View Full Version : Riley ate a whole baked chicken...when my back was turned

Luka Miller
10-24-2006, 01:33 PM
This Golden is hungry all the time. I can't leave anything editble on the kitchen counter. Riley ate the baked chicken I was planning on serving for dinner. Is this going to hurt him? He seems to be OK, no choking. Just the runs. Should I take him to the Vet? Help...Nervous Mom

critter crazy
10-24-2006, 01:34 PM
Hmmm....A firend of mine lost a whole turkey to her dog, and she took hers to the vet, and thank god she did because the dog got very ill quickly! But being as a chicken is smaller, I am not sure. If it was me, i would just to have piece of mind!

10-24-2006, 01:53 PM
You just need to watch carefully for the next few days, probably. And if you are really worried, at least call your vet, to make sure Riley doesn't need to be seen.

Poor thing (you)!!!!! Luckily, none of my Goldens are counter surfers, but we had a foster Golden here for a month who I am sure is going to be quite a handful with her new family! She was so agile!!!!! :p


10-24-2006, 02:22 PM
Hopefully he saved you the mash potatoes and gravy. The whole roasted chicken thing sounds delicious. I think Riley felt the same way. lol More than likely he will be OK but like someone else said for your peice of mind, you may want to take him in to be looked at. Dogs have been eating bones they find in the garbage for years. I'm sure he will be fine.

10-25-2006, 10:38 AM
Just watch him carefully, make sure he's eating and eliminating normally - the only big worry is cooked chicken bones can shatter, and have sharp edges.

10-25-2006, 06:12 PM
cooked bone can be a serious problem. Did you call the vet?

10-26-2006, 07:59 AM
WAtch for anyyyy distress- panting, trying to burp, straining to go to the bathroom.. I would call the vet.. A cooked bone is like a knife in the stomach. Potentially very dangerious..

10-27-2006, 04:45 PM
I would totally take him in to the Vet, just to be safe, and watch him for the next few days. cooked bones can be very very harmful to the digestive system. hopefully, because he ate all that meat with it, the bones won't rip his stomach or his intestines. for future reference, it's a good idea to feed him bread right after eating cooked bones, as it can protect the digestive tract from the bones.

Fozzie is crafty like that, too! He some how jumped onto a stool at the other side of our kitchen counter (which are high stools), and walked around the whole counter to the other side and ate a baguette & a whole stick of butter. including the paper around the butter. and I almost cried because I had just bought that baguette from La Bou. >;[ but, yeah, leaving cooked bones anywhere - even in the trash can - is scary & should be avoided next time! good luck with your Golden, I hope he's fine!

10-29-2006, 05:40 AM
How is she now?