View Full Version : Ear fluid problems?!?

10-21-2006, 08:58 PM
I have had problems with fluid in my ears my entire life.. I have had numerous set of tubes placed in my ears.. My ears are stopped up and they pop alot. I have had reoccuring infections..

I have been to doctor after doctor trying to get it fixed, but nothing seems to work..

Does anyone know what it could be?!?

I would like to get my ears fixed one day. They drive me nuts!!!

10-21-2006, 09:06 PM
Hmmm, dunno. I am lucky in that we live pretty close to the world-renowned Mass Eye & Ear. If you were here, I'd say "they could tell you!" Do you have allergies?

Laura's Babies
10-21-2006, 09:14 PM
I was just fixing to ask if you have sinus problems and I see Karen asked if you have allregies so we must be close to having the same thoughts here... I have cronic sinusitus with year around allregies and seasonal flare ups.. I can always tell when it is fixing to get bad for me because of how my ears feel.. Pressure and some strange feelings and noises in my ears.... then sometimes, downright vertigo... Sinus and ears ARE connected. Whenever my ears act up, I know to take my sinus/allergy meds or ELSE :eek: !

So, do you have sinus/allergy problems?

10-21-2006, 09:21 PM
I do have sinuse problems, but not all the time.

My ears are a constant battle... They crack and pop like every 20 mins...

I have been on so many allergy/sinus medications to try to get it fixed..

The tubes in my ears DID work... until they came out .. then my ears went back to fluid buildup..

It just gets old.. especially when nothing works.

10-21-2006, 09:23 PM
have you ever had them flushed out by a doctor? my mom has had her ears flushed out by a doctor and it helped her immensely. :)

10-22-2006, 10:14 AM
I do have sinuse problems, but not all the time.

My ears are a constant battle... They crack and pop like every 20 mins...

I have been on so many allergy/sinus medications to try to get it fixed..

The tubes in my ears DID work... until they came out .. then my ears went back to fluid buildup..

It just gets old.. especially when nothing works.
Get a set of permanant ear tubes. I've had ear problems since I was born, and my ENT specialist knew immediately what was wrong and put tubes in my ears. I was born with under-developed eustachian tubes.. when I don't have tubes, all that 'gunk' gets backed up in my ears and I cannot hear, so I know what you're talking about! Also, when I get my ears wet, it'll cause them to back up with 'gunk' - which is why I wear earplugs when I shower or swim. And, we have found that dairy causes my ear infections to get worse. But, if I didn't have my tubes, I would not be able to hear and I'd go NUTS! So definitely look into finding an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist and having him put some permanant tubes in your ears. :) That way, they'll stay - you said they worked when you did have them in, right?

10-22-2006, 11:20 AM
Yes, the tubes did work while they were in..

Although, I am looking to see if there are any other options besides putting permanent tubes in my ears.. I cannot afford to have the surgery. So that is really not an option right now.

I was really seeing if there was any other options..

Krista, I am going to the doctor this week. So I will talk to him about flushing the ears.. I believe I had that done when I was little... and I do believe it worked for awhile.. So I will talk to the doctor about it..

Thanks for all the responses..