up. Her dogs were her dogs and they were magnificent.

10-29-2006, 03:04 PM
Report away! I love to talk about dogs and help others with their questions. However It's my nature to question claims made by others rather than believe everything that's written. We can all claim anything we want; but we must be expected to verify those claims if questioned.

It just so happens that I began by reading borzoimoms posts first because she had posted so many in such a brief time. I was hoping that since she had show dogs too I might learn something from her. Now I see too many discrepancies in her posts to make them believable.

If I find discrepancies in the posts of others as I read them I will question them too.

10-29-2006, 03:05 PM
That's kind of sad. Leave one site because of people baggering, and it starts all over. I'm curious as to why they would look up the dogs anyhow. That's going awfully far for someone who is new to posting, and just picks that persons dogs to look up. Her dogs were her dogs and they were magnificent.
tell me about it .. jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez...

10-29-2006, 03:05 PM
Well, I'm going to have a showing dog too hopefully. A little Papillon, but maybe he's just a figment of my imagination. But why that one person? Shouldn't you question all the one's who show or work in agility ot anything else? Kind of wrong to just to not believe one person.

10-29-2006, 03:07 PM
Well, I'm going to have a showing dog too hopefully. A little Papillon, but maybe he's just a figment of my imagination.
ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.. HEADS UP MIKKI= WE ARE STAYING HERE! now take a b complex and stop this...

10-29-2006, 03:18 PM
Don't worry borzoimom, I'm happy to move on to reading and responding to posters who are much more credible!

10-29-2006, 03:22 PM
Don't worry borzoimom, I'm happy to move on to reading and responding to posters who are much more credible!
Karen you got this???? This person is on something... alert to karen..

10-29-2006, 03:26 PM
Well, you might as well not find me credible as well. All I have are the pictures of my dogs. But with an attitude so rude as this, how do you expect people to find you credible? It kind of seems as if you've destroyed your credit on here within the 1st few posts.

10-29-2006, 03:27 PM
I show too....I think someone needs to question ME, I'm starting to feel left out! :( ;)

10-29-2006, 03:30 PM
nooooooooooo wolfsoul- its not you.. its a problem person from another forum.. just ignore this person..

10-29-2006, 03:30 PM
How do we know you show? Are they champion dogs, and even if they are how can you prove that?....lol.....feel a little better. :)

10-29-2006, 03:32 PM
How do we know you show? Are they champion dogs, and even if they are how can you prove that?....lol.....feel a little better. :)
Mikki is that "person" from the other forum.. But Karen and Paul has been alerted.. Its okay... breatheeeeeeeeee..
No reason to respond to those people...

10-29-2006, 03:32 PM
How do we know you show? Are they champion dogs, and even if they are how can you prove that?....lol.....feel a little better. :)
*gasp* How DARE you imply..?! :mad:

There, that's better. :D

10-29-2006, 03:33 PM
Yeah, I had to. I don't like to be left out either. ;)

10-29-2006, 03:34 PM
ROFLLLLLLLLLLLL DONT WORRY- KAREN OR PAUL will take care of it. .. This mikkie dude is a trouble maker from another forum... Dont worry- they are a whatever....
Anyway- how are you??? ROFL...

10-29-2006, 03:35 PM
I show too....I think someone needs to question ME, I'm starting to feel left out! :( ;)

If you care to post the names of your champions past and present, I'll be more than happy to check them out too. Otherwise I'll simply determine your credibility by what you have to say over a period of time.

10-29-2006, 03:38 PM
If you came to learn as well as help why question peoples credibility? If you have to look up every single little statement that someone says you might as well drop off the forum and just reseach every question you have. Because then nobody on here would be credible, and that would be a waste of time.

10-29-2006, 03:39 PM
How do we know you show? Are they champion dogs, and even if they are how can you prove that?....lol.....feel a little better. :)

I didn't say I have champion dogs. I said my interest is in showing and I'd hoped to learn from these discussions. There is a world of difference there. One can't learn from exaggerated claims, but only from someone that has actually been there!

10-29-2006, 03:40 PM
ignore this person tft- this person is on drugs or something but Karen or Paul will fix it.. Just a instigator! and we know from where dont we???

