View Full Version : Exciting News.......*****~VIDEO ADDED~*****

Lori Jordan
10-21-2006, 09:09 PM
As most of you know My husband Jamie owned Siberian Husky's in the past.We owned a female Anna,That had to be rehomed because she was aggressive with my daughter becca was only 1 at the time,So Jamie called the Breeder and the took her back and found her a new home that suited her,We also owned her Mother Shianne,But as you know SB,are runners,She got out of the fence without us knowing,She ended up at the farm down the road from us and met up with some Boars.They killed her She was such a great dog,Anyways,Jamie new the town Anna was in which is somewhere i travel on a regular bassis due to my work.
We knew it was the last side road out of town.Me and Jamie were driving today and where in that part of town "He says to me drive slow" "Look and see if we might see Anna" I was looking at all the new houses that recently were Built and he Yells STOP! Now that has to be fate after him saying that and seeing her is just amazing,Anyways we pulled in knocked on the door the lady came out and was very nice told us how Anna has been doing,Well then i walk up to her and put me into tears i did not want to leave her she was my girl when we had her, Well at 12 years old now she looks the same as she did the day we left.
And she is still the same.The owner told me that she catches robins out of clear air,She used to do that with us also rabbits,Anyways the surprise is on Rebecca,we are taking her out tomorrow for her to see her,So tomorrow morning we are going down,And i will post pictures so you can all see what a beauty she is.

I wish i could bring her home,But i know that is impossible she is with the most loving owner,I could not have been happier to see the bond the two of them have ,And this is a good ending of a chapter in our lives,We often think of her,And wonderd how she was doing,And now i can close the book because 15 minutes of the last 12 years have been answerd.Not everybody has something like this happen in there life,I'm glad even though she is no longer with us,The rest of her days will be filled with love.
Be prepared i tend to take lots of picture!

10-21-2006, 09:40 PM
:D I am sooo happy for you! What a blessing! You are right, most people who have to rehome dogs they love, for whatever reason, don't ever get to see them again. I hope you have a most wonderful time with Anna tomorrow. She sounds like a wonderful dog, who is living with a wonderful owner - it's very nice she is open to you coming back with Rebecca. I'm sure there will be many tears of joy tomorrow, I will be thinking of you!

Lori Jordan
10-22-2006, 11:35 AM
Here is Anna:





Ill add more later i have tons but photobucket is running really slow and i do not have oatients for it,

10-22-2006, 11:43 AM
:eek: Shes 12!!!!!! Shes looks so young! What a gorgeous girl

Toby's my baby
10-22-2006, 11:50 AM
Wow, she is gorgeaus! :eek: Like Alicia said, she doesn't look 12!!

Did she seem to remember you??

10-22-2006, 11:51 AM
she looks really good for 12! :eek: that's really exciting!

Lori Jordan
10-22-2006, 12:08 PM
She will be 13 in December,You can tell her black on her face has grey in it now,I dont know if she remembers it has been a long time,She gave me kisses which dropped my heart,Like she was saying to me "It's ok im fine"Im in near tears now,But the lady is great,There have been dinner plans made and out girls are having a sleepover next weekend,So i will be apart of Anna's life for the rest of her life,I have to go now this is so hard i want her home with me,

10-22-2006, 02:22 PM
Oh Lori, she's beautiful! Look at that face! You know that somewhere back in her mind is a memory of your smell & voice. ;) This is so heartwarming, you've been reunited!

10-22-2006, 02:32 PM
Aww she is such a beautiful girl! I cannot believe she is 12... she looks like she is 2 :eek:

Lori Jordan
10-22-2006, 04:21 PM
I can see it in her,Thank you all so much for your nice replies,Today has surely one of the best days of my life,I am glad we found Anna~

Lori Jordan
10-22-2006, 05:20 PM
Dont mind all the talking it is my daughter and the lady's daughter taking Anna for a walk.. 2nd video is the same and it is not my daughter swearing :rolleyes: .....Kids

http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i79/JamieLori/th_TakingAWalk.jpg (http://s69.photobucket.com/albums/i79/JamieLori/?action=view&current=TakingAWalk.flv)

http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i79/JamieLori/th_InTheBush.jpg (http://s69.photobucket.com/albums/i79/JamieLori/?action=view&current=InTheBush.flv)