View Full Version : Oh Pray, I Hope!! ((Got It!!)) [4] (Made It!!)

10-21-2006, 06:42 PM
first off, good to best news.. :D teachers and I have been talking off via emails, they're giving me a weekend chance to finish two whole weeks worth of missed assignments - there is three weeks left of school.. :eek: I sure hope I could have them done and be ready for eighth week...please pray they won't officially drop me out! ..it'll look bad on my transcript. X] my sweet school counselor stopped by last night with my homework and for a brief visit, how nice.

for dancing part, some of you know I made on RIT dance company - my first long-life dream! I also was surprised the professor would give me a chance (five full nights a week) - if I could catch up their choreography by the first night of on-stage rehearsal next week, a week before performances - it's in two weeks...yikes. I am in hospital, was here for two days already, and only have 60% chance of survival. :confused: but hey, I'm feeling a bit better!

aaand, I just read an email from a guy (veerrry nice landlord), my application has been approved!! (yes, all of my ten cats and crayola too). http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif their own resumes, vet records, certificates and my four letters of reference from former managers really helped. only few last things I have to do, see the house (he lives downstairs and upstairs is whole mine) and introduce crayola to his two (black & yellow) labs...then all of my cats reunite! ohh I hope so, I can't wait.. has been twooo months!

those I last saw them - clayton meowing, looking for me behind me

whispers wanting to be held by her meowmie!

echo saying "get us out of here please!"

zephyra frantically trying to get out there, purrrred once held.

there's whispers again when I left.. :(

remember the last time they were in a minor fire and put into dog crates in barn for a while - now they're already back into another house, thank goodness but oh, look at them - I miss them too!

aw, my time is up of using computer at hospital but I'll be sure to read all of my PMs when I get out of here! (hopefully tomorrow night - sunday). please, please think of us and that (I pray) the labs will like my boy at least okay and everything will work out - the price is just right!

before I go, thankyou everyone again for support, prayers/thoughts and hugs in other two last threads, it was all overwhelming sweet!!

..gina & co.

Daisy and Delilah
10-21-2006, 06:45 PM
Great news Gina!!! We're all praying very hard for this to be the break you and the furkids need. Things have got to get better for you sweetie!! PM me anytime. Let me know if I can help you in any way :)

10-21-2006, 06:53 PM
All fingers and paws crossed for you here Gina! I will keep praying for you and your ark, I hope you are reunited soon. First, get yourself better and out of the hospital. :) {hugs}

10-21-2006, 07:38 PM
That Must Be Heart Breaking Seeing Your Cats In Cages.
We Are Praying That You Can All Be Together, And That You Will Achieve The Sucess That You Desire.

10-21-2006, 07:41 PM
I'm so glad to hear your good news!!! It will be so wonderful when you get into your new place and get reunited with all of your kitties. I hope things continue to get better & better for you! :)

10-21-2006, 07:41 PM
Oh Gina, I hope it all works out! I know how much you must miss your kitties. That one pic of Whisper breaks my heart (3rd one down). I hope life gets a lot happier for you. You sure deserve it.

10-21-2006, 07:57 PM
Oh Gina, I am so glad that things are beginning to turn around for the best!! The pictures of your cats just broke my heart!!!

I will Pray that your life will yet another turn , into a New Tomorrow!!

Please know that we are all thinking and Praying for your Happiness!!!!

10-21-2006, 09:11 PM
Hopefully Crayola and the Labs will get along! I mean, they're all retreivers at heart, so should! Glad things are looking up, and remember, take care of Gina, too! ;)

10-22-2006, 03:00 AM
Oh sweetie - so much good news!!! Will they let you out that soon if you have a 60% chance of survival? Sure hope all goes well!


10-22-2006, 10:11 AM
:D I'm really happy for you, Gina! Everything sounds good - school, the dance co., the new place to live...those pictures are heartbreakers :( - poor kitties! They'll be so glad to be back with you :) . Take care of yourself, sweetie, so many little ones are depending on you. Will keep praying Crayola & all of you will be a perfect fit!

