View Full Version : ~Neurodermatitis?~

Daisy and Delilah
10-26-2006, 06:18 AM
Does anyone suffer from this or know someone that does? I've done alot of research on it but I wanted to hear from people who have experienced it first hand. Thanks :)

10-26-2006, 12:01 PM
I've had chronic excema, The best thing I used was dermashield, its like a foam you rub in your hands and it leaves a barrier on them but it doesnt feel greasy! its waterproof too, which was what brought it on because I was bathing alot of dogs at work then using the driers straight after so my hands went from being wet to dry alot which caused it :rolleyes: :o

I went to my doctors about it and he said it wouldnt go away unless I gave up my job and thats when I done my own research and found dermashield. its very expensive but it lasts for about 8 hours and you only need a tiny bit, I've tried so many creams and that foam is the best one Ive tried so I stuck to it.

Daisy and Delilah
10-26-2006, 02:17 PM
Thanks so much for the tip. From what I've read, chronic excema could be very much on the same line as neurodermatitis. My mother had N/D a year ago on her legs. She panicked, not knowing what it was. Two months ago, she got it on her arms. Now I have been diagnosed with it. The biggest fear I have is that I've read that people say it takes forever to get rid of it. It comes with moderate discomfort and the itching will drive you up a wall in a hurry. I would hate to see my Mom or me go through this forever :( I'm just at a loss with how to handle it. It's knocked both of us for a loop. Do you have alot of itching with chronic excema? Does the dermashield help that?

10-26-2006, 02:54 PM
Not near so bad, but there is a history of excema in our family. I usually get it on my hands and use some sort of avon therapy cream to get rid of it.

10-26-2006, 02:59 PM
I find the dermashield helps alot, http://www.dermashield.co.uk/eczema.htm it is safe enough to use for baby nappy rash! lol I found it helped with the itching but you got to resist itching for it to help too, its got aloe vera in it so thats soothing on your skin. I would definatly recommend it 100% more than any other creams I've used including the ones my doctor gave me and it doesnt leave your skin feeling greasy

Daisy and Delilah
10-26-2006, 03:56 PM
I'm heading to the pharmacy now. Thanks!! :)

10-27-2006, 12:13 PM
I've have problems with eczema on my eye lids. At first it came and went, but now it is pretty much chronic. Because of this I don't wear any eye makeup and generally don't wear any makeup at all unless I am going out of the house.

I use Cortaid when it bothers me but because it is on and around my eyes, I have to be very careful not to get it into my eye.

11-11-2006, 07:25 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that.
I'm a bad case of Dermatitis Atopica, another name for the same illness, got it for more than ten years already.

The bad news is that is no cure ,the good news is that you can do a lot to *try* to keep your dermatitis under control.

Do you know what causes it to you? Mine is my IgE levels are over the moon.

I'm willing to switch information with you. I have been trhough so much that I'll be more than happy if I can help you easy your pain.

You can post here or PM.


Daisy and Delilah
11-11-2006, 08:53 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that.
I'm a bad case of Dermatitis Atopica, another name for the same illness, got it for more than ten years already.

The bad news is that is no cure ,the good news is that you can do a lot to *try* to keep your dermatitis under control.

Do you know what causes it to you? Mine is my IgE levels are over the moon.

I'm willing to switch information with you. I have been trhough so much that I'll be more than happy if I can help you easy your pain.

You can post here or PM.


Thanks so much, Anna. I can't believe you have had this for ten years!! How can you stand it?
I don't know what caused the flareup I had. The doctor told me it was caused by stress mostly.
What is IgE?
I would be very interested to hear your story about this. Right now, it seems to have cleared up with the meds the doctor gave me. I still have telltale syptoms occasionally. My Mom has had it for awhile and she would be so very happy to hear about some of the things you've done to control it.

Thanks again and I hope you'll get some relief soon.
