View Full Version : Molli was groomed- 8 pictures

10-25-2006, 10:15 PM
Here's some new pictures of Molli today after she got a haircut. It's a bit shorter than I wanted, but she looks cute. I noticed a few weeks ago that she lost a big patch of fur on her shoulder. Now that her fur is shorter I see that there is an apricot spot of fur in that area now. You can tell in some of the pictures.
She's got cute little black bows with pumpkins on them.

Patiently waiting for her walk. It snowed today and it's pretty chilly so she had to wear a sweater.

EDIT: Woops, forgot to add a before picture.

That's all!

10-25-2006, 10:19 PM
Very cute! I love the little bows on her ears! :)

10-25-2006, 10:27 PM
She lookes so cute in he little sweater. What was that spot caused from?

10-25-2006, 10:30 PM
She is toooo cute!! :D

10-26-2006, 12:19 AM
that's so cute!
she looks so proud of herself

10-26-2006, 03:25 AM
She's adorable! Thanks for sharing those.

10-26-2006, 05:14 AM
Your little Molli looks so darned cute in that sweater!!! Just like a tiny little puppy, playing with her stuffy toy!!!!

I can really see how spiffy she looks, in comparison to her before picture that you added.

She's so adorable!! Those ribbons and curls :o

10-26-2006, 06:35 AM
You forgot the cuteness warning!!! Molli is just a little doll. I could look at pictures of her all day. :) One of my RB poodles had a discolored patch on one of her front legs. It happened because she had been chewing on that leg for apparently no reason. (The vet felt she did it out of boredom). In time it affected the hair follicles and turned the area darker. When Bella had a cyst removed from her back the hair around the cyst briefly turned darker too. I would guess that Molli had some sort of an irritation to cause her fur to turn a darker apricot in that area. It should go away but if it doesn't I wouldn't worry. She is just as cute as she can be, spot or no spot. ;)

10-26-2006, 07:07 AM
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW TELL ME SHE DOESNT KNOW SHE IS SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!! And I agree- you should have put up a cuteness warning.. lol..

Sara luvs her Tinky
10-26-2006, 07:45 AM

10-26-2006, 09:28 AM
Aww look at that cutie patootie :D I love those fluffy little ears.

10-26-2006, 09:54 AM
Lookin' good, Molli! ;) Love that sweater you're sporting!

10-26-2006, 11:50 AM
OMG...she's adorable. I love the little tennis sweater.

10-26-2006, 02:36 PM
There's that sweet face! She's a beautiful pup.

10-26-2006, 03:28 PM
Awww she's such a pretty girl!!

10-26-2006, 07:12 PM
Oh my gosh, Molli is way too cute. I LOVE the little bows on her ears, she looks so good after getting groomed! (But she was also adorable before, too!) :D

10-26-2006, 09:30 PM
She lookes so cute in he little sweater. What was that spot caused from?
I really don't know. But like Pam said, it was probably an irritation or something. She's got another small bald spot that is from her rabies shot. Some poodle's react by loosing their hair in the spot that the rabies vaccine was given.

I very much appreciate everyones comments! Molli's blushing. :)