10-22-2006, 03:51 PM
yeaa! I get to go home tonight!! in about four hours.. I HOPE so! because the doctor prefers me stay overnight one more time but I really gotta get out of here. I'm still not being paid attention or being served correctly and it's toooo distracting here.

catty, they'll let me go as long as I take my icky prescriptions, stay in 'bed' for at least four days and come back in a week even if I feel a bit better. I can't stand being here and tolerate a minute more, I should be fine, right? ;)

we, crayola & I are going to meet the guy and his labs after school at 5PM tomorrow!! please don't stop swirling up, sending a prayer for us! things looking good so far.. :)

Cinder & Smoke
10-22-2006, 04:03 PM
I get to go home tonight!!
in about four hours ...

... they'll let me go as long as I ... stay in bed for at least four days ...

Crayola & I are going to meet the guy and his labs after school at 5PM tomorrow!!


WHAT part of "STAY in BED for FOUR DAYS" did you not understand!??

Going to School and Meeting the Landlord are both hard to do whilst IN BED!

Why not try following the Doctor's Orders - for at least a couple of days? ...
You just might get to feeling "GOOD"!


10-22-2006, 04:08 PM
I will keep you and your ark in my prayers.I am happy things are going better for you.

10-22-2006, 04:12 PM
Glad things are looking good, you really deserve it We got all paws,fins and fingers crossed for you! :D

10-22-2006, 04:52 PM
quoted by cinder & smoke
WHAT part of "STAY in BED for FOUR DAYS" did you not understand!??
not like I'm going to PE classes! :p I don't have a bed yet anyway.. :( because it's not under my control anymore, finding a home for all of us is hardest part and I cannot miss this opportunity - has been too long now! why can they think I'm gonna give up all of my dear ark?? :mad: :(

I only need to be at school, hand in my half-done homework -- four more essays to go! :D :D then I should relax at friend's, maybe. if our five o'clock tomorrow works out well, I will stay in bed most of time!

no worries, thanks for hugs, phred and crossfingers everybody!

10-22-2006, 04:54 PM
Hugs and crossed fingers. And if you so get the place, I forbid you to do ANY heavy lifting to move in, okay? Get some folks from school to help or something, just play "fragile girl" this once! Tell 'em you'll cook "real Italian" food for them at some future point to repay them!

10-22-2006, 11:26 PM
Hugs, kisses and oodles of prayers coming your way, Gina!
I'm SO ecstatic things are looking up for you! Take care of yourself first and foremost. Your Ark needs a well mommy!

10-23-2006, 05:37 AM
Oh Gina these are fantastic news! I hope things will go better and better. We keep you in our thoughts and hope you give us great news about your visit to the landlord! :) The pictures of your kitties were so heart breaking! You and them deserve better times! It' s coming, I am sure! ;)

Pawsitive Thinking
10-23-2006, 06:38 AM
So happy that things have taken a turn for the better for you!!

10-23-2006, 10:15 PM
http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif .. *jumping happ-app-ppily down the street* .. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif

I LoOVEe IT! big house, the backyard is sooo-oo-oo huge for crayola! (there's also a fenced yard for potty or hang outs) aaand I have two own rooms! (upstairs, one for cats and one for me and cats) ;) the landlord is just waaay more than nice.. I at first was worried how can my cats stay upstairs without getting hurt by his labs when I leave for classes/rehearsals, he installed a hallway door (just by the stairs) for us! :eek: :eek: :o I told he didn't needed do that.. well, he wanted to in case one of labs doesn't like my cats (labs are afraid of stairs so they don't, almost never go up) and just to be safe! the house looks really nice, front/back ('summer') porch he built himself all new - just perfect. :)

oh and the labs, they did get along OKAY, at least okay. abbey (the black) didn't liked crayola at first, and would get upset if crayola RUNS in (their) yard, only wouldn't be bothered if crayola stands still! interesting -- I think it can be worked out slowly. daise (yellow one) was a bit shy with crayola then sniff, sniff and sulked out when crayola turned around and nudged her face! they'll get cute together in no time. ;)

not just the house, rooms, landlord, labs I like, it's in a country!! not that I prefer country but it's much safer here, and how I love small cute old town. the street is less busy - all fresh air, trees and green too. I used to allow my cats romp free (under my supervisor, of course) and I can't wait to walk them again. :D

and the guy also has two in/outdoor cats too, baby and smokee. baby is sooo sweet and superfrieeendly - she loved crayola! smokee is a bit timid of people and runs away if anybody get closer. soooo, I'm going to get my goodies now then my cats are coming tomorrow neeiiight! wheeee!! :cool:

