View Full Version : Kasha has lost her mind! pic

10-23-2006, 05:57 PM
This scene has been repeated a couple times in the last week. Kasha has clearly gone senile in her old age!
She's actually sharing her chair with another cat(Glacier) and even touching him. There was no howling, no hissing, no swatting. It was almost like she enjoyed it. Kasha has lost her mind! :p :D

10-23-2006, 06:01 PM
Either That Or Kasha Is Mellowing, And Realizes That In The Winter, Its Better To Have A Furry Friend To Curl Up With.
Kasha Is No Fool.
Cats Are Better In Twos.

Laura's Babies
10-23-2006, 06:32 PM
Maybe it is the weather! I woke up this morning to find Chester, Amy AND Samantha on the bed with me! :eek: I haven't had that many on my bed at one time since I got rid of my twin size bed... I was so shocked!!!!!

Cinder & Smoke
10-23-2006, 07:13 PM

Sometimes they make you wonder ...

I woke up at OH:dark:Thirty feeling eyes ...
I *boinked one eye open and http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif Boots Kat has his nose about an inch
away from mine ... front paws on the BigBed ...
"Pay me no mind ... just checkin for bed space ...
you wouldn't wanta *move* over a bit?"

About then he >vaulted< onto the bed - landing in the too small for a Kat space
between Cinder, Smokey, and my legs ...
THAT woke the Mutts ... who moved around and mad the Kat Space even smaller ...

Boots spotted a refuge ... the WAY too small for a Kat Space between my face
and the edge of the bed ... He could NOT have been comfortable - I wasn't!
I turned my head into the pillow so I could breathe and drifted off.

Dunno how long da Kat balanced on the edge of the bed ... but when I woke
up later on ... I had a facefull of black fur! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/tongue.gif

10-23-2006, 08:04 PM
Hey Phred,

Don't feel bad. Mollie Rose will ONLY sleep on the sheets. Yup, no sleeping ona comforter for her! And if I don't move the blanket, she'll lick and bite my arm till I do.

I'm so lucky I don't have a twin bed. I'd be in BIG trouble!! :p

Pssst, Bootz Kat, this here is Mollie Rose. If you REAAAAALLLLY want to get ole Dad to move, tickle his face with your whiskers!!! Works everytime! Love, Your Friend Mollie Rose ;)

10-23-2006, 08:36 PM
Oh Kasha, what were you thinking? Touching another kitty? :eek:

Edwina's Secretary
10-23-2006, 10:35 PM
My question....who was there first????

10-24-2006, 07:04 AM
Kasha, it's good to see you almost snuggled up with Glacier. You both must have figured out how warm and comfy it is, lying there butt to butt. :D Now, that it's getting colder, I hope we'll get to see some serius snuggling. :)

Boots! I understand you - of course you want to be part of the cosy time in bed ... it's just that these huge doggies are in the way. :eek: I suggest you try settling in alongside your dad's tummy, wiggle yourself into a comfy position, as close as you can to keep you both warm, then lift your head up towards his. There's no way he can resist that! ;) :D

Your pal,

10-24-2006, 03:32 PM
I betcha she's chilly, too, and wanted to be close to someone warm! That is a great picture, though, no matter what reason she has!