10-29-2006, 03:41 PM
I was responding to wolfsoul because they felt left out. Not to you. It was a joke anyhow. Lighten up a little. :cool:

10-29-2006, 03:44 PM
lollllllllllllllllll right- sorry wolf- just a infeltrador ( spelling - sorry on meds for my surger but you get the point... ).. okay so where were we? uhhhhhhhhhhhohhhhhh... anyway those two were my belgiums...

10-29-2006, 03:51 PM
anyway those two were my belgiums...

Then answer the original question. What is the correct spelling of their names so they can be verified on the AKC website? What's so hard about that and what's wrong with someone asking for the correct spelling?

10-29-2006, 04:17 PM
anyway- wolfsoul those were my two belgiums I had..

10-29-2006, 04:41 PM
Then answer the original question. What is the correct spelling of their names so they can be verified on the AKC website? What's so hard about that and what's wrong with someone asking for the correct spelling?

Don't worry about it. Who cares, what if they don't want it on the AKC website okay?! just leave it alone this thread wasn't meant for you. Or to bash anyone, because to you its the "incorrect" spelling.

10-29-2006, 05:05 PM
Don't worry about it. Who cares, what if they don't want it on the AKC website okay?! just leave it alone this thread wasn't meant for you. Or to bash anyone, because to you its the "incorrect" spelling.
Karen is taking care of this. And the AKC only retains dogs that produced a winning dog; None of the 3 produced puppies...
thank you though and glad you enjoyed the pics..

10-29-2006, 05:06 PM
Karen is taking care of this. And the AKC only retains dogs that produced a winning dog; None of the 3 produced puppies...
thank you though and glad you enjoyed the pics..

Yes i enjoyed your pictures. they are adorable dogs.

10-29-2006, 05:18 PM
God bless you and thank you. they both have crossed the rainbow bridge and I miss them..

10-29-2006, 05:23 PM
God bless you and thank you. they both have crossed the rainbow bridge and I miss them..

Oh i'm so sorry. Yes i know what you mean about losing a great dog in the world. I used to have an English Springer Spaniel who passed away a year ago. Was with me when i grew up was here before i was born as well. He lived to be 17 1/2 years old.

10-29-2006, 05:28 PM
Once more and then I'm done with this topic. Any dog, not just champions or dogs that are special in some way, but even pets, that have been registered with AKC in the last 30 years is listed at the AKC online store. It's free for anyone to look up. If the dog isn't listed it wasn't registered. If it is listed and has CH in front of it's name it was a champion. If the CH is not there it wasn't a champion.

What's the big deal many of you ask? It's not a big deal unless it isn't there. It's all about credibility!!!!!!!!!!

10-29-2006, 05:28 PM
I know the feeling. .. Its funny they are still with you. I have surgery coming and may disappear for a few days, but I love this site and will be back.. Okay?

10-29-2006, 05:32 PM
Once more and then I'm done with this topic. Any dog, not just champions or dogs that are special in some way, but even pets, that have been registered with AKC in the last 30 years is listed at the AKC online store. It's free for anyone to look up. If the dog isn't listed it wasn't registered. If it is listed and has CH in front of it's name it was a champion. If the CH is not there it wasn't a champion.

What's the big deal many of you ask? It's not a big deal unless it isn't there. It's all about credibility!!!!!!!!!!

okay. then it isn't a big deal so don't worry about it.

I hope you will be okay with your surgery. I will be waiting for you here and see many posts from you again.

10-29-2006, 05:35 PM
thank you almita- Its time for bed for me.. ttyt...

10-29-2006, 05:41 PM
Once more and then I'm done with this topic. Any dog, not just champions or dogs that are special in some way, but even pets, that have been registered with AKC in the last 30 years is listed at the AKC online store. It's free for anyone to look up. If the dog isn't listed it wasn't registered. If it is listed and has CH in front of it's name it was a champion. If the CH is not there it wasn't a champion.

What's the big deal many of you ask? It's not a big deal unless it isn't there. It's all about credibility!!!!!!!!!!

I believe you are correct, but why not let this rest now.Most people
who post on this site were not born yesterday. It's best to take a lot of
posts on here with a grain of salt.Folks are free to believe or not the things
others say or claim.In the grand scheme of things, is it small potatoes.

