View Full Version : Just a note of thanks and an update.....

Russian Blue
10-20-2006, 10:52 AM
For the last month I was off the boards to get some things in my life sorted out. As many of you know, I had to send Phoenix back to the rescue because Nakita's health was declining and they were not getting along. For those who aren't familiar, here's the original thread: Rehoming Phoenix (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=113399)

I just wanted to thank everyone for the support of my decision and for the PM's and thoughts you sent my way. They were so appreciated and I really needed the support after making such a difficult decision. I am happy to report that Phoenix found a home. :) I will so miss that little calico and just wished soooo badly that my home could have been her place to stay.

I have taken Nakita to the vets a couple of times over the last month. We currently have her on short-term Prednisone to calm down her system and a restricted diet. She's been scratching up a storm and throwing up. She has potential IBS and/or food allergy (this is on top of her hyperesthesia). The problem has been that she refuses to eat the diet after a couple of days so I'm hoping this new food will agree with her.

Once we wean her off the Prednisone I hope the food will maintain her stability otherwise we'll have to look at other options (my next step is a homeopathic vet). She weighed in at 4.8 pounds at the vets and the receptionist couldn't believe that Nakita is 4 years old! ;) Hopefully she will gain some weight since Prednisone has a side effect of increased appetite. I'll be happy for her to gain some weight (wish I could say the same about myself)!;)

Also, I will be starting a new job on Oct. 30th! It's been a struggle over the last few months but it looks like things are hopefully finally changing. Plus, the company is just up the street so I can walk to work. No more long commutes or subway delays!! :D

After my probationary period is over we can finally continue with our renovations - which will include tearing down walls on the first floor, expanding the bathroom and moving and building a new kitchen. We're just finishing the upstairs so finally I'm seeing some results. We're trying to do as much as we can ourselves -yes, Kass' Extreme Makeover...long edition ;)

Just wanted to give an update and a big thank you to all who sent their thoughts, prayers and good wishes my way. You're the best! ;)

10-20-2006, 11:03 AM
Good to hear from you :) . I was almost sure you were close by even if you did not post ;)

Poor little Nakita! I hope you can find the best treatment or food for her.

Good luck with your new job!

10-20-2006, 11:04 AM
WOW, Kass! I had NO idea. I am so sorry for your situation, and of poor Nakita's decling health. Who knew she was such a delicate one, eh? Well, I guess we knew she was a slight little girl, but, obviously meant to be your only child. I think you made the only decision that was right for your household, and thankfully, Phoenix is safe with another.

Good luck with Nakita's health trials. And, can't wait to hear a positive update on her.

Hugs to you for all you are going through right now.


10-20-2006, 11:07 AM
I am glad you found a home for the little calico, so you can feel she is in a good place. Poor little Nakita, she is one of my favorites, I hope she gets better soon.

10-20-2006, 12:05 PM
Glad to see you came back to update us. Good luck on the new job.

As for Nakita I can not get over that she is just over 4lbs. What a tiny litle girl. I hope the Pred. will help her to put just a little weight on her.

As for Pheonix, I know how hard it was for you to re-home her but it was for the best. (((HUGS)))

Killearn Kitties
10-20-2006, 12:11 PM
That is so good, that Phoenix found a home so quickly. I was sure that she would.

I'm awfully sorry that Nakita still has not settled down. Poor delicate baby.

Hope the new job goes well. Let us know! :)

10-20-2006, 12:14 PM
It's great to hear from you! I'm glad that things are starting to come together for you. Wonderful to hear that Phoenix got a good home! I hope that little Nakita can get her system all straightened out now and relax again!

Good luck and best wishes on your new job and with the home improvements!

Kim ;)

10-20-2006, 02:49 PM
Congratulations on the new job and also that Phoenix found a new home. We know you will miss her, but sometimes you just have to do what is best for you and your (first) loved ones. I'm sure she will be very happy.

Sorry to hear about Nakita's problems; that's a lot going on for such a little cat. Let's hope the meds work and her appetite perks up. Do keep us posted!

10-20-2006, 05:29 PM
The Found Cats Are Praying For Nakita, And We Are Hoping That The Vet Can Help Her Recover And Be The Happy Pretty Nakita That We Love So Well.
Please God, Make Nakita Well.
The Found Cats Prayer.

10-20-2006, 07:35 PM
It's nice to hear an update from you.
I have been thinking about you and Nakita.
I hope that sweet Nakita feels better soon and that things go well with your new job. :)

Russian Blue
10-20-2006, 07:47 PM
Thanks for all your thoughts and good wishes! I really hope we can figure out Nakita's problems and put an end to them.

Just a little update. I heard back from the rescue and Phoenix's foster mom adopted her! I'm so happy since she's a wonderful person with a fur crew of her own. Phoenix now has some buddies to play with.

Yay! :)

10-20-2006, 08:49 PM
Such great news for that sweet little baby girl. Now let's all focus on getting Nakita all well :D

Lots of whiskers and claws all crossed for the best outcome from Eve and her keeper and many hugs to you and Rob for being the best purrents.


10-21-2006, 01:46 AM
Thanks for the update.:) I'm glad that Phoenix found a new home and now has siblings to play with.:) I'm sorry to hear that Nakita's lost weight:( and I hope that she'll start feeling better soon. Good luck with your new job.:)

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-21-2006, 04:01 AM
Awwww thanks for letting us know!! I am so happy for Phoenix!!
Good luck with Nakita :)

10-21-2006, 05:47 AM
Prayers for Nakita from us, and I hope she gets better soon. What a tiny little sensitive girl she is. If only I could pass on some of Jack's weight to you Nakita! There's plenty of it believe me!
Good luck on renovations too, it's hard I know but it will all be so worth while when you have the end result, and you'll have something to be proud of.
You'll also have the added satisfaction of doing it yourself.
Good luck in your new job too, that sounds so much better being within walking distance, that's excellent.
It looks like it's going to be onwards and upwards from now on in the Nakita household :)