View Full Version : Luna is peeing on the floor again

10-29-2006, 09:50 AM
It started the week before last week, when I was cat sitting Peggy after work, and came home later than usual. Last week was even worse as I had to work a lot, I worked 11 or even 12 hours every day, instead of nine, and I also worked on Saturday (not this weekend, but the Saturday of the last weekend).

I know that this could be another UTI coming up, but I tend to believe that she's upset about me being absent for so many hours. The next week won't be much better, and I feel like a bad cat mom already. :(

I hope I can have two weeks off in November as I desperately need a break, but I'm afraid my holiday will be cancelled because there's so much work atm. The entire situation is so depressing, not only for me, but obviously for Luna also. I feel so bad about her; my poor girl!!


10-29-2006, 11:22 AM
Awww...yes, I am sure she misses her Meowmie!

Do you have some clothing with your scent that you could put in her favourite spot?

I know you are trying to give her extra love and cuddles! I am not psychic, but I have heard that they communicate with cats in mental pictures. Maybe that would help? And you can try to send that picture several times a day? Just a mental pic of you cuddling and hugging her and talking sweetly to her.

Crazy, but might help.

Beautiful pics of both your girls in the other thread. :)


10-29-2006, 02:45 PM
The Found Cats Are Praying Kirsten That You Got Those Weeks.
Tell Your Company That You Will Be No Good To Them If You Are Burnt Out.
A Coincedence, Theres A Lady Who Works At Petcetera Where I Shop, And Shes Kirsten Too.and Shes So Helpful And Takes All My Coupons.

10-29-2006, 04:15 PM
I am sorry to hear that Luna is having problems again. Try not to feel so bad Kirsten. Afterall, we do need to work to be able to take good care of our furbabies. I pray that you find a solution to help her deal with you not being there so much for her and I hope you are able to take some time off.

Please keep us posted on the situation.

10-29-2006, 04:47 PM
I'm sorry you feel so bad, but you can't help it. Just try to spend as much cuddle time with her as you can when you get home! Not much help I know, but ((((HUGS)))) any way! ;)

10-29-2006, 05:32 PM
Please do not beat yourself up, Kirsten!!! We all know that cats have a way to show us something is bothering them whether they are ill or upset!! I sure hope you get the time off from work!!! Then you can spend some quality time with the girls!!!

Laura's Babies
10-30-2006, 08:19 AM
I hope things settle down soon and she stops that... They DO have a way to let us know when they are unhappy. :rolleyes:

10-30-2006, 11:35 AM
I'm having the same problem with Yoshi, but I'm pretty sure ours is because we are now able to have the doors & windows open (it is now *cool* outside - our cool is in the 80's :rolleyes: )

I still have no idea why he pees, he's got a happy home, fed well and is happy, but as soon as he smells other cats - he has to mark his territory! :mad:

We have upped his Rx and have the plug-ins going, but he still pee's.

10-30-2006, 12:36 PM
And Yoshi is netuered? Surprising how territorial some cats are, neutered or not! :)

10-30-2006, 12:40 PM
Oh yeah, he was neutered at a very young age!

He was also born feral, but I'm not sure if that really has anything to do with this or not.

But every spring & fall we go through this :( so we are used to it (if you ever can be!)

10-30-2006, 01:34 PM
Thank you all!! :) All I can do atm is to have as much quality time with Luna and Lily as possible.

Catty1, I read about the way the psychics commicate with animals, and I think this is a very interesting subject, even though I doubt I'd be able to do it myself... But anyway, I tried to send Luna some of these "pictures", and it seems she didn't pee on the floor today, at least I haven't found anything yet. Who knows, maybe it worked? :)


10-30-2006, 01:43 PM
Kirsten - how cool!

Luna does seemed tuned into you to miss you that much, so maybe she is sensitive to the "vibes" you send.

Hey - if it works, it works! :)

10-30-2006, 01:59 PM
Yes, I really think that Luna and I have a very special bond, so it may work, who knows? :)

Ever since I read Amelia Kinkade's book, I'm very interested in animal communication, but it sounds complicated, and I never "received" messages from my girls. But if it works the other way around, it's better than nothing! ;)