Just enjoy the other posts & most of all, the pictures of your own and
other people's pets. :)

10-29-2006, 06:03 PM
Once more and then I'm done with this topic. Any dog, not just champions or dogs that are special in some way, but even pets, that have been registered with AKC in the last 30 years is listed at the AKC online store. It's free for anyone to look up. If the dog isn't listed it wasn't registered. If it is listed and has CH in front of it's name it was a champion. If the CH is not there it wasn't a champion.

What's the big deal many of you ask? It's not a big deal unless it isn't there. It's all about credibility!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I don't know if it lists that far back but you are correct on if the dog is registered you can find it. I tested it, and my Papillon came up. You might have had the name wrong, and that is why they did not come up.

I just think the way you went about asking about it was not a good approach. Calling fraud on someone and then asking for a name would not get a good result for one. Maybe if you would have said that "I looked up the dogs name, but was unable to find anything. Did I maybe get the name wrong? Would you be willing to give me the correct name so I could?" you would have gotten a better result.

No offense, but you are new to the forum(as am I), and I'm sure you would not want someone coming into your house (using as example), and saying bad things when this was their 1st time in your home. Maybe from now on try a nicer appraoch to things you want to question, and you just may get an answer.

10-29-2006, 06:06 PM
I'm not trying to start anything, because I didn't even read this whole thread, just bits and pieces, but the great dane that we sold is still registered under the registered name I gave her, and I looked her up where that person said to look them up at and she is listed there.

Her birthdate was on New Years day last year, she has never had pups (and never will, shes spayed) and shes never been shown, nor have her parents been shown so therefore, I do believe that the person that said that is correct on the statement that any dog is listed there if they are registered through the AKC.

I'm not saying that I agree with anyones posts in this thread or am on anyones side. I'm just simply stating what I did.

10-29-2006, 06:13 PM
If you care to post the names of your champions past and present, I'll be more than happy to check them out too. Otherwise I'll simply determine your credibility by what you have to say over a period of time.
My dogs aren't AKC registered as of yet, only CKC registered... The ones from my kennel name that ARE AKC registered, I didn't breed -- my co-breeder did.

10-29-2006, 06:18 PM
I just think the way you went about asking about it was not a good approach. Calling fraud on someone and then asking for a name would not get a good result for one. Maybe if you would have said that "I looked up the dogs name, but was unable to find anything. Did I maybe get the name wrong? Would you be willing to give me the correct name so I could?" you would have gotten a better result.

Georgous dogs. Were they AKC champions or shown under another registry? Their names aren't showing up on the AKC registration lookup. Maybe it's just the spelling because the collie didn't show up either.


"Stalenwald/t Belgian"

Just stating the facts.

10-29-2006, 06:23 PM
A google search can prove much, in my opinion. A friend of mine has a friend who used to breed Flat Coats, and her kennel name doesn't come up at all on a search. I don't know about the rest of PT, but I'm truly sick of people trying to prove others wrong constantly and just being ignorant about it. Perhaps there really is no breeder by the name of Stalinwalt, but you never truly know for sure. There isn't any need to jump to conclusions constantly and accuse someone of something just because one or two people think something is wrong.

Anyway, Borzoimom, your Belgians were beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pictures. :)

10-29-2006, 06:26 PM
A google search can prove much, in my opinion. A friend of mine has a friend who used to breed Flat Coats, and her kennel name doesn't come up at all on a search. I don't know about the rest of PT, but I'm truly sick of people trying to prove others wrong constantly and just being ignorant about it. Perhaps there really is no breeder by the name of Stalinwalt, but you never truly know for sure. There isn't any need to jump to conclusions constantly and accuse someone of something just because one or two people think something is wrong.

Anyway, Borzoimom, your Belgians were beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pictures. :)

i agree with you 100%...i left another forum that i was active on for over year because of things like this..its ridiculous..

they were gorgeous Borzoimom! :)

10-29-2006, 06:31 PM
Stalenwalt may not show up, but if you look at the end of the name, it says De Bruge (De Bruges) which was an old kennel in Europe that generally bred malinois and working line groenendael. Either this dog was imported back from De Bruges (which I do believe she mentioned in one of her posts), or it was registered before it's ownership fell through. De Bruges WAS an actual kennel.

