View Full Version : Am I missing something or has Angie pulled a disappearing act?? lol

06-07-2002, 07:08 AM
Has anyone heard from Angie recently??? Or I just been missing her on here??

06-07-2002, 07:36 AM
I haven't seen her around either Mugs...And I wonder how those beautiful hounds Hannah and Copper are doing....
Let's all get together and call her...

ANGIE!! Come out, come out, wherever you are!!!

06-07-2002, 08:22 AM
I had just thought about her recentely too! Where are you?

Dixieland Dancer
06-07-2002, 01:20 PM
I thought about her recently too when that beautiful hound Marley was DOTD a few days ago! Her profile shows she has not posted since May 4th. :eek:

Angie.... Where are you?????? Has anyone heard from her????

:confused: :confused: :confused:

06-09-2002, 09:03 PM
I got an email from Angie and she has been dealing with family recently and hasn't had time to breathe, but she said she is still thinking about us and misses us.

06-09-2002, 09:33 PM
Thank you for letting us know, Mugsy! We miss you, Angie!! :D


06-10-2002, 02:18 PM
Hello, Im still here and I have not forgotten about any of you, I think about you guys all the time and wonder what everyone is up to.

Our family is having a hard time right now, we lost our heaven sent Angel Mike my cousin in May. He was 21 and was downs syndrome, we were only suppose to have him for 18 years but he gave us 21 of the most amazing years.

My aunt and uncle are devistated and we have been busy supporting them, keeping them company and keeping them busy.

I will try to stop by more offten, my aunt is getting better and is enjoying some quiet alone time more often.

Thanks for thinking of me and thank you Molly for the kind words I will pass your words on to my aunt and uncle.

(attached is Our Angel Mike)

06-10-2002, 02:25 PM
Angie, I'm so sorry about Mike. I'm sure he was an Angel in your family and that you all learned volumes about life from him while he was here with you.

Please accept my sincere condolences. My deepest sympathies go out to you and your family.


Jennifer & Duncan

06-10-2002, 02:46 PM
Thanks Angie for sharing the picture of Mike. My Mike and I were talking about it the other day and wondering how you were holding up.

I'm glad to hear that your aunt is doing better. It must be incredibly tough to have someone for 21 years and do so much for them, and then suddenly they're gone.

My heart goes out to you and your family. You and Mike will be in our prayers.

06-10-2002, 02:55 PM
Angie - this is a poem I ran across years ago - might you share it with your Aunt for me, so she knows that she's not alone in loving her DS child?

A Hundred Golden Dandelions

Every week, my friend Rebecca and I visit a family who adopts children with Down's syndrome. We help the children with their homework, play with them and read them stories. This is about our experience:

The children hug us, harder and harder, until our ribs are almost crushed,
laughing, grinning, creating the happiest hullabaloo I've ever heard.
Their smiles are too big for their small faces,
and, as we run outside to the jungle gym, their laughter and joy
overflow, spilling onto the earth.

By springtime, their happiness has become a hundred golden dandelions.
Running, skipping, hopping, singing and laughing,
always laughing,
I wonder if they have honey running through their veins instead of blood.

Danny climbs up the slide, bounces on the seesaw, hangs upsidedown from the monkey bars by his knees,
"Look at me! Look at me!" he shouts, and gives a dozen histrionic
bows when we clap for him.
Courtney is twelve, and in love with love.
She sits on the swing and begs us to push her, higher and higher,
as she dreams of Cinderella and fairy godmothers, of boyfriends and
nail polish and pink prom dresses.
Though my arms ache I cannot bring myself to take a break and tear
her away from her romantic reveries
when I see the small smile which rests upon her pink-painted lips.
And Timmy, with his sky blue eyes and golden hair,
clings to my leg, taking furtive peeks at the world,
then quickly retreating, burying his face in the crisp folds of my
Later, though, he'll sit on my lap and we'll read The Little Engine
That Could, giggling and cheering when the train reaches the top of
the hill.

Researchers have found that Down's syndrome is the result of one
extra chromosome
associated with the 23 pairs human beings usually have,
but as Courtney wraps her soft arms around me in a hug,
and Danny's eyes light up as he scores his first homerun in kickball,
I wonder that they are not the hapless victims of a cruel genetic error,
but the children of warm summer days, of swings and slides,
of chocolate cupcakes with cream in the middle,
of icy lemonades in the middle of July and snowflakes that melt on
your tongue.
Clumps of Timmy's golden hair have begun to fall out
(Down's kids are prone to alopecia),
Danny must test his blood sugar three times a day,
sticking needles into fingers which were made to throw Frisbees and swing from monkey bars
(he was just diagnosed with diabetes),
and Courtney has had three cancerous moles removed from her back.
But they never stop smiling.
Their joy is contagious;
their smiles spill from their enfants faces
onto me, the aides, neighbors, passersby, and we watch
as they go running, skipping, hopping, singing and laughing,
always laughing,
among a hundred golden dandelions.

by Sheri L., E. Setauket, NY
(this is from http://TeenInk.com)

06-10-2002, 02:59 PM
Angie, so sorry to hear about Mike, he really looked like an Angel. Your family & you will be in our thoughts and prayers

06-14-2002, 10:39 AM
Accept my condolances Angie !!
Oh Karen , that is such a beautiful story !!! I will print it out and save it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-14-2002, 11:06 AM
Angie, I'm so sorry about your loss. Angel Mike looks so sweet and gentle.

Many hugs to you and your family.

06-14-2002, 11:47 AM
I've heard that God gives his disadvantaged (only disadvantaged in our eyes, not His) children as a blessing to special families; to bless them with love and wonder and to teach what only they can teach. I think this is true in Mike's case for sure. Prayers are with your whole family.

Dixieland Dancer
06-14-2002, 01:11 PM
I believe your family was truly blessed with Mike's love for 21 years and I also believe he will live on in all of your hearts for the rest of your lives. Perhaps even longer through the stories you will share about this special human who had the ability to touch so many lives.

I think it is sad that so many people miss this special blessing from God because of the ability to abort when they determine the child will not be "perfect". :(

Perhaps you can purchase a star in honor of Mike and when you look in the sky you will always see it shining bright!
Here's the link (http://www.buy-a-star-name-a-star.com/)

06-20-2002, 08:55 PM
Thanks guys for the kind words.

Everyone is doing better its still so shocking, we all knew it was coming but never thought it would happen, you know what I mean?

Karen my aunt Diane loved the story you posted, she loves to read things like that they somehow make her feel better.

Dixieland Dancer, I would really be interested in adopting a star, the link didn't work for me though. Mikey always loved the moon and stars, he'd always say "look the moons shinning down on me"

His birthday is in two weeks, we are going to plant a tree in his memory and the star thing would also be a great idea.

Thanks guys for everything and I hope to be able to visit pet talk more often.

06-21-2002, 08:38 PM
Angie, it's good to hear from you. I hope it's getting easier everyday. Please know that I think about you and your angel Mikie everyday. Tell your aunt and uncle also that we think of them and hope that every passing day gets a little easier to bear.

Thanks for the update and hurry back.
