View Full Version : UPDATE: All is well!!!!!... NEED EMERGENCY advice!! its about my Rosie (spider)

10-23-2006, 03:21 PM
UPDATE: THANK GOODNESS it was all a horrible mistake!!!!!!!!!! Chad & I talked to rose for a good hour. Francois made everything seem far worse then it was & he led me on. Rose was never mad at me & the lock wasn't changed, it was just dirty so my key didn't work.. I feel sooooo stupid now :(
I have Lilly here with me right now regardless. The rats look like hell, but they'll be ok in a couple days. Lilly looks ok, but I have to go & buy her a couple crickets tomorrow. Her bedding came in today!! so ya... I feel like an ass.. but I love my critters so much & the way Francois treated us last time I thought what I found had caused WW3... turns out Rose didn't even care & was mad at how Francois went about it scaring me... grrrr so all is well, I got my hug from Rose :D

ya I know wrong section but its an emergency & there is more activity in this section.

I can't go into full details no time (not kidding). I've been locked out of my place.. my landlady changed the locks on me! Shes breaking the law, so no worries about what I did, its that damn Francois!!! damn coke head!!!!OMFG I HATE HIM!!!!

anyway, my pets are trapped in my apt & starving (I took Axle with me last week, as I had this horrid feeling & he was the only one I could take at that time). I'm GOING to get in tonight & Lilly is on my priority list, as shes really late for her meal (I'm praying shes not already dead).. I ordered special bedding for her, but its still not in (I'm sure Francois had something to do with it!!!) So I need to know will Aspen shavings be ok for a few weeks?? Where I'm moving her is a cool basement, but my tank has a heat pad, I just have NO beding, so i can't move her yet

I'm sooo F'ed & stresed like you have no idea!! I think my rats are already dead or atleast ill from having no food water for several days (if they are alive, I will feed them slowly a rich meal & lots of vitamins, mineral & cottage cheese)...

My fish are ok as they can go nearly 2 weeks & will be ok with no food.. its not good, but I'm not worried about their health right now... Lilly & the rats (only 2) are my top priority to get out...

If ANY & I mean ANY of my pets are dead, theree will be hell to pay.. I'm paying Rose under the table, but I was smart.. paid by cheque & wrote rent on them! I will claim the rent on my tax's & will F her over if I have to... I can play VERY VERY VERY dirty right now & will bankrupt her, cause I KNOW she cannot afford to pay taxes on my rent! I'm only a monster when I have to be.. Yes I'm angrier then hell.. my babies are suffering in my PAID HOME!! I've been ill all day & have horrid hotflashes... my gut is twisting & in a lot of pain... I haven't been MAD in a very loong time... I have a LOT of support & lots of friends with $ & that know the law... I'm in a HULK SMASH mood :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

OMG my dad just called to tell me the police wont help me yet, because of they type of dispute (private).. he said hes already seen theis kind of BS... OMG I don't want my pets to die!!!

10-23-2006, 03:26 PM
Call the police and tell them she has your animals, I am sure they would meet you out there to get your pets. Call and give that address and say someone is being hurt...once they are there you can get there help to get the animals.

10-23-2006, 03:28 PM
Can you call an animal protection agency, like our Humane Society, to report that your pets aren't able to get any food and water? THAT should get some immediate help for THEM anyway! Do the police realize that there are pets inside that can't get food and water?!?!?!?


10-23-2006, 03:31 PM
Call the police and tell them she has your animals, I am sure they would meet you out there to get your pets. Call and give that address and say someone is being hurt...once they are there you can get there help to get the animals.

I can be charged with a false police call... I can't get charged, I'll loose my job, then I wont be able to care for the animals at all... The police don't care about he pets.. here in Canada Pets have no rights.. so unless I can prove they are starving (which I can't) there is shit all I can do...

I'll cause a scene if I have to.. I'll yell at the top of my lungs, until the neighbours come out.. I will destroy Rose in the end... I now I'll loose some & prob a lot of my things, but nobody puts my pets in harms way.. When my mom killed my dog I called the police on her & made a police report...it didn't go anywhere cause pets have no F'en rights!!!

10-23-2006, 03:37 PM
Oh my gosh. :( I can't believe anyone would do that to you.I will say a prayer that you can get into your apt.in time.

10-23-2006, 03:37 PM
:confused: Where are you right now? Sorry, but I'm kinda confused. You're pets are locked in your apt..... (just go break a window, or pry open a window. )

If you wanna be less violent, I second what Soapets said, OSPCA are usually quite good at "comming when called." They, hey, be hopeful, maybe your landlord will get fined. Locking you out and animal cruelty.

10-23-2006, 03:41 PM
I know you don't have time for reading any of this but some stuff on locking people out without cause ...

