View Full Version : Please, keep Anita in your thoughts

Anita Cholaine
10-28-2006, 11:24 AM
She has been licking one of her paws a lot lately, and my dad just noticed that the skin between her toes is all red and swollen. It seems to be a really bad infection, and it looks like it hurts a lot. The poor girl always tends to hide the pain, but I'm sure that she is suffering. We're taking her to the vet now.
Can you please keep her in your thoughts? I really hope it's not too serious, and it can be healed easily.

10-28-2006, 11:33 AM
okay this time of year its mold from the leaves. I would suggest washing her paws, pat dry. When she is asleep put some neosporan on it and watch for her not to lick.
I have one but the problem is new grass in the spring. I have my rescue that licks the inside of her leg when she is stressed. I do the same with the neosporan on her as well . I try distraction and she is getting better.. now a bossy little so in so.. rofl..

10-28-2006, 11:42 AM
Poor Anita. :( I hope it's nothing serious! I'll be thinking of her! Please keep us updated.

10-28-2006, 11:57 AM
Pawsitive thoughts headed Anitas way. It does sound like an allergy from grass or leaves possibly. Lacey has that, hers got infected also. Feel better soon Anita. :)

Ginger's Mom
10-28-2006, 12:00 PM
Aww, poor Anita. I hope you can get the sore cleaned and healed quickly. Good thoughts going out for our sweet girl.

10-28-2006, 12:25 PM
Awww, poor Anita, she'll be in our prayers.

10-28-2006, 12:31 PM
Oh, Poor Anita :(

I would try what borzoimom posted~ ( just so I could feel better.)

I'll keep Anita in my Postive Prayers and will check back for the uppy date.

Anita Cholaine
10-28-2006, 04:35 PM
Thank you everybody. :) The vet said she has a kind of infection (I don't remember the name, sorry), and that she probably caused it herself by licking too much (my silly girl...)
He gave her and injection with some antibiotic, and we'll have to put some ointment on her paw for a week.
She's been so quiet today (the vet said it would be normal, because of the antibiotic) but I hate seeing her like that. I just want my active, happy pup back!

10-28-2006, 04:38 PM
Anita will be fine in no time! :)

10-28-2006, 04:48 PM
I'm glad that Anita was seen by your Vet, and I am confident that she will be okay.

Give her a big hug and kiss, just the same!!! :o

10-28-2006, 04:51 PM
Poor Anita! :( we'll keep her in our prayers.

10-28-2006, 05:41 PM
Poor baby. :( I'm glad that you were able to take her to the Vet so
quickly. I hope the meds help her clear up ASAP.

I have one but the problem is new grass in the spring. I have my rescue that licks the inside of her leg when she is stressed. I do the same.

Wow, what a mental picture that conjures up. :D

Anita Cholaine
10-28-2006, 06:21 PM
She's still a bit sleepy, but her paw looks SO much better already.
She knows how to take advantage of the situation though, and she's managing to be totally spoiled rotten. It's imposible to say no when she looks at you with those eyes, like saying "I feel so bad, rub my belly!!" :D

10-28-2006, 06:26 PM
That's great that it was nothing really big. Wonder why she kept licking it, probably was itchy and started to lick it a lot. Glad that it is looking much better now. After that she will be all back to her normal happy pup self.

Daisy and Delilah
10-28-2006, 06:31 PM
Kisses to Anita!! Get well sweetheart!! :)

10-28-2006, 08:29 PM
Oh Anita, please get better soon. Here's a hug, over the internet.

10-28-2006, 10:20 PM
I hope Anita's paw is better soon. Star has gotten hot spots between her toes, too. I bought her a set of booties which really helped her leave it alone while it healed.

PJ's Mom
10-28-2006, 10:38 PM
How's Anita's boo boo foot tonight? I hope she's feeling better. :)

10-28-2006, 11:42 PM
aw poor sweetie, of course we'll keep you in our thoughts and feel better! :D

glad to know the boo boo looks much better! please do let us know how she is in few days..

bellystritches for dear anita & reassure hugs hugs to the mommy too. :)

10-29-2006, 05:04 AM
Poor baby. :( I'm glad that you were able to take her to the Vet so
quickly. I hope the meds help her clear up ASAP.

Wow, what a mental picture that conjures up. :D
Sorry about that one. I edited it to clarify the picture. Now it reads "I do the same with the neosporon on her as well.."
Sorry about that one guys.. I get really tired here lately by 6pm..

10-29-2006, 08:58 AM
Poor girl! I'm glad she's got some meds and is on her way to being her normal self again. :D
I hope she continues to feel better, and gets completely well real soon!

10-29-2006, 10:06 AM
I'm glad that she is doing better! Give her some extra belly rubs from me!

10-29-2006, 11:03 AM
Anita, poor girl! I hope she feels better soon! :)

10-29-2006, 08:06 PM
I'm hoping that Anita is continuing to respond well to her medication and treatment. Her vet seems to be very proactive, which is good. Sometimes we suffer more than our pets do when they are not well.

10-29-2006, 10:39 PM
She's still a bit sleepy, but her paw looks SO much better already.
She knows how to take advantage of the situation though, and she's managing to be totally spoiled rotten. It's imposible to say no when she looks at you with those eyes, like saying "I feel so bad, rub my belly!!" :D

AHHHH, That's Great News~ :o Those eyes do the same thing to us!!!! ;)

( rubs Anitas Belly)

Lizbud: You crack me up!!!! :D

borzoimom: We'll be keeping you in our thoughts as you face your surgury this week :o You're a Wonderful Pet Talk Newbie!!!! ;)

10-29-2006, 10:43 PM
Aww, Anita has those hound dog eyes, impossible to resist! As your hand must be ready to fall off from delivering all these bellyrubs from the rest of us, give her a kiss on her long Dachshund snout for me, okay?

10-29-2006, 10:46 PM
Awwwwww, I hope she feels better. :(

10-29-2006, 10:46 PM
She's still a bit sleepy, but her paw looks SO much better already.
She knows how to take advantage of the situation though, and she's managing to be totally spoiled rotten. It's imposible to say no when she looks at you with those eyes, like saying "I feel so bad, rub my belly!!" :D

Yup! Those huge liquidy brown eyes sure are hard to resist!
Hope Anita is even better today!

Anita Cholaine
10-30-2006, 03:43 PM
Thank you everybody. Her paw looks a lot better (it's not swollen anymore) and it seems like she feels much better too.
She's being such a sweetheart... Giving her the pills is not a problem at all, and she will sit quietly until I finish putting the ointment.

Ginger's Mom
10-30-2006, 03:55 PM
Oooh, good girl, Anita. {{{Hug}}} for being such a brave and good girl. I am glad to hear that it is getting better. They sure do keep us on our toes, don't they?