View Full Version : Update and setting the record straight

10-28-2006, 05:24 PM
First of all, I feel I have to set the record straight about Beans, because I feel some members here were misinformed and from that bad info posted some very hurtful opinions on the board about me. I was going to keep it all in but I have been going to therapy for my depression for years and I am suppose to let things out instead of stuffing them in. By posting this thread I am NOT trying to start anything or blame anyone and don't want anything started out of this. I just don't want this to eat me up inside because I never said anything. I want everyone here to know that Lizzie and I straightened everything out and everything is good between us. I don't understand how me helping a fellow PTer out got turned into such an ugly mess. I agreed to pick up Beans and foster Beans for Lizzie until she could get transportation for him. I fulfilled that agreement. I NEVER EVER said I was going to keep Beans from her and ALways knew that he belonged to Lizzie. Yes, Beans and I did bond and we fell in love and yes I wish he could have stayed with me but I never would have kept him from her. That is not the kind of person I am. I never "cried about it" as one member said to everyone. In fact until I asked one member here about how she lets her fosters go that she has bonded with, the only other person I talked to about anything is Katie. And as far as the home visit from the shelter director, there was no reason why she should come do a home visit when Beans was not my cat and that he would be going to Lizzie. I did not slander Lizzie to anyone, I consider her a friend and I know she will take good care of Beans otherwise I would have never offered to foster him for her in the first place. As I said in the beginning I want to say my piece and this be over and forgotten.

Now for the update on Beans, Lizzie picked him up from me at the airport this afternoon. She was very excited to finally get to meet him and he was such a good boy. I gave her my heart today when I handed Beans to her and I am very sad that I will never get to see him again but I know I gave him to someone who will take good care of him. Lizzie has promised to keep in touch with me and send pictures and that if anything were to happen( which I pray it never does) that I would be able to adopt him. I am sure once she gets him home and has time to rest etc that she will be posting all about him . Beans is a very special boy and I look forward to hearing all about him.


10-28-2006, 06:16 PM
It sounds like everyone wins (especially Beans). Thanks to you and Lizzie he will have a long, happy and healthy life. Thank you for clearing the air. I'm so glad we will ALL get to see Beans grow up.

10-28-2006, 06:23 PM
I was wondering what had happened to Beans and now I know.:) Thanks for explaining this to us and I'm glad to hear that Beans is very loved by two wonderful PT'ers.:)

Laura's Babies
10-28-2006, 06:23 PM
I hope she has pictures that she posts too! GOOD LUCK BEANS!!!

10-28-2006, 07:17 PM
I Think That You Did A Fine Thing In Keeping Beans, Until He Can Find His New Home.
It Is A Shame That There Was A Misunderstanding, And We Hope It Doesnt Stop You From Posting Here.
The Found Cats And I Congatulate You, On Caring For Beans.we Have Given Up Some Great Cats To The Animal Welfare As We Can Only Have So Many.
Thankfuly They Have Great Homes.
Bless You For Helping Beans.

10-28-2006, 07:22 PM
I too hope that you will continue to post. You NEVER did anything wrong (except for falling in love) ;) .

I am the one who does things the WRONG way (dang, don't they make a leash for emotions? :rolleyes: )

So, I will be waiting for a Beans update from his new meowmie, and I KNOW that Beans will NEVER forget his very special foster meowmie. :D

10-28-2006, 07:38 PM
I know I gave him to someone who will take good care of him


The above is all that matters. I'm not even sure what when on here, but you did a wonderful thing by fostering Beans. As Kuhio said, it was a win/win situation. Lizzie was very lucky to have you as a friend to take Beans in during a difficult time. As difficult as it was to let him go, he's where he should be. At least you and Lizzie can keep in touch.

((((((HUGS)))))) to you and Lizzie

Shame on whoever tried to make this out to be something it's not.

10-28-2006, 09:36 PM
gosh, I hate when that happens. I'm sorry that you had to deal with this, melissa. I missed the whole thing and didn't get what happened but did some search - you didn't deserve those slanders as well.

oh my, it's my first time seeing this cutie beans and I'm falling in love with this dude too! I think it's three now, not just two of you, you & lizzie. too bad he can't be split into three.. ;)

congrats on new furriend, lizzie! I sure do hope to see more of him around - haven't heard from you in so long. and thank you melissa for finding beans a forever home. he is lovely!!

10-29-2006, 09:42 AM
I'm glad to hear everything has been worked out and you two are okay now.

I look forward to seeing pictures of Beans in his new home.

Melissa - gold stars for you for helping Beans!

10-29-2006, 10:01 AM
Thanks to you and Lizzie, Beans has a good loving home. It is a shame when people accuse other people of bad things. I did not see the other posts, but I know how things like that go. Sorry you had to go through that.

Thanks to you Beans has a good start in life.

Willie :)

10-29-2006, 03:26 PM
Well Melissa, I didn't know this went on and I'm sorry that you had to go through it. The main thing is that everything is settled between you and Lizzie and baby Beans is where he originally was suppose to be.


I can't wait to hear an update on Beans and of course see lots of pictures of him. I pray that he is doing well.