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View Full Version : Mud Slinging Political Ads

10-26-2006, 04:23 PM
I don't know about your state, but Indiana has is in the middle of political races for Congressional, State Reps., County Prosecutor, among other seats
in local government. The TV ads are the worst I've ever seen, and they are
relentless in blaring out their hateful messages for one candidate over
another.I don't ever remember the ads being quite this bad before. :(

I really hope this backfires for the political parties that use these methods
in hopes of swaying votes their way.It really turns me off. :(

Lady's Human
10-26-2006, 04:33 PM

Candidates and parties have "gone negative" since day one. Look up some of the old political tactics from the 1800's and you'll see not much has changed. :rolleyes:

10-26-2006, 05:10 PM
I can't wait for the election to be over. Each year they seem to get worse. Thank God for the *mute* button on the TV. :rolleyes:

10-26-2006, 05:15 PM

My favorite commercial is from the diva Dianne Feinstein.

She at the end they show a picture of her and her new born granddaughter in the back ground..

The child, now about 12 years old says something like "I'll vote for you, sign me up!"

With all the problems we have had with people that should not be voting , voting, that sends a clear message...

10-26-2006, 06:02 PM
I can't wait for the election to be over. Each year they seem to get worse. Thank God for the *mute* button on the TV. :rolleyes:

I keep my remote close at hand. Honestly though, Never has it been THIS bad. :eek: I really think it shows a sense of desparation & a level of hatred
I've never seen before.I can't even imagine the amount of money being spent
on these ads.

I keep thinking, if it's this bad in ultra conservative Indiana, what must it be like in other states.

10-26-2006, 06:16 PM
here in Orange County there is a Republican running for congress who is accused of sending out letters to hispanic voters telling them if they are here illegally and vote, they will be taken to jail and deported.

His name is Tran Nguyen..
and his story about the mess has changed about five times since the story broke!

10-26-2006, 08:23 PM
Just another reason many people my age and younger get disenfranchised with the whole thing. If both sides are saying the other person's a crook, why vote for either? (That's a rhetorical question, don't worry, I vote.)

10-26-2006, 08:30 PM
[QUOTE=Karen]Just another reason many people my age and younger get disenfranchised with the whole thing.... boy i hope you meant disenchanted not disenfranchised.
i'm proposing that all political ads, tv, print, and radio, be discontinued on october 15. if you've haven't made up your mind 3 weeks before the election, not too much will help you from the mudslinging slop

10-26-2006, 08:32 PM
I brought this up in another thread. I am glad someone else finally see's this.

All of the ad's these days are disgraceful.

Americans should vote FOR things.... not against things. I don't care what the other guy did (it's likely we already know what he did that wasn't good) I want to know what this candidate is going to DO to make it better. I already know what he ISN'T going to do.

it's just ridiculous. It's like schoolyard disputes. I am waiting for an ad to say "so and so is a poopy head and a meanie bo feeney so don't vote for him k?" :rolleyes:

10-26-2006, 08:37 PM
Ha! There's one ad here that says something like "Mr. Politician is against this, and Mr. Politician wants to do that!" while talking about their opponenet... thing is, both hubby and I are like "gee, we think thats a darn good idea Mr. Politician has!" whereas they are trying to convey what Mr. Politician does is bad. So basically instead of swaying voters from Mr. Politician, they are actually getting more votes for so-and-so. LOL

But I swear I'll scream if I get another phone call from somebody wonderful telling me how wonderful their candidate is. I don't care how wonderful they are - leave me alone!!!! :mad:

10-26-2006, 08:41 PM
boy i hope you meant disenchanted not disenfranchised.
i'm proposing that all political ads, tv, print, and radio, be discontinued on october 15. if you've haven't made up your mind 3 weeks before the election, not too much will help you from the mudslinging slop

Yup, sorry - wrong dis-word!

