View Full Version : Handsome Flanders, Woo woo!

10-29-2006, 08:06 AM
Flanders, you look so handsome decked out for the wedding! I hope you didn't steal the show from the bride, ha ha. It sounds like you have found a wonderful place to live, you are so lucky. Happy POTD!

10-29-2006, 11:17 AM
Flanders is so gorgeous! He looks so big; I've always wanted a horse, and I hope to get one oneday. I hope he is as great and beautiful as your Flander if I ever get one ;)

10-29-2006, 01:27 PM
Flanders you are indeed one handsome fellow!!!

What a treat to see an almost neighbor as our special Pet today!
I live in SE Kansas so we are "almost" neighbors, you see! ;)

I love the pictures of you!!! ♥♥♥
I'm so glad your human shared you with us!!!
Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Pet of the Day today!!! :D

10-29-2006, 03:21 PM
Flanders you are one gorgeous horse, and so kind and gentle. I have always admired the Draft breeds. What a stunning POTD you are! I know how your guardian feels about being lucky to have you, as I feel the same lucky-once-in-a-lifetime way about my now Rainbow Bridge horse, Tim (http://petoftheday.com/archive/2000/February/06.html). He lived well into his late 30's/early 40's, so rejoice in your POTD status, knowing that you can look forward to pulling many more buggys and taking center stage at other festive events, handsome Flanders! :) Hope all of your mule friends are nickering their congratulations to you, too! :)

10-29-2006, 03:48 PM
Congratulations to you magnificent Flanders, horse of a lifetime, horse of the century and our EXTRA special Sunday honoree!!! Oh what a handsome sight you are in your wedding finery! :) Lucky farrier, having you leading the procession that happy day! And what a proud day that must have been for your family, as well!:)
Your proud Mom boasts that your family has learned more from you than you from them! Wise woman, your Mom!;) Yes, there certainly is something extra special about you, dear Flanders! You stand hands above the rest, not only in stature but most importantly, in heart! :) How truly blessed (and lucky) is your family having a best friend in you!!!
Congratulations to you magnificent Flanders, our most deserving PET OF THE DAY! What a pleasure it was meeting you today sweetheart, reading all about the wonderful bond of unconditional love you share with your people and animal buddies!:) I hope you and your humans, your beloved mares and mule buddies and all of your adoring fans and friends are enjoying a very happy and fun filled day of celebration!
HUGS to you, precious Flanders:):):)

10-29-2006, 07:09 PM
Flanders is beautiful! I enjoyed seeing the photos and reading his story. It sounds like you are as blessed by him as he is to be with you. I'll bet your farrier was thrilled to have Flanders as part of the wedding! Please give him a special pat for me. Happy Pet of the Day to you, handsome Flanders!

10-29-2006, 07:22 PM
Adding that the face colouring is to die for. Got a light tan nose against a dark chestnut muzzle (is there a different word for horses :confused: ), too cute. ;)