View Full Version : New Here

10-20-2006, 08:56 PM
Hi all. My name is Nicole and I am the proud parent of 7 pets. I have 2 dogs both of which are pictured below, 3 cats(I will post their pictures in the cat section) and 2 ferrets( I will post thier pics in teh pets section). I live in Canada. I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful children. Anyway I can't wait to chat to you all and get to know you.

Sheena White Shepherd

Luca German Shepherd


Sweet Sixy
10-20-2006, 09:06 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! Your shepards are just beautiful, can't wait to see more of them! :D

critter crazy
10-20-2006, 09:08 PM
Welcome to PT! I love your Shepards, they are so gorgeous!! Cant wait to hear more about you and your pets, and of course to see more pics!!:)

10-20-2006, 09:24 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! It's fun here and a great learning experience. I am a proud owner for 3 dogs. Your shepherds are stunningly beautiful :eek: I love Sheena. Do you show your dogs? They are stacked very well^^

10-20-2006, 09:36 PM
Sweet Sixy - Thank you. Ok here you go

Sheena at her first flyball tournament


Sheena at an agility Demo at the local SPCA Dog Jog


She also ended up on the news when they filmed the dog jog. We don't have any pics yet of Luca doing this stuff because he just turned a year old at teh end of September. So he has had no trainnig in this area. But her are a couple of fun ones of him:



critter crazy - Thanks. I take a crazy amount of pics. lol

zoomer - Thank you. I have never done conformation before. Though we plan to next summer with Sheena. Luca is a rescue so he is neutered. I stack him as another dog to learn on so that I can get teh hang of it. He will also bhe trained in Flyball and Agility though.

10-20-2006, 09:44 PM
Wow stunning dogs!

I cant wait for more pictures!
Welcome to PT!

I live in Canada too :) Where abouts are you?

10-20-2006, 09:44 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! And thank you for showing us your absalutely GORGEOUS shepherds! And it's always nice to meet a fellow agility competitor.

Hope you enjoy it here!

10-20-2006, 09:47 PM
Your shepards are adorable! Welcome to PT hope you stick around too!

10-20-2006, 10:40 PM
your dogs are beautiful! WELCOME TO PET TALK!!! :D

10-20-2006, 10:42 PM
:eek: *Steals Sheena!!!* ;)

Welcome to PT!! :D

10-20-2006, 10:42 PM
Hi Nicole, I recognise you from another forum, either prodog or Chaz? Welcome to PT, it's the best! :)

10-20-2006, 11:20 PM
Hi Nicole welcome to PT, and another Flyballer that is great ;). Sheena and Luca are just stunning i have a real soft spot for Shepherds. Hope to hear more about your dogs soon.

10-21-2006, 12:07 AM
Oh, I forgot to tell you my name^^ It's Makayla by the way.
And once again, stunning pups :eek: I look forward to seeing lots more of them, and seeing you around often^^

10-21-2006, 12:09 AM
buttercup132 - Thanks. I reside in Alberta.

Riptide - Thanks. We are still fairly new to agility. We ahve yet to compete. We have only finished the first 8 week course in May. Which was enough for us to be able to do demos for the public with our flyball/agility club.

Almita - Thanks. With this kind of reception how could I not. lol

lute - Thanks

BC_MoM - "Give Her Back" lol Actually Sheena is my service dog so she is never ever away form me. She goes everywhere I go.

wolfsoul - Thanks. From Prodog. I have not joined th eother one. Not sure how friendly they are.

cloverfdx - Thanks. I am a flyball addict. It is a very addicting sport. As soon as Luca is 16 months old we will be training him in agility and flyball also.

Zoomer - That is so cool. My neice has the same name as you just spelled different. Her's is Michaela.


10-21-2006, 12:20 AM
Welcome! I also recognize you from Prodog. It's nice to have you and your Shepherd duo here at PT. :)

10-21-2006, 12:23 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk! My name is Willie, and I am owned by one Chihuahua, name Buffy, and two cats name Oscar and Grover, a Cockatiel name Charlie, and a Capachin monkey, name Mario.

I know you will like it here, we all love here!

Again, welcome to Pet Talk!

Willie :)

10-21-2006, 12:30 AM
Welcome to pet talk!! Your 2 are very gorgeus!!! You will love it here!! It's great to see another Agility person here.

10-21-2006, 01:08 AM
Welcome! Your dogs are stunning! Sheena is the prettiest white shepherd I've ever seen! Those are great pictures of her doing flyball & agility - she's gorgeous!

Toby's my baby
10-21-2006, 01:33 AM
Welcome to PT!! Your dogs are stunning! :eek: I'm sure you will enjoy it here, beware, it is VERY addicting. ;) I hope we get to see more pictures of them both soon.

My name is Beth, and I am happily owned by three dogs, Maggie a gsd/ lad, Autumn a Chow/ ACD, and Boo boo a mutt, 2 cats, 3 ducks, and 2 horses. :)

Ginger's Mom
10-21-2006, 06:53 AM
Hi Nicole, welcome to Pet Talk. And Welcome to those too beautiful pups, too. :)
Sheena is gorgeous! Luca is adorable. :) I am so glad that you were able to rescue him. I think it is sooo cute that he has a ball in his mouth in the picture where he is being stacked. As we say about my little girl, "it's all about the ball." :D
Hope to see lots more of your pups.

10-21-2006, 07:19 AM
Shepherds...?? Did someone say Shepherds??? :eek:

;) :p



My name is Angie, I am owned by the 2 GSD's in my siggy.
Sierra is my sable Princess :rolleyes: and Buddy is my black & tan Body guard. :cool:

Both are rescues.

