View Full Version : Preparing Kia for the BIG move....

06-06-2002, 11:04 AM
Okay... so we're not travelling across country to relocate. We're not even travelling across the State! ;)

Williamston is about a half hour to 45 minutes from my parents house.

When we left Michael and moved back in with my parents, Kia took everything in stride. She didn't seem the least upset at the move. In fact... she treated it like an adventure.

But while living in Okemos, we had visited my parents nearly every weekend and she was familier with the place. Now, we are moving into "foreign territory".

Maybe I'm just being paranoid... (you hear so many stories of animals traveling cross country to go back "home") In Kia's case... she'd be crossing a major Interstate.. :eek:

She'll probably be fine and just want to sniff everything. So besides lots of extra attention and love, what can I do to help Kia adjust to her new (much smaller) home?

That is... if she freaks out like Mommy is. ;)

06-06-2002, 11:13 AM
I would definitely take her "exploring" when you first move in. Take lots of walks with her, kind of establish the "boundaries" Let her sniff everything and become familiar with the area. Maybe move your belongings in as well as hers, if she has a bed or special toy, have it in the apartment before she arrives. I think the hardest adjustment will be the number of people around. I asusme at your parents, she has more people around her and now it will be just the 2 of you (LUCKY!!!)
And try to spend a lot of time with her the first week or two in the apartment. So she feels secure and knows it's her home. She'll be happy wherever you are and will soon realize, home is where Mom and the food are!!! :p

Good Luck!!

06-06-2002, 12:00 PM
I don't have much to add to what Jenni said. Just wanted to wish you and Kia the best of luck in your new move.