10-29-2006, 06:31 PM
Yes it is. That is why she came here and advised me to do so as well because the people were a lot nicer here.

10-29-2006, 06:45 PM
Can you possibly explain how this comment could be inerpreted as accusing or "calling fraud on someone"
Georgous dogs. Were they AKC champions or shown under another registry? Their names aren't showing up on the AKC registration lookup. Maybe it's just the spelling because the collie didn't show up either.

It's strikes me as being whole lot more considerate than accusing a newcomer of following them from another forum or "being on drugs". :rolleyes:

Well, I don't know if it lists that far back but you are correct on if the dog is registered you can find it. I tested it, and my Papillon came up. You might have had the name wrong, and that is why they did not come up.

I just think the way you went about asking about it was not a good approach. Calling fraud on someone and then asking for a name would not get a good result for one. Maybe if you would have said that "I looked up the dogs name, but was unable to find anything. Did I maybe get the name wrong? Would you be willing to give me the correct name so I could?" you would have gotten a better result.

No offense, but you are new to the forum(as am I), and I'm sure you would not want someone coming into your house (using as example), and saying bad things when this was their 1st time in your home. Maybe from now on try a nicer appraoch to things you want to question, and you just may get an answer.

10-29-2006, 06:53 PM
Stalenwalt may not show up, but if you look at the end of the name, it says De Bruge (De Bruges) which was an old kennel in Europe that generally bred malinois and working line groenendael. Either this dog was imported back from De Bruges (which I do believe she mentioned in one of her posts), or it was registered before it's ownership fell through. De Bruges WAS an actual kennel.
Thank you for the explanation. That's all I was looking for. After seeing so many frauds, it's instinct to be a little tentative.

10-29-2006, 07:15 PM
Btw -- I used the search dogs option on the AKC website. Not every kennel shows up. Johnsondale was the TOP kennel in North America for the longest time -- they had the #1 groenendael stud in North America, his sister was the #1 Belgian EVERYTHING, the first to do this and that and so on -- yet not a single one of their dogs comes up.

10-29-2006, 07:28 PM
wolfsoul would you please clarify what "or it was registered before it's ownership fell through" means? That's a dogspeak I'm not familiar with. :)

10-29-2006, 07:39 PM
wolfsoul would you please clarify what "or it was registered before it's ownership fell through" means? That's a dogspeak I'm not familiar with. :)

just a question here Mikki..why do you find it necessary to keep pounding these people with questions? its ridiculous really

10-29-2006, 07:41 PM
Sorry I just meant that it's full name was registered, but then the owner decided not to get the pup or something -- which is one reason that would explain the name ending in another kennel name. :) For instance, if I decided to get a dog from another kennel, I would have them register the dog's name as what they want, and have them end it in "of Attra Dea," "O'AttraDea," etc etc -- and then I may decide not to keep the puppy. If they don't change it within 60 days of registration than it would remain as is. Which is just one reason a dog under her kennel name, Beckonridge, may end in another kennel name, Bruges. :) Hope I explained that ok lol. I see it happen all the time -- other kennels often have dogs whose names end in other kennel names -- just because that pup was meant to go to another kennel but they backed out.

10-29-2006, 08:01 PM
just a question here Mikki..why do you find it necessary to keep pounding these people with questions? its ridiculous really

How is anyone supposed to learn anything if they don't ask questions? :confused:

10-29-2006, 08:02 PM
Sorry I just meant that it's full name was registered, but then the owner decided not to get the pup or something -- which is one reason that would explain the name ending in another kennel name. :) For instance, if I decided to get a dog from another kennel, I would have them register the dog's name as what they want, and have them end it in "of Attra Dea," "O'AttraDea," etc etc -- and then I may decide not to keep the puppy. If they don't change it within 60 days of registration than it would remain as is. Which is just one reason a dog under her kennel name, Beckonridge, may end in another kennel name, Bruges. :) Hope I explained that ok lol. I see it happen all the time -- other kennels often have dogs whose names end in other kennel names -- just because that pup was meant to go to another kennel but they backed out.

Thank you!

