View Full Version : RIP zoe Pics included!

10-26-2006, 10:40 PM
We bought Zoe from the spca about 5 or 6 yrs ago when we all went there to look at the animals and found a litter of abused puppies, Zoe was deaf but very cute and smart, later in the yrs when she was about 5 she attacked my one puppy and i didnt feel safe with her around my son because of her not being able to hear and if he startled her she could really hurt him so we gave her to a man who PROMISED US she would be safe and fine and he would take great care of her, well the next day he left her out of his house and she wondered off in an area she didnt know at all, i even went there searched for days and days and found no sign of her... lastnight my dad had a dream and he NEVER dreams that he dropped me off at work and found zoe in the road, he pulled over and brought her home and she was all matted from being outside but was so happy, i know she died and she came back to visit my father and it was her way of telling us shes happy i think but i miss her so much! she was amazing so i thought i would share a picture of a great dog who i miss dearly!

10-26-2006, 10:49 PM
I'm sorry for your loss. :( You will be in my praires.

10-26-2006, 10:55 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss. :( She was beautiful. was she a newfoundland? (((HUGS)))

10-26-2006, 10:59 PM
no actaully she was a golden retriever, collie mix. im guessing border collie because of the color though.