"But Joooyyyyyyce, most people don't start paying attention until the week before the election, see, and ... gee, if we cannot sling mud, what are we gonna talk about?" - signed - your local politicians

10-26-2006, 08:50 PM
"But Joooyyyyyyce, most people don't start paying attention until the week before the election, see, and ... gee, if we cannot sling mud, what are we gonna talk about?" - signed - your local politicians[/QUOTE]
okay, i'll admit it...i'm, i'm...an INFORMED CITIZEN. i read the proposed laws, i know the names of my legislators, i read the party platforms, i send letters, i go to meetings. yes it's true, i even know the poll workers at my voting place and my precinct number(gulp). is there a 12 step group for me? *snort snicker*

10-26-2006, 09:00 PM
I keep thinking, if it's this bad in ultra conservative Indiana, what must it be like in other states.

You may not know about it or haven't heard much about our race in PA, but we've got a nasty one on our hands too!!!

The incumbent Rick Santorum and the challenger Bob Casey had a debate in Pittsburgh several weeks back and it was insane. First of all, the facilitators set them up on stage like 3 inches away from each other. It is apparent that not only do they have very philosophical and personal differences, they also seem to genuinely despise each other. It really looked like an hour long argument - "no" statesmenship here!

They continually interrupted each other, routinely ran over time, avoided the issues/questions and accused each other of everything under the sun!!! LOL! I thought they were going to physically fight. Lots of finger pointing and in each other's faces. Casey kept saying, "give back the money Rick" (referring to the fact that Santorum owns a home in Penn Hills - Pgh Suburb, but lives year round in VA. He home schools his kids through a Cyber school program offered by Penn Hills and Allegheny County, PA has been paying 55K a year to school kids who Casey claims live in VA) at every opportunity. Rick Santorum kept saying, "look into the camera Bob, and tell the people how many days you went into the office last month (referencing his claim that Casey is lazy, doesn't show up for work and is taking the taxpayers money for a job not being done).

Casey won't answer the question other than to say, "he get's his work done". Santorum says that Casey does 2 events (campaign events) a week, while he [Santorum] does 2 events every day by noon!!! Sounds like a good analogy on the surface until you think it through... With that much time and energy going into campaigning, when does "HE" ever have time to "do his job"???

Anyhooo... it's been very nasty and I am ready to vote. All the ads now are extremely trivial and totally inaccurate,unfair and misleading - both sides are now trying to appeal to their base and IMO those that aren't very intellectually savy. Hey, if you know a few folks out there hate army boots... why not say your oponents Mom wears 'em?? It's worth a try!!!

10-26-2006, 09:08 PM
Ha! There's one ad here that says something like "Mr. Politician is against this, and Mr. Politician wants to do that!" while talking about their opponenet... thing is, both hubby and I are like "gee, we think thats a darn good idea Mr. Politician has!"

Is that one a statewide one or local. It sounds vaguely familiar but I can't quite place it!!! It has been pur-ritty ka-razzy hasn't it?

10-26-2006, 09:13 PM
It seems like voting for people these days is picking the lesser of two evils. When it comes to voting for things it always seems like there is no good choice; all the propositions have sneaky misleading loopholes built into them these days.

10-26-2006, 09:14 PM
It's bad here in the Chicago suburbs, too. Honestly, it's the worst I've seen it and we don't watch TV. They mail us every day about the nasty things their opponents have done/will do. They come to the door to tell us. The Republican National Committee calls us every day to remind us a Democratic candidate supports illegal immigration.

Recently we got a flyer with a candidate shown as a puppet on strings being controlled by...I don't remember what. It's all lies anyway.

Only a few flyers have mentioned what they do support and would do for our district.

10-26-2006, 09:42 PM
Those Ads are driving me crazy.Can't wait for election day to be over and due with.

10-26-2006, 11:32 PM
[QUOTE=BOBS DAD] First of all, the facilitators set them up on stage like 3 inches away from each other.[ /QUOTE]

I vote for a Ultimate Fighting Championship style elections.

