View Full Version : Cats and Leashes????

10-23-2006, 04:55 PM
My husband wants to let our cats go outside with us but I dont want them loose. We were looking into harnesses and leashes. Do cats react well to them or not?? Can they be trined to deal with them ?? How???? I live in an apartment on the second floor so I dont let them out onto the balcony , Call me paranoid but I am afraid that they will fall and get hurt..... Any ideas????

10-23-2006, 05:51 PM
Leashes On Cats?
I Have Seen That Happen, If The Cat Is Trained Young Enough, But If Not,
I Think It Would Be Unlikely That They Would Take To A Leash.

Russian Blue
10-23-2006, 06:06 PM
... Can they be trined to deal with them ?? How???? I live in an apartment on the second floor so I dont let them out onto the balcony , Call me paranoid but I am afraid that they will fall and get hurt..... Any ideas????

Some cats take to the harness and leash like a fish to water, and others don't. ;) You can buy a harness and leash and let the cat investigate. Try placing the harness on him/her and see how they react. Do this slowly and give them treats and playtime so they associate good things with the harness. I harness/leash trained my cat since she was a kitten and we have daily walks in the backyard when the weather permits.

I read that you're in an apartment. The easier and safer method would be to screen in your balcony. Many people use a chicken wire type mesh to attach from ceiling to floor to prevent any possible escape. Then you can place cat condos out on the balcony for a great view for the cats.

I'd be worried to take a cat on a leash out to a public area (rather than an enclosed backyard). Any number of things could scare the cat and you might not be able to keep the cat safe (off leash dogs running up, noises, if cat escapes from harness/leash etc.)

10-23-2006, 06:20 PM
We have had mixed results. Our kittes have the walking jackets. http://www.hdw-inc.com/walkingjackets.htm

Halo will walk a few feet then lie down. Cammie goes limp and pretends to be paralyzed until we pick her up. Pepper rolls and rolls and plays until she's tangled up. So, I wouldn't exactly say she walks in it. :p

Laura's Babies
10-23-2006, 06:46 PM
I trained one of mine to a harness because I was traveling with him. I got him use to it by putting it on him inside for a few minutes at a time, increasing the time as he got use to it. Once he was use to it, I added the lease and let him drag it around while.

I think the balcony idea with the chicken wire is the safest bet for you and your baby.

Edwina's Secretary
10-23-2006, 07:30 PM
I've trained both Edwina and Eddie to wear a harness...and wear a leash (I won't say "walk" on a leash though.... ;) ;) ) Actually...it is the walking jacket. When I first put it on...they would do a performance. Eddie still does sometimes....until he see something interesting then he forgets it is there and trots off....

And they both hang out on the second floor balcony off my bedroom without any problem. They even use the railing as a balance beam.

But they are too old for silly things like jumping off!

Here's Eddie in his harness and leash....talking to a neighbor....

and balancing

and hanging out...or over....

10-23-2006, 08:02 PM
Mr. Amber Cat, "Amber," was my first cat. He was an outdoor little one I took in shortly after I moved into my apt. in RI. I lived on the 3rd floor, had a balcony. Amber did NOT like being indoors, and he made that very clear.
For the 8 years he lived with me, we had to walk around the apt. building TWICE. Not once, not three times. TWICE. He was VERY into routines, that boy. He made a fuss until I agreed to take him out; then he sat calmly while I put on the harness and leash. I always carried him out of the apt. and down the stairs, putting him down once we were outside. I did not want him to learn it was OK to walk out the apt. door! Once outside, off he went. I was ignored, and he did what I called his "tiger in the wild" performance. I was expected to be invisible, and QUIET. He had certain places he HAD to sniff, stops we had to make, gutter pipes which HAD to be peered up. If my sneakers scrunched on some sand in the parking lot, he would look over his shoulder and it was clear I was NOT to make any noise again! We had to make this walk no matter the weather: burning hot summer sun, snow, sleet, rain and ice. Once per day, more if he could "talk" me into it. But he was insistent about once per day. I let him walk in the building and up the stairs to ur apt. He ran up and I usually and to rush to keep up.

All my cats are used to harness and leash. Some walk, others won't. Get a "figure 8" harness or, if you can afford it, the "H" is the best, it has two snap closures. I have had cats slip out of Figure 8 harnesses, but never the "H" type harness.

The cat needs to adapt to the harness. The first few times you put it on, the cat will paralyze, roll over on the floor, maybe try to get it off. Start with 3 minutes, work up to 5, depends how the cat reacts. Then eventually the cat will start walking in a low-to-the-ground slink, as if s/he is carrying a 100 pound weight!!! Too funny. They WILL get used to it, especially if the cat WANTS to go out and learns to enjoy outdoor time.

I use the 10 foot retractable leashes. That way, I can keep the cat in close to me if I feel I need to, let them wander and poke if it seems OK. Sometimes I would stand talking with a neighbor; the cat wanted to sniff the bushes a few feet away. You have to learn to keep it untangled from bushes and shrubs as the cat rubs its face on the lower branches.

I often took 2 cats, Amber and Sparkle. Sparkle mostly wanted to be carried. She would walk a short time then I had to pick her up. Back then, Vita wanted nothing to do with it, she was even nervous out in the hallway of the apt. buidling - too much open space. She needed walls and a roof over her head. Chestnut didn't mind the paths and parking area, but refused to walk on the grass, he didn't like the feel of it on his toes! (Since I bought my house and moved 4 years ago, they have all adapted to the backyard and LOVE it out there.)