10-23-2006, 10:30 PM
Yay!!! I'm so happy for you Gina! :D

10-23-2006, 10:47 PM
So happy that everything worked out, and all the critters at least were civil toward each other!

Now remember, you are still supposed to be on bed rest, so no moving anything by yourself, okay? Bribe friends with promises of good food later - one look at you, and they'll know you can cook Italian food! ;)


10-23-2006, 10:52 PM
Gina, this is so great!

Listen to Karen, and please get some friends to help you move and lift stuff. You sound so much happier now, and I am sure some of that has to do with feeling better with your health!

Sounds like you will have a safe and happy home for everyone. Your kitties will be SO glad to see you.

Take it easy, keep getting well...


10-24-2006, 01:11 AM
Sounds perfect and wonderful! Nobody deserves it more than you! Don't overdo it now, get help moving! Your babies will be nuts to see you! No more pathetic faces behind bars!!!! Now we want happy reunion pictures!!! Congratulations!!!! Sure wish I could grab you and hug you in person!!!!!!

10-24-2006, 02:02 AM
What Karen said, lots of pics. That is some super great news! It's about time, huh? So glad that you're finally happy.

Pawsitive Thinking
10-24-2006, 04:31 AM
Woohoo! Yippeee! Yay!!!!!!!!!! Am so pleased for you - now get some rest :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-24-2006, 04:48 AM
Aw Gina, I am SOOOOOO happy for you!!! I think that all those PT-candles worked!!!

Good luck dear Gina; now be sure not to hurry into things; get some good rest first!!

10-24-2006, 05:36 AM
Yipppeeee! It makes my day, really! :)

We keep you in our thoughts. (((Hugs)))

10-24-2006, 08:47 AM
How WONDERFUL for you and the Ark!!!

"abbey (the black) didn't liked crayola at first, and would get upset if crayola RUNS in (their) yard, only wouldn't be bothered if crayola stands still!"

That's how Buddy was with our only yard visitor we've ever had! Guess they don't like others enjoying their yards! :p

I'm so happy for you!!
Pleeeeeeease make 100% sure you are taking care of yourself!

10-24-2006, 08:49 AM
WWWOOOOOHHHOOOOOOOO!! Soooo glad to hear that Gina! YAY! YIPPI!! Gina and the ark, reunited! I am so so so happy for you right now I might burst :D

10-24-2006, 09:05 AM
YAHOO!That is great.Your landlord sounds like a very nice man.

10-24-2006, 10:02 AM
That's wonderful news!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! Can't wait to see pictures of all of your lovely arc in your new house! :D

Russian Blue
10-24-2006, 10:21 AM
Didn't I tell you to hang on since life can totally change in a minute? Congrats Gina!

Now start enjoying life again and give your crew a *BIG* snuggle from me. :D

Queen of Poop
10-24-2006, 10:41 AM
Gina, I'm sorry I missed this post. I'm so thrilled that things are getting better for you. NOW MISS......you are supposed to be resting and getting better!!! Your ARK needs you to be well, so time to take it easy for a while. Hugs to you and your babies. Continued prayers that things keep going the right way for you.

