View Full Version : Dressing up dogs

10-22-2006, 12:52 AM
How many of you have dogs that love to dress up? My pomeranians love to wear clothes. I think it makes them feel special. Misty has a couple of shirts that she wears and a birthday dress that was made special for her.


10-22-2006, 01:03 AM
I only make my dogs dress up for Christmas or Halloween photoshoots mostly. Well, unless you include the Dachshunds' coats that they wear when it's really cold outside. Tango loves getting dressed up, Winston doesn't care, Morgan hates it, and the Dachsies hate getting dressed in costumes and such but they like their coats.

10-22-2006, 01:12 AM
Jasper doesn't react, really. I have a set of bat-wings for him, and a jacket because he gets cold, but that's it...

10-22-2006, 01:32 AM
Zoey doen't really care. She has wore a snowman costume and a shirt, and she has got a lot of attention and she likes that. Funny that everyone doesn't pat attention to Zoey, but I guess once they see a big dog wearing cloths it gets their attention.

10-22-2006, 01:42 AM
Electra I dont know yet, but weather she likes it or not she is going to the petsmart haloween pet costume contest dressed as a giant fish lol

Perky likes to, she has her jacket that we made her for winter, if you dont put her in her cute jacket and booties when its cold she will just looks at the door and stare at you lol

the rest fat chance, they hate getting dressed up..I dress them up anyway lol

10-22-2006, 03:19 AM
For anyone interested... Here is a great shopping site http://www.pamperedpuppy.com they have some really cool -if expensive- things. And also a blog about a pug. I think her wardrobe is bigger than mine http://www.pamperedpuppy.com/merrylog/archives/2006/07/12/index.php Adorable dog and I love looking at the great photography.

10-22-2006, 10:39 AM
Sheena is a service dog so she is completely used to wearing vests or back packs.
Sheena working in Walmart

So when I dress her up for halloween she loves it. Luca tolerates it. He doesn't hate it but he also doesn't like it.

10-22-2006, 11:53 AM
Gracie hates wearing clothes. it doesn't really matter since she doesn't need to wear clothes.

Beanie LOVES it! my mom and i buy jackets, t shirs, boots, etc for him. he prances around and poses.

10-22-2006, 12:32 PM
No offense to anyone who loves putting clothes on their dog, but I really don't see the point. They have fur to keep them warm[mostly], and unless they're the small 5 pound dogs that actually need them, why spend all that money on something so useless?[not trying to make anyone mad!] Of course, tha fact that I used to have a 100 pound dog and now have a 50 pound one might have something to do with it...

10-22-2006, 01:19 PM
No offense to anyone who loves putting clothes on their dog, but I really don't see the point. They have fur to keep them warm[mostly], and unless they're the small 5 pound dogs that actually need them, why spend all that money on something so useless?[not trying to make anyone mad!] Of course, tha fact that I used to have a 100 pound dog and now have a 50 pound one might have something to do with it...

I do see where your coming from. My dog needs a coat, especially when she is shaved down in the winter because her hair is extremely short. Dressing them for holidays is pretty cute to but I don't see the point in fu-fu skirts and stuff like that.

10-22-2006, 01:22 PM
No offense to anyone who loves putting clothes on their dog, but I really don't see the point. They have fur to keep them warm[mostly], and unless they're the small 5 pound dogs that actually need them, why spend all that money on something so useless?[not trying to make anyone mad!] Of course, tha fact that I used to have a 100 pound dog and now have a 50 pound one might have something to do with it...

I don't bother dressing up my dogs (unless I'm REALLY bored and make them go through a photoshoot :p) cause lord knows they're hot enough as it is in their coat. But to each their own. If it makes the owner happy, and it isn't harming the dog, then no harm done right?

10-22-2006, 01:30 PM
I have a jacket for Jasper because he gets cold. He's not a fashion accessory, nor is he a toy breed, but he has thin fur and he gets cold.

10-22-2006, 01:43 PM
the only things I put on my dogs are bandanas, sunglasses, hats, those reindeer headbands and that's it. :) NO clothes for my dogs!

10-22-2006, 10:44 PM
Sadie does not like costumes, sunglasses, or reindeer antlers. She will tolerate bandanas and even xmas bells around her neck since they don't get in her way. She has several sweaters and jackets which she wears in winter (she has short hair and is part whippet - so no fat to keep her warm). She tolerates them sometimes and if she understood that they keep her warm she would love them since she loves blankets over her but they fall off when she moves.

Why dress up a dog? It's cute, makes for good pictures, and if all I had to do was dress up on occasion but other than that sleep all day, run around outside, and have dinner served to me - I think I could put up with a few photoshoots in a goofy costume.

10-23-2006, 07:02 AM
The only time mine get put into clothes is when it's cold enough for them to need their sweaters in the winter. Some of them don't particularly like it and the others don't react to it.