Problems I encountered were not from loose dogs, but from cats!! People let their cats out loose, and they would wander over and want to visit, meet, etc. Amber tried to chase all of them off. He would start this siren sound which grew in loudness and pitch, up the scale, and pounce or chase them at the high note. I would have to try and draw him away and shoo the other cat to go in a different direction. If this does happen, do NOT try to hold or pick up your cat. Drag him along on the leash and do not touch him until he has calmed down.

Balcony. I was on the third floor. Well, I guess you would call it 2.5, the lower level was below ground with their windows at ground level. I bought one of those panels you can put between the slider door and the door frame. It has a pet door in the bottom. My cats were in and out most all the time. If the weather was fine, I often went out and left it open so they could enjoy the balcony. They did enjoy walking on top of the railing, which always made me VERY nervous. I kept a string of bells hanging on the door handle. Amber learned to "ring those bells" anytime the door was closed and he wanted to go out on the balcony.

None of my cats ever jumped down. But the woman on the second floor, her cat not only jumped down but, after roaming about for hours, climbed up on the metal railing of the entry door and from that jumped up onto the balcony! So that cat came and went when he wanted to. She had bells on the OUTSIDE of her slider door so he could let her know when he was back and wanted IN.

However. When little Chestnut moved in with us, Amber pushed him off the balcony 2 different times. Fortunately we had a row of evergreens below. I would come home from work and as I passed, the bush meowed at me! The first time I couldn't figure out WHAT I was hearing! I was startled to find my little tiny kitten in there, and I thought he fell off. The older woman next door told me Amber was pushing him off, after it happened a second time.
She happened to be out on her balcony and tried hollering to Amber to stop but he just went ahead and pushed the baby off. So I had to either leave the door closed all day, or leave Chestnut closed in a bedroom. Once Chestnut got bigger, this didn't happen anymore.

10-23-2006, 08:19 PM
I walk my cat every day with his collar and leash. His walking collar is a small dog's collar as the cat ones are too fragile.

10-23-2006, 08:35 PM
My Harry is fine on a harness - my Pouncer is Houdini and gets out of one in a few seconds. My Pouncer also fell off the second floor balcony several times. My guys are plenty happy though without going outside at all.. Pouncer saw to it that nobody has access to the balcony anymore.

10-23-2006, 08:40 PM
and balancing


I swore that was my Prince. lol No matter the age of a cat the ones who enjoy the out doors can be trained to wear a harness. Some can take a really long time to get used to it but it can happen. Psycho's was 5 the first time she wore one. And now she cries at teh door to go out. Will wait patiently while you put it on and then out she goes. She will also sit and cry at teh door when she wants to come in too. Prince got used to wearing one when he was about a year old. I started him on it because his brother had been poisoned. So no more outside cats for me. They are now strictly indoors except when they are out on a tether and harness. Peace is still getting used to one. He will lay on the ground for about 5 or 10 minutes and then his curiosity will get eh best of him and he is up and exploring. When he is done he has already learned to come to the door and cry to be let in.

Sheena is on the other side of the door watching him










10-23-2006, 08:55 PM
my cat gos out on a harnesses and leashe

10-26-2006, 01:42 PM
My Naranj and P. K. both go out on a harness and leash. In fact, if I DON'T take kitties walking at the same time every day, trust me; I hear about it. I started training Naranj when he was a kitten and now he can see me get the leash and harness, even if I'm just moving things around and he will run to the door, grab for the door knob and start yowling. You'd think the cat was dying! LOL So needless to say, we go walking sometimes when meowmie doesn't want to!

10-26-2006, 02:56 PM
Cocoa Kitty was an adult cat when I trained him to wear a leash. He doesn't cover a lot of ground like a dog, he wanders around and sniffs things and sometimes lays down. I don't lead the cat like you would a dog, I let him go where he wants.

He is allowed to go without a leash in our yard, but in the neighborhood he has been spooked by a noise and ran, so I was glad I had some control over him. Also he is very frightened of dogs, so I try to walk him when there aren't any, and also it keeps him from investigating what I don't want to.

First get the cat used to the harness with treats, pets, and praises. Do the same with the leash (should go faster) then go outside. It is a nice way to give your pet additional exercise and stimulation without compromising on safety.

10-26-2006, 03:58 PM
Thank you everyone!! I made my husband read these. He doesn't think I am too crazy anymore.lol All of you furrbabies are beautiful!!

Mad Mags Moo
10-18-2008, 10:55 AM
Long time no post!
Got a question for you all - new client of mine wants to get a harness for her new kitten (4 months old - British Short Hair) - can you recommend the best ones to use - need company in UK or able to get it to UK - thanks!
Bubble and Squeak are both fine and we now have 3 ferrets - Morris, Tinkerbelle (Tinks for short) and Diesel. We had our other old boy Stanley put to sleep in August:(

Edwina's Secretary
10-18-2008, 11:13 AM
I believe these to be the best. http://www.hdw-inc.com/walkingjackets.htm

As to whether you can get them shipped to the UK...you'll have to ask!