10-29-2006, 09:14 PM
Mikki, you sound like a very lonely person. Do you not have anything better to do than to waste your days, doubting humanity? Do us all a favour, most importantly yourself, and join some sort of social activity in your community so you have a chance to develop proper social skills and appropriate manners. :)

borzoimom, both dogs are absolutely STUNNING! :eek:

10-29-2006, 09:22 PM
ya every dog is denfinantly NOT listed, I looked up Electra's dam, granddam, and brother and not one of them was listed.

10-30-2006, 05:20 AM
ya every dog is denfinantly NOT listed, I looked up Electra's dam, granddam, and brother and not one of them was listed.
Yea I dont know why, other than I was told by compliance in the AKC that only producing dogs are kept after the death of the dogs. I always report the deaths. You are actually supposed to.
Thank you cali- and your babies are beautiful!

10-30-2006, 05:29 AM
Stalenwalt may not show up, but if you look at the end of the name, it says De Bruge (De Bruges) which was an old kennel in Europe that generally bred malinois and working line groenendael. Either this dog was imported back from De Bruges (which I do believe she mentioned in one of her posts), or it was registered before it's ownership fell through. De Bruges WAS an actual kennel.
Yes she was an import. Thats why she didnt have my kennel name on it. She has the importers name. YOu can, since you have the same breed, also see the quality in her.. I still think it has something to do with her death, and notification as required by the AKC. She never produced puppies, Born 20 years ago, and died a few years back. Also- she wasnt born in the US.
I also agree with danegirl. I left another forum for such stupidity. And as I stated to Karen, I would love to present documentation to proof and show how petty these responses got- but I dont know who they are.. Not willing to give out my address as it would be on papers either. As hostile as this post turned, How do I know this poster is not a stalker or something..
Thank you all for you wonderful words on her. I wish I had an adult picture on "Clipper" but I dont have all my photos anymore as they they lost and destroyed by my ex.

10-30-2006, 05:32 AM
Mikki, you sound like a very lonely person. Do you not have anything better to do than to waste your days, doubting humanity? Do us all a favour, most importantly yourself, and join some sort of social activity in your community so you have a chance to develop proper social skills and appropriate manners. :)

borzoimom, both dogs are absolutely STUNNING! :eek:
Thank you.. I loved both of them dearly.

10-30-2006, 08:39 AM
ya every dog is denfinantly NOT listed, I looked up Electra's dam, granddam, and brother and not one of them was listed.

That's the very reason I asked these questions, which some posters chose to take the wrong way!!!
Georgous dogs. Were they AKC champions or shown under another registry? Their names aren't showing up on the AKC registration lookup. Maybe it's just the spelling because the collie didn't show up either.

Every dog, dead or alive, bred or not, titled or not that has been registered with AKC (at least since the 70's is listed on the AKC dog lookup.

But the spelling, spacing and punctuation must be exact for it to show up!

In addition, the dog could have been registered and shown under a different registry than AKC so naturally it wouldn't be there.

Rather than attack the messenger, why not check out the facts for yourself.

10-30-2006, 09:22 AM
and Electra dam is AKC registers, her granddam is an AKC champion, and her brother is AKC registered, and Electras are getting processed. and they are NOT listed with EXACT spelling.

10-30-2006, 09:25 AM
What an adorable two! :D

10-30-2006, 09:25 AM
and Electra dam is AKC registers, her granddam is an AKC champion, and her brother is AKC registered, and Electras are getting processed. and they are NOT listed with EXACT spelling.
No I understand as well. I mean I had some of the top shepherds in the country and its like they dropped off into the abysis.. lol..

10-30-2006, 09:26 AM
What an adorable two! :D
Thank you.. They are seriously missed.. One of these days I am going to post in memorial, but my heart just wont do it. I still consider them here.. Stupid- but true..

10-30-2006, 09:27 AM
How long did you have them and how long ago did they cross the rainbow bridge? I'm sorry about your losses :(

10-30-2006, 09:29 AM
How long did you have them and how long ago did they cross the rainbow bridge? I'm sorry about your losses :(
I got chance at a year old, and clipper at 4 months. Chance lived to be 14 and half. She had arthritis, and one day she said " I have to go mom.." and clipper was 13 and a littler over. She slipped on the stairs, broke her thigh, but it was like she wanted to leave. She didnt even try. She survived the surgery, but fell apart the days afterwards.. ( cry.. cry..).. I think she missed Chance- but its hard to say. Both ages are very good in this breed- but for some reason, she gave up, and died in my arms... ( cryyyyyyyyy... tissues.. pardon me..)

