View Full Version : Misty problem,thinks her panties are a Diaper

10-27-2006, 11:47 PM
ok, on Mistys last season I had issues with her pulling off her undies at night lol she doesnt do that anymore thank goodness, but I have a worse issue with her...she thinks her panties are Diapers. when she is wearing her undies, she refuses to go potty outside on her potty breaks, instead while she is wearing her undies she will just randomly potty in them, she could be napping, stretching, playing, no matter she just goes, she pee's AND poops in her undies, and shows no signs when she is doing so, when she pee's in her panties I know afterwords because she stops and starts licking a lot, but when she poops in them you would never know she did if not for the stench! as long as she does not wear undies she has no problem and she is 100% housebroken, she does this ONLY when I put Undies on her. for example yesterday I did not put her undies on, and no problem, life as normal. today I put her undies on because my mom was getting pissy about it, I let her out several times and she refused to go potty, a few minuts after letting her out unsuccessfully for the millionth time she poo'd in her undies. this has been going on for a week now everytime she wears her undies she pottys in them, I mean this cant possably be comfortable to her, and I cant imagine how I could possably solve this one... any ideas would be great!

10-28-2006, 09:42 AM
If I were in your spot, I'd just have my dog spayed so panties aren't needed!
Is she not spayed because of health reasons?
(SORRY if this topic has been addressed already, but I don't know)

10-28-2006, 10:35 AM
lol I have gone through this question every last time she goes into season. Misty is not spayed because she was chosen to be my foundation bitch, she has got most of her health testing done, she just needs her hips checked.. however do to recent events we think it is very very likley that she has hip dysplasia, her hips will be X-rayed as soon as I can afford it(my trip to kelowna and getting Electra happened so close together that my funds were set back a bit, I had to pay off a bunch of outstanding bills and tabs this month) if whe does turn out to have HD she will be spayed ASAP, if not she will remain intact for possable future breeding.

10-28-2006, 03:00 PM
umm ok does anyone have any ideas at all?

and I dont consider "spay her" to be a idea(not directed at you pict9)

10-28-2006, 03:28 PM
Not a lot of options here. Either replace the panties with an actual diaper, or remove the panties and deal with the mess of her being "in season" by keeping her confined to a carpetless room for the duration, if there are no intact males in the house or neighborhood or visiting.

10-28-2006, 06:03 PM
they sell products to not only uh take care of her, but keep her from being bred. You can get them at petsmart. You need to be seriously vigilant here..

10-28-2006, 08:35 PM
thanks borzoimom do you have any idea what the name of this is?

and no worries, this is like her 6th season so its not like the watching and gaurding her thing is new to me :) besides she is really cooperative..she has zero desire to find a mate, as far as she is concerned she is quite faithful to Ripley(my moms neutered male) she is so faithful to him that I am actually concerned that if she is bred she wont let the stud at her :o lol