Five 5 mintue rounds, no biting, hairpulling or gouging eyes.

None of the "what's your position on ----------"


Get out of this choke hold and serve the community you bum!

10-27-2006, 10:04 AM
Sparks, I like what you have to say. Especially since, for this election, instead of thinking "Who will do the most for me?" I'm thinking "Who will do the least to me?"

Take a look at the governor's race in Ohio. Blackwell or Strickland. Both are realy winners in my book :rolleyes:

10-30-2006, 09:54 AM
Fer real Maresche??? or r u jokin'?

There is a new ad out in PA. I just saw it last night. UN- B- LEEEEV-ABLE!!! I couldn't believe it when I saw it. They are really pulling out all the stops on this one.

The Santorum Campaign has put together the "classic" boogeyman is under your bed commercial. And his name is "BOB CASY"!!!

They speak in guarded monotone fashion about the ever growing dangers in North Korea,they continue with the picture of a wimpy looking Bob Casey and a mention of Iran (with crazy looking Islamist extremist protesting in the streets) and a Nuclear Mushroom Cloud exploding behind Casey's photo. They go on to say other frightening stuff (I can't really remember cause the Mushroom Cloud stands out in my mind , but I think they may have mentioned "the monster in your closet").

They end with a "vote for Rick Santorum" (or all this sh** is gonna happen), and Senator Santorum says, "he approves this message".

Sad thing is that some people actually respond to this type of ad. They genuinely accept the inference that if you vote for the "wrong guy" these very bad things shall come to pass. Fact is, these things may or may not (hopefully the latter) occur regardless of whether Senator Santorum or Bob Casy is in office, and not because of their presence or absence.

10-30-2006, 10:12 AM
TN has really had some mudslinging between Bob Corker, and Harold Ford! Thats all they do, they seem to forget to tell what they are going to do for the state, just stabb each other in the back, and tell off crap about each other! It is so awful!


10-30-2006, 11:21 AM
TN has really had some mudslinging between Bob Corker, and Harold Ford! Thats all they do, they seem to forget to tell what they are going to do for the state, just stabb each other in the back, and tell off crap about each other! It is so awful!



i was just reading about that in the paper here yesterday. They said it was pretty nasty and that it also had some racial undertones going on. Apparently Ford is of African American heritage???

I also found it interesting in the article I read that it said that "NO" Confederate/Southern state has ever elected a person of color to the Senate since the CIVIL WAR?

CAN THAT BE TRUE??? C'mon Tennessee... you can lead the nation and the South into the 21st Century. Of course, only if Mr. Ford is a good choice for you and your state!

10-30-2006, 12:01 PM
Who can tell who is best for the state? I have never in my 53 years seen it this bad in TN! Just close your eyes and vote or not vote at all!


10-30-2006, 12:54 PM
We are up to our eyeballs in the mud slinging too. KS is electing a Govenor this year. Since I live right near the KS and MO boarder, our local tv stations carry both states ads. I get a double dose of mud!!!

If someone ever just tells me what they stand for and what they will do, without mud slinging, I'd vote for them so fast the opponents heads would spin!!!

10-30-2006, 01:05 PM
I so rarely watch network TV that I have not seen a single ad on TV. I've heard them on the radio, but, only for Mark Souder and Tom Hayhurst for the 3rd District Congressional race. I NEVER listen to the ads when making a decision. I look at what they've done and read news etc. Those ads are spinning so hard that it's dizzying...

10-30-2006, 03:33 PM
Every other commercial in WI is a mudslinging political campaign. Sure is fun to watch.

11-01-2006, 02:49 AM
I had two women stop at the in the front yard and want to 'investigate" me -to see who I was going to vote for.

I am so glad that I wasn't there to meet them......

I wonder if they were there to see if I was legal... :p

"I am running for my life, and I approve this post!"

11-01-2006, 12:33 PM
I had two women stop at the in the front yard and want to 'investigate" me -to see who I was going to vote for.