10-24-2006, 10:50 AM
Gina, all is great news!!! But, maybe you will listen to a nurse who says: STAY IN BED and REST!!! you will be feeling much better and ready to tackle ALL that is waiting for you!!!! Prayers for your recovery!!! Sandra

10-24-2006, 10:50 AM
:D Gina, I'm so HAPPY for you and your ark! You finally got the break you deserve. You take care of yourself, dont push yourself to hard. (((Hugs)))

10-24-2006, 10:52 AM
I'm very happy for you.Everything seemed to fall in place so nice for you.I hope all works out at your new home for you but most important,I hope you take care of yourself.This is a nice update :)

10-24-2006, 10:57 AM
:D Happy new indeed, Gina! It sounds wonderful.

Don't forget about that "stay in bed for four days" part -- and like Karen said, ask for help moving. SERIOUSLY! Now that things are going well, you don't want to end up sick or in the hospital again!

(((hugs))) to you, Crayola, and all the little kitties!

10-24-2006, 10:58 AM
Oh Gina, I'm so happy for you!!!!! :)

10-24-2006, 11:18 AM
I can't think of a more deserving person than you, Gina, for these opportunities. Just to be in one SAFE place, with your Ark...would do you some serious good. The other stuff will just be gravy for you!

10-24-2006, 01:23 PM
That's great news Gina. I knew things would get better for you before too long. I am so happy for you.
Things are still pretty hectic here but if you need help with something just ask, I'll see what I can do.

smokey the elder
10-24-2006, 02:46 PM
Congratulations on your new place! I bet you and your whole Ark will enjoy it very much.

10-24-2006, 03:15 PM
Doing the Happy Dance with Gina and her Ark!

What wonderful news! I am so happy for you Gina, and your Ark! Now please, remember what you have been told about resting, and don't strain yourself in your excitement to get moved and to have your Ark all under the same roof again! I just KNOW that this is going to be the start of some wonderful things for you!

Congratulations to everyone! I am so glad things are finally looking up again!

10-24-2006, 04:02 PM
It's so good to hear good news from you Gina. :) I'm so glad this has
worked out so well. Enjoy your new place & give hugs to all the furry ones. :)

10-24-2006, 04:08 PM

I'm SO happy for you!! There's nothing quite like knowing you'll have a roof over your head and your furbabies right by your side.



Daisy and Delilah
10-24-2006, 08:33 PM
Great news Gina!! I'm just thrilled to see you having some good luck for once. Things will be so much better for you and the kids!! Hugs and kisses all around the Ark!! YAY :D

10-24-2006, 09:50 PM
:D :D :D

thankyou thankyou!! http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif I sure wish I could hug you too!

all of us are... HoOMEe!! goodness, I've realized I missed feeding, scooping soo much and miss being buried in cats! I'm so glad none of them were on medication, you know - I'd hate if someone else would take care of my sick babies!

YAY, we all are home for good! everything's looking/going pretty good so far. I've given half cats a bath, seriously, they so smell.. but I'm done for the night, and try stay in bed! :) as all you asked, I did not picked up a box today, just my kitties and haven't unpacked yet, except bags of clothes into drawers...boring! :p

here's oneee teaser for now.. my baby boy, gus on new patriot quilt! (ahh - freesh beed!)

thanks again everyone for celebrating with us!! :cool:

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif ..gina & the reunited ark

10-24-2006, 09:57 PM
Aww, Gus looks perfect - like that quilt was made just for him! Glad you didn't lift any boxes, good Gina (pat, pat, pat), now snuggle down underneath quilt and cats, and rest, rest, rest!

10-24-2006, 10:05 PM
Glad to hear all is good I knew God would take care of you and Moosmom . Are you eating ?

10-24-2006, 11:48 PM
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...

MORE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-25-2006, 11:30 AM
Wooowww! Such a reward :D
And the picture of Gus says it all. He looks so happy, being with mom :)

10-25-2006, 03:37 PM
I didn't see this until after I PM'd you! I so happy you got it! Dont overdo it! and Im glad your leaving the boxes for a while! its not like its any rush anyway your there to stay! I bet you feel a whole lot better just from having your ark with you!