10-30-2006, 09:48 AM
and Electra dam is AKC registers, her granddam is an AKC champion, and her brother is AKC registered, and Electras are getting processed. and they are NOT listed with EXACT spelling.

You can also look them up by registration number. If they're registered they are there. Registered dogs, even pets, don't just mysteriously drop off the list for any reason. The only reason a dog might not be found with the registration number is if the owner and all their dogs have been suspended from AKC.

AKC keeps those records in order to provide pedigrees and other information that is constantly requested from them. They are available to anyone with a computer or even by mail and telephone.

10-30-2006, 10:18 AM
To be on the lighter side of things. Mikki since you're new why don't you tell us about yourself? You're interested in showing and such, do you have any dogs you're planning on starting? I looked at your profile, but you don't have anything listed yet. You can go to the "general" part at the bottom of the main page since a lot of people read that I guess. That's where I was told to go to introduce myself. Come join in the fun and tell us about your pets! :)

10-30-2006, 10:35 AM
They're beautiful dogs, borzoimom, may they rest in peace.

Mikki, must you hound everyone with your questions? Frankly, I don't think it's any of your business.

To be on the lighter side of things. Mikki since you're new why don't you tell us about yourself? You're interested in showing and such, do you have any dogs you're planning on starting? I looked at your profile, but you don't have anything listed yet. You can go to the "general" part at the bottom of the main page since a lot of people read that I guess. That's where I was told to go to introduce myself. Come join in the fun and tell us about your pets! :)

Yes, tell us about yourself Mikki. You're so interested in other people so why can't you share about yourself and the animals you own? :)

10-30-2006, 05:35 PM
I don't believe that every dog is listed on there -- if you check, there is an alternate way of searching for the dogs. You click on the breed and type in the kennel name or part of the dog's name -- any dog with that kennel name or part of the name will show up. I put in Attra and Visa's mother and sister showed up.

However, there are some kennel names I have tried (including the #1 kennel in North Americna, like I had stated) and nothing showed up. Some of them did show up, but only a few -- which doesn't make sense since alot of these breeders had several litters, and all would have been registered with AKC (and most breeders WILL register the individual dogs themselves).

I believe that borzoimom was correct in that they only retain records for five years. After all, why would only the litters in the last five years produced by some kennels show up?

10-30-2006, 05:54 PM
I noticed they arent listed either, and I got clipper from them..

10-30-2006, 05:57 PM
Was the dog's name perhaps Steigerwald Chance de Berger?

10-30-2006, 06:14 PM
Is this the AKC website you're looking for these dogs on or one of the others?

I don't believe that every dog is listed on there -- if you check, there is an alternate way of searching for the dogs. You click on the breed and type in the kennel name or part of the dog's name -- any dog with that kennel name or part of the name will show up. I put in Attra and Visa's mother and sister showed up.

However, there are some kennel names I have tried (including the #1 kennel in North Americna, like I had stated) and nothing showed up. Some of them did show up, but only a few -- which doesn't make sense since alot of these breeders had several litters, and all would have been registered with AKC (and most breeders WILL register the individual dogs themselves).

I believe that borzoimom was correct in that they only retain records for five years. After all, why would only the litters in the last five years produced by some kennels show up?

10-30-2006, 06:16 PM
Was the dog's name perhaps Steigerwald Chance de Berger?
On the back of my picture is very close to that. Sorry trying to read the ink. I never bred her so I dont have another record.

10-30-2006, 06:19 PM
Is this the AKC website you're looking for these dogs on or one of the others?
It's on the AKC website -- if you go to the online store, press search dogs, it gives you two ways to search.

10-30-2006, 08:18 PM
I'm glad you reminded me of that option. :) I just typed in a couple of kennel names I'm familiar with and found many dogs with Registration numbers beginning with SB. Those registration letters go all the way back to the early 70's when these breeders first started.

It's a much easier way to look up dogs bred by any given kennel. Thanks!