View Full Version : Chester gave me a bloody nose and a fat lip!!!

10-22-2006, 06:35 PM
It's getting dangerous to go to sleep in my house!!!
I usually sleep on my right side but for some reason, during the night, I turned on my back.

Was I snoring? I have no clue. All I know is at 4 am, I woke up with something heavy on my face. I must have jumped because I scared Chester who, I think, was taking an early morning stroll across my face.

Claws went into the right side of my nose and my upper lip and I felt a paw on my right eye ball!!! When I finally climbed out from under the cats: Leonardo was sleeping on the right of me and Luke on the left, I gropped my way to the bathroom. I was a mess. I washed my face and got the bleeding to stop then went back to bed.

Today, I look like I went three rounds with a buzz saw and it won: black and blue nose and lip. Even my right eye ball has a bruise on it.

What I want to know is WHAT WAS CHESTER DOING????? If I was snoring he could have just asked me to turn over. Sheesh!!!
(he's been very very good today after that))) :D

10-22-2006, 07:00 PM

Hope that isn't too painful for you but sounds like it would be.

10-22-2006, 07:04 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Getting it in the eyeball is my one fear having the cats sleep with me.

Laura's Babies
10-22-2006, 07:19 PM
OUCH! You must have been snoring mighty loud! :eek:

10-22-2006, 07:29 PM
Ouch!!!:eek: I hope you heal up quickly and aren't in too much pain. I also hope that Chester won't ever try this again.:eek:

10-22-2006, 07:56 PM
Hasn't happened to me yet...I sleep on my side a lot, and not a few times I have woken up with my head on the last 3" strip of pillow and a LARGE Oscar-like tabby taking up the rest.

No matter how much our cats love us and we them, they ARE 'armed and dangerous'. :) As my dad once said about the Sandy, the family dog who tried to get in the Siamese's way for Dad's attention: "Sandy found out that kitty has a pointy end." :D

I'm sure he just got startled...if you were lying on your back, maybe you gave one of those "snorts" and he freaked!

Poor Meowmie!!!

Edwina's Secretary
10-22-2006, 08:07 PM
Maybe you should sleep outside and let the cats have the house! What the heck...it's theirs anyway..... :D :D :D

10-22-2006, 08:38 PM
Bless your heart ... that had to HURT!!!! :eek:

10-22-2006, 11:24 PM
I hate it when they use our body parts as runways!

10-23-2006, 05:49 AM
Ouch. Sounds as though he used you to launch himself to a different location.

Sometimes when my cats are alarmed when having been in a sound sleep, they launch themselves to the nearest safe place. Unfortunately, everything and everyone in their path, takes a beating.

Maybe clipping Chester's nails would help a little.

Timing is everything in life. Sounds as though you were in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Keep the wounds clean with peroxide and benedine from the drug store. Cat's claws are usually filled with nasty bacteria.

C-A-T-S ! :eek:

10-23-2006, 05:53 AM
That sounds like it hurts! I hope it gets better and I'm pretty sure Chester didn't mean any harm.
A similar thing happened to me when I adopted Jack & Sunny.
We'd only had them a couple of days and they were still nervous, so I picked Jack up and he saw himself in the mirror, he growled and whispered 'shhhhh' in his ear and he went mad and attacked my face, I had a cut down my right temple and a hole where he clawed me!
I know he didn't mean it though, and naturally we persevered and he's the softest thing anyway, you can literally hang him upside down and he doesn't care!

10-23-2006, 08:28 AM
I was having a hard time waking up until I came upon your mishap!!!!

W :eek: W!!!!!!! I don't even want to imagine how "that" had to feel!!!

OUCH!!!!!! Cat scratches are soooo painful too!!!

So now what? Do you have a buy a T-shirt that says "My Cat took a Nose dive?", until the bruises subside?

I hope you don't develop a secondary infection :o

10-23-2006, 10:02 AM
Chester, you owe mum BiG TIME! Get over there and start kneading her and purring in her lap and making nice!

10-23-2006, 05:00 PM
Yikes, that had to hurt! Even one little cat scratch stings like mad, I can't imagine all of yours.

Yes, keep it squeaky clean (even though it hurts to do it)

10-23-2006, 05:13 PM
I Remember When I Had The Bookcase At The Head Of The Bed, And Jjj3 Landing On My Chest, Like A Ton Of Furry Lead.
Ouch, To Say The Least.
Needless To Say, I Moved The Bookcase.
I Hope You Were Not Hurt, And I Am Sure Chester Is Sorry.

10-23-2006, 05:15 PM
Even though it was so inconsiderate of me to put my face where Chester wanted to walk but he said he was sorry anyway!!! ;)