10-25-2006, 04:12 PM
Im glad things are FINALLY starting to go better! Now get some rest, and give all those kitties a hug for me

10-26-2006, 02:06 PM
((((thanks all, sweet!!)))) :D

it has been two days since I'm at my neeew home -- SO great so far! I'm loving it, the freedom, scenes, smell and life .. that does the same for my ark! :)

I also have three days left to dance and the professor will decide on this saturday afternoon! (after our last three hours rehearsal in mirror room).. *fingers crossing!* :confused:

umm, school is pretty hectic, and hectic! I am done with all missed assignments, finally but asked for more (extra credits, plus present assignments) so I could pull my grade at least bit up! still a lot to do, sigh. and three-days weekend is coming up, a good chance for me. :)

I thought I'd share a few additions -- four more animals to our little ark! :D

first, two cats: shy scardy smokee

and superfriendly baby!

two dogs: barky daise ..

and curious abbey!
(she's more comfortable with people)

hope you enjoyed. :)

10-26-2006, 02:18 PM
YAY so glad that you are liking your new home. And four 'new' cuties to adopt you! How wonderful! How are they getting along with the ark so far?

10-26-2006, 03:56 PM
Oh Gina! I am so happy for you and you Ark! Everyone with the same roof over their heads! Such great news! Thanks for sharing the pics! Looks like your new "friends" are friendly. How is everyone getting along? Sounds like you have worked hard to get back on track with school! That is so good.... just don't overdo it! ;)

10-26-2006, 04:10 PM
Oh Gina!! GReat news for the good news.........adn WOW 4 new members!!! we need more pics and please include FULL ark!!! we´ve been missing them as we´ve missed you

10-26-2006, 04:55 PM
Hugs and prayers of joy for you, Gina! [[[ark]]] Pet all your furry family members for me.

10-26-2006, 07:29 PM
I'm to hear that you are enjoying your new home! I also go glad that your wonderful pets are back home with you!!

The other pets in your house are adorable! :)

10-28-2006, 03:31 PM
sorry if I'm thanking you over again and again isn't enough, I hope you all know that I mean it! this just is a happiest time for all of us and they're getting along really well. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif

the labs love to bark at crayola when they hear him coming out around. daise and crayola had few moments playing together outside, great to see crayola having a friend! baby, the cat, would sometimes stop by our door upstairs, meowing, I'd let her in. and everyone would sniff, she acts like she's a family to them and only two cats would stay back. overall, good! I don't think we've been feeling this peaceful before. :)

okay, I just had five hours of dance rehearsal today, so exhaaausting now. the professor said he'll let me know if I still am on the dance troupe by this monday ..I'm nervous, nervous!

let's chime up vibes! thoughts would be appreciated - I pray and hope so! :D I can't wait.

((((hugs)))) all!

10-28-2006, 04:54 PM
It's totally amazing and wonderful how fortunate you were to find this HOME.I am especially happy for you because having a HOME helps make everyone feel better.He must be a wonderful landlord.The cats/dogs must be so happy and content.I never ever dreamed this would happen and I honestly am so very happy for you and the pets.
Now...please take good care of yourself so you stay happy/healthy and so your pets stay happy/healthy.
I'm truly happy for you.It seems like Angels were all over you helping you through this.Plus all of your friends here at pettalk.
This pettalk group is the nicest kindest bunch of people in the world.
Even I myself couldn't have coped with a lot if it weren't for everyone here.
Of course we are all humans here and we all have very bad days but all in all we need each other.

10-28-2006, 11:03 PM
dear carla, I have to agree with you, very blessing and truly am grateful for your kindly post too. :)

YAY, a homeee!! :cool:

ooo, so restless, restless about this monday .. last rehearsal this wednesday & first performance will be on this saturday! :o

pray.. pray.. :D

10-31-2006, 04:50 PM
whoohoo!! :D :D

sorry for bumping this up but I thought I'd let y'all know! :D a nice gift for my birthday (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=115582) from my school, I think! ;) (and GOOD to be home before!)

the first performance will be this saturday! :eek: I'm so excited. :) :)

10-31-2006, 05:03 PM

Gina, I would really like to know more about this dance troupe you are in. Can you start a new thread? Does it have a website or anything? :D
