View Full Version : Too quiet.

06-06-2002, 01:09 PM
It is so weird. Presley is my shadow, She follows me everywhere. I don't get to her the sounds of her paws on the carpet and the tick tick tick noise on her nails on the tile floor. I vacummed and while i was i snickered to myself because this is the first time in a long time i havn't had this big dog barking and growling at the vacumm (thought it would be safe to do this while she wasn't here as the next few days i'm sure will be hard on her and less noise the better!). I didn't have a dog begging for a chunk of my bagel this morning or a piece of banana. It is so quiet in the house. The cats are looking for her. When we got home last night and Presley wasn't with us they were both just sitting there looking at us and wandering around all lost. Even our old cat Pewter slept in Presley's crate and she acts like she hates Presley!!! I find it amazing how she fits into our family and how her being gone not even a day has left us all feeling a bit lost. Never mind that i'm going crazy with worry as they have not called yet!!!! I give them a hour and then i'll call.
Has anyone else ever noticed how much different things are without your sweet pups around?
geeze i can't wait to pick her up!!!

06-06-2002, 01:34 PM
Melissa, I know exactely what you mean. When I take the dogs to the groomers, it seems so strange in the house. I usually take them and then go to work, and pick them up later in the evening. So when I come home from work, I go to let them in the house, oh yeah...they aren't here! It would be so strange to not have our 4 legged friends underfoot, no matter how much trouble they get into or get on our nerves. I would not give up my furbies for all the money in the world!

06-06-2002, 03:08 PM
Without my two pups around, it is way too quiet.

Over Easter, I went out of town, and had to board them. I got home on Easter, but the vet is closed on Sunday. I had to sleep in an empty place that night. Besides my dogs, I was living alone, so it was kinda scary. I missed them so much, I went and picked them up on my lunch break on Monday. Puppers are the best-est company a girl ever had.

06-06-2002, 03:37 PM
You're so right Melissa, and everyone! I know that every moment away from Presely is an hour! I too can't wait to hear the good news, "She's home!" Star is especially anxious!:)

And aren't those two precious pupsters, pupster! Gotta love those Labbies!:)

06-06-2002, 05:31 PM
Is she home yet?????

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-06-2002, 07:58 PM
This reminds me of a story.............
My hubby's mom has been trying to give me her chihuahua forever. I guess cause he just goes crazy every time I go over there cause I play with him nonstop. I guess she just figured that he would be happier living with me cause I play with him and spoil him so much. Well after we bought our house Spanky (the chihuahua) moved in. We kept him for about two weeks and one night at work Eric's mom paged him..... he told me she was almost crying because she wanted her dog back.... She told him that she didn't want me to be mad at her but she never realized how much she loved him and it was too quiet with him gone and she missed him always bein underfoot begging for food..... I thought it was funny.... Spanky is home now and all is well.... maybe one day I can make it over there and take a picture of him to share... he is the fattest cuttest chihuahua in the whole world...:)