From http://www.orht.gov.on.ca/userfiles/HTML/nts_3_5228_1.html & http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/DBLaws/Statutes/English/97t24_e.htm#BK27:

23. (1) A landlord shall not alter the locking system on a door giving entry to a rental unit or residential complex or cause the locking system to be altered during the tenant’s occupancy of the rental unit without giving the tenant replacement keys.


(2) A tenant shall not alter the locking system on a door giving entry to a rental unit or residential complex or cause the locking system to be altered during the tenant’s occupancy of the rental unit without the consent of the landlord. 1997, c. 24, s. 23.


Q11: Can the landlord lock me out of my apartment?
A11: If no "Eviction Order" has been issued by the Tribunal, no. If an "Eviction Order" has been issued, then the Sheriff can have the locks changed but the landlord can not do it themselves.

Unscrupulous landlords may break the law and lock you out. You must immediately contact the police and get legal advice from your lawyer or local legal clinic.

Q21: If the landlord or their employee(s) are harassing or threatening me, what should I do?
A21: You should immediately contact your lawyer, community legal clinic, or OCAP.

Call a Lawyer... some will do a comp for first assessment - but get the opinion asap if you can. Please let me know if I can help in anyway - PM me if theres anything I can do.

10-23-2006, 03:46 PM
Try them for advice ...

Mississauga Community Legal Services
130 Dundas Street East
Suite 504
Mississauga L5A 3V8
Telephone: (905) 896-2052
Fax: (905) 273-4255
Location on map: 159
(map opens in a new window)

(from: http://www.acto.ca/english/acto_content.php?topic=9&sub=0 and http://www.legalaid.on.ca/en/getting/area.asp)

10-23-2006, 03:51 PM
Oh no!

Can you maybe go out and get something to break the lock?
The police cant do anything you need to get your pets out, or call the spca or something.

Canada really dose suck when it comes to things like this, it drives me nuts!!!!
I wish I lived just a little closer to you so I could ome help, but of course my mom wouldnt drive me:mad: :rolleyes:

10-23-2006, 03:55 PM
Thank you so much everyone.. I will do my damnest to get in tonight!! If I cannot get in, I will come back & will ask for more help, but after I call the police & scream infront of her house to make a scene to get her neighbours going! Her neighbours already HATE Francois & the police already know him... So I don't mind raising hell.

I will even preach Bible stuff.. shes VERY religious & I know I will hit a nerve if I scream your going to hell or something... I will provale!

I'm leaving work now, so I wont be able to update for many hours... OMG I feel so horrible ill.

I'm so glad I atleast have Axle.. OMG I don't know what I'd do if I didn't aleast have him out of that apt, before I called the police... I learned after I moved to "this" city thats he's illegal here.. So I called the animal welfare law type people (I totally forget who they were).. they told me unless they get a complaint, I can keep him cause they looked at my website & saw I had him as a kid (kids can legaly have one & it illegal to set them free, so I'm stuck with him) & take great care of him & hes truely a loved pet... but the police could have taken him if they were in a bitch of a mood or something... I'm so glad I fallowed my gut last week.. something told me to GET HIM OUT.

10-23-2006, 03:57 PM
Oh no!

Can you maybe go out and get something to break the lock?
The police cant do anything you need to get your pets out, or call the spca or something.

Canada really dose suck when it comes to things like this, it drives me nuts!!!!
I wish I lived just a little closer to you so I could ome help, but of course my mom wouldnt drive me:mad: :rolleyes:

don't worry about it, its the thought that counts.. I have 2 guys that are going to help me move out & honestly 2 people can't fit in my mastch box apt & we're going to be 3... I think I'll just ask Chad to help & keep andrew at my new place & he can make room for me in the basement to put all my things...

10-23-2006, 04:22 PM
Could you please just use OMG instead of OMFG! because I belive in god my self sure I swear alot and say shit, but I never use gods name in vain and when ever someone else uses it I get soo pissed off.....sorry I know your realy angry but im just like that. :o

Anyway, I hope you can get somthing done FAST! I don't want any of your poor animals to suffer because of this stupid lady who lucked the door, if it where my place I would get somthing and chop the freaking door down! :mad: actualy you should do that right now!!! who cares if she calls the police, your animals are more important than anything and right now they need your care...any longer and they could pay the price from that retarded lady! :mad:

Grrrr... lemme at her!!! Ill smack her and scream so loud at her HOW on earth could she do such a thing, HA if she was realy of god she would know that your pets are part of gods creatures....religious ha my ass she is after hearing this bull sh**!!!!. :mad:

I just hope your little pets are ok! :(

10-23-2006, 06:45 PM
I freakin hate people like that. If even just one of yourpets desn't make it, that person should starve to death like the animal had to![sorry if i'm kinda being really mean,but COME ON! animals are more important lol] Ireally hope they're all okay!