I look forward to seeing more pictures! I hope you stick around!

10-21-2006, 10:19 AM
Orangutango - Thanks. I am really happy about how friendly and inviting this place is. Not many places are anymore.

trayi52 - Thanks. Your pets sound wonderful but Iwould love to see a picture of the monkey if that is possible. Hubby loves monkeys.

Flatcoatluver - Thanks. Agility is my second passion with flyball coming first. I can't wait to do some fun matches and such with her.

cyber-sibes - Thanks so much. As soon as Luca starts his training I will be putting a ton of his photos on. lol

Toby's my baby - Thanks. What types of horses do you have? My father in Law raises registered Quarter Horses.

Ginger's Mom - Thanks. In our hoouse it is all about the ball too. We don't treat train or food train. We use a tennis ball as thier motivational training tool. They will do anything for a tennis ball. When we were trying to get stacked shots of him He kept turning and licking me(he is a huge kisser) So we gave him a ball and hubby was tossing another one to get him to pick up those ears.

pitc9 - Yup Shepherds. lol. Yours are gorgeous.

10-21-2006, 12:29 PM
I really enjoyed reading this thread, and seeing the pictures of Sheena in action, She's a Beautiful White German Sheperd Dog!!!!! One of my daughters has 2 (Senior) German Sheperd Dogs. One of them is all Black too!!!!! ;) Your other Dog, Luca, looks identical to her!!!!!

Welcome to Pet Talk, You are going to really like this forum.

10-21-2006, 12:45 PM
Welcome to Pet talk! :) Your dogs are beautiful! :) I am Krista and I am owned by 4 wonderful dogs and 2 wonderful cats. :) I hope to see you around the forum! :) take care!

10-21-2006, 12:52 PM
Welcome to PT, Nicole! Your dogs are absolutely gorgeous! My name is Ashley and I am owned by the Hoodlums in my siggy :)

10-21-2006, 12:52 PM
You have absolutely stunning shepherds!! I love white GSDS. I loved all the pictures you posted, it looks like alot of fun to have those two cuties around. I can't wait to get to know you more.

My name is Alyssa and I'm owned by Sassy a maltese, in my siggy, and Star an albino parakeet. I also have two fish by the names of Rio and Diamond.

10-21-2006, 12:59 PM
Hello Nicole!!
Welcome to pet of the day!!!
Your shepherds are absolutly beautiful dogs.. Hope you enjoy your stay, and stick around ;).
Now i gotta go look at your ferrets in petgeneral lol.

10-21-2006, 01:52 PM
Nicole! Longe tim no talk too! How have you been hun? Wow, your pups are absolutly stunning! And Luca has gotten so big! Welcome, glad to have you here :)

10-21-2006, 06:32 PM
Dorothy39 - Thanks for the welcome. I actually prefer to call her a White Shepherd(though she is AKC and CKC registered as a GSD). The reason being is because I beleive that the White Shepherd should seperate from the GSD breed since it can no longer compete in Conformation. They can compete in all other avenues of dogs sports though. I do love GSD's also as you can tell. lol

luvofallhorses - Thanks so much

k9krazee - Thanks

Maltese_Love - Thanks. Yes they do keep us busy. Lately we have been working on Sheena being as obediant with hubby as she is with me. Luca is suppose to by hubbys dog(though I trained him and he follows me everywhere) so when we leave the house he walks Luca and I walk Sheena. Sheena being my dog. She does listen to hubby though just not as well as she listens to me. In a couple of weeks Sheena and hubby will be flying across Canada to a white shepherd breeder to be bred to her stud. They will be gone for 3 days so I want to ensure he has full and total control of her and that she is as obediant for him as she is for me while away form me. She we have been workig hard on that.

tikeyas_mom - Thanks so much

Danegirl2208 - Your right long time no see. lol. We are doing great. Though the wait is killing me. Only 6 more days till Sheena goes into heat and then only 10 days after that and she flys with Hubby to the stud. The time was flying by until a couple of days ago. Now it seems to be crawling. lol

10-21-2006, 07:30 PM
Danegirl2208 - Your right long time no see. lol. We are doing great. Though the wait is killing me. Only 6 more days till Sheena goes into heat and then only 10 days after that and she flys with Hubby to the stud. The time was flying by until a couple of days ago. Now it seems to be crawling. lol

oh! How exciting! Congrats! :D :D

10-26-2006, 04:04 PM
Welcome to PT ! Do you do confremation (sp?) with your dogs? They do the *pose. :p

Gorgeous dogs, I have a special fondness for light dogs. *SIGH :D

10-26-2006, 04:07 PM
beautiful confirmation stance.. I had shepherds for 20 years and love to see good ones- which you have! Mine loved fly ball too and agility and obedience- I also showed in confirmation..

10-26-2006, 10:52 PM
Danegirl2208 - Thanks. It should be any day now that she starts.

GreyhoundGirl - Thanks. No not yet. But we are hoping to go to our first White Shepherd show next August.

borzoimom - Thanks so much. I have had several GSD/WS breeders tell me the same thing. They have all said Sheena so shine in the ring. So I hope to try it out next summer. By then I will have Sheena and hopefully a 7-8 month old pup as well to compete with.


10-27-2006, 07:25 AM
Welcome! I am new too, but I love it here. People are very friendly and helpful. I also love the different catagories for what your interests are at the moment.. :D
Here is one of my shepherds, since crossed the Rainbow bridge. This is Ch.Beckonridge Host O Gold UDT SCh111 TD

10-27-2006, 09:54 AM
That dog is gorgeous.