I keep getting phone calls like that. I just tell them I'm writing my own name in. I can't do worse than the clowns that are running!

I'd like to take a full page ad out in the New York Times saying:


I know it wouldn't do any good, but it might make me feel a tiny bit better since I can't give them all a whack upside the head!!! :D

11-01-2006, 04:48 PM
Ages ago I signed up for the *do not call* list. Why is it that tapes of politicians are able to get through? :mad: :mad: :mad:

11-01-2006, 04:57 PM
Ages ago I signed up for the *do not call* list. Why is it that tapes of politicians are able to get through? :mad: :mad: :mad:
I signed up for both the KS and the National no call list!!! Little good it did me either!!! I now have caller id and if a call comes in with no number shown or as "unavailable" I don't answer it because it's always someone I don't want bugging me.

11-01-2006, 04:57 PM
I voted early, so I don't have to watch! :)

Although I have to say if I were running for office I would be embarrassed to endorse some of these ads.

11-01-2006, 05:15 PM
if a call comes in with no number shown or as "unavailable" I don't answer it because it's always someone I don't want bugging me.

I never answer a call that comes through *unavailable* either, but these bozos leave messages on the answering machine! :rolleyes: Tuesday can't come fast enough for me! :mad:

11-01-2006, 06:27 PM
Pam, I believe your own political party is allowed to call you. Also the
places where you do business (banks,charties, etc) are also permitted
to call, unless you specifically request that they stop.

11-01-2006, 06:56 PM
Pam, I believe your own political party is allowed to call you. Also the
places where you do business (banks,charties, etc) are also permitted
to call, unless you specifically request that they stop.

I had no idea Liz. It doesn't seem fair though. When we don't want to receive calls we should not have to endure calls from anyone. :rolleyes: I registered as a Democrat many years ago (although I don't vote party, but rather for the individual), but I do believe you are correct, now that I come to think about it, as the calls seem to be coming from Democrat candidates. It's easy to hit *erase* on my tape but still rather annoying that politicians fall into some sort of *special* category and are able to get through. :rolleyes:

11-01-2006, 07:04 PM
Well, I personally try and keep a sense of humor through all the political poking at one another. Its almost as good as a sit com.

Lady's Human
11-01-2006, 07:10 PM
Politicians, charitable organizations and businesses you have prior contact with are not required to abide by the no call rules, they are exempt.

11-02-2006, 07:08 AM
I agree with the sitcom comment. Sometimes when I see a really bad ad, I can't wait to see how the other party is going to retaliate.

11-02-2006, 06:36 PM
We are getting hit with phone call after phone call. I never saw so many *unavailable* and *private* calls come up on my caller ID. :mad: Hubby mentioned to me tonight that these people can actually be sued. (He didn't even know about this thread and so I had to clue him in.) Here is the link:


Luvin Labs
11-03-2006, 10:33 PM
Ugh, I hate the political ads.

My fiancee and I point out to each other "oh look, another political bashing post" and "so, why exactly should we vote for you again?" when they pop up.

Unfortunately, we are in an area where we get too many ads (Northern VA area, so we get MD, DC and VA, NOT FUN!).

Noone talks about what THEY can do for the area anymore.

Its all "my opponent does this this and this and O M G he sides with bush!"

I hate it.

The one thing I wish we could have on the ballots, is an extra choice.

That choice would be "I don't like ANY of the candidates". Instead of voting for the lesser of # evils, you get to choose that one. If the majority votes "none", then the whole shebang needs to start over again with new candidates.

11-05-2006, 02:45 PM
Oh please, can it be Tuesday already so we can get this election over with already!
I am so sick of the political signs all over the lawns, the annoying phone messages left on my answering machine, the piles of political junk mail in my mailbox and even the annoying people knocking on my door on a Sunday afternoon telling me who to vote for!

11-05-2006, 09:20 PM
LOL I am so glad I have Vonage. I have not received one call from them yet :D