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critter crazy
10-19-2006, 05:00 PM
I havent been on here in a while as I have been Very sick, the last few weeks, I still am, but a little better i guess. Anyways, I went to the grocery store today, and on the way I found a kitten! he is the cutest little guy! He is a grey tiger DSH. He looks to be about 8-10 weeks old. He has a few fleas, but We will take care of that, other than that he is a great little guy. He is very affectionate, and a Big Purring machine! He has followed me around the house all day. We havent totally decided on a name yet, but we are Leaning towards Loki. I am hoping to get pics up later tonight, or early tomarrow morning. As my batteries in my camera died on me. :)

10-19-2006, 05:19 PM
How exciting .... can't wait for pics! ;)

10-19-2006, 05:20 PM
Congrads , but maybe you should try finding the owners first...

Laura's Babies
10-19-2006, 05:48 PM
CONGRATS on the new addition! Can't wait for pictures!

critter crazy
10-19-2006, 06:07 PM
Congrads , but maybe you should try finding the owners first...

hmmm...finding owners of a 8 week old kitten, wandering around in the street covered in fleas?? As far as I am concerend who ever had him, dosent deserve him, he would have been hit by a car had I not picked him up! No one should let a kitten run around in the street!No One! Sorry but that is how I feel!

critter crazy
10-19-2006, 06:10 PM
Okay so here are some pics! they arent great as the little goober wouldnt sit still for more than 2 seconds! Gotta love the face shot! he he he! little curious! I will try to get some better pics tomarrow!:)

10-19-2006, 06:11 PM
Thats Great News.and Anyone Who Would Let A Kitten That Young Wander About, Does Not Deserve The Companionship Of A Cat.
How Is Loki Doing With His Soon To Be Co Companion Cats?
I Hope Hes Not As Nawtee As The Loki Of Legend.
Ive Been Booed!

critter crazy
10-19-2006, 06:15 PM
Thats Great News.and Anyone Who Would Let A Kitten That Young Wander About, Does Not Deserve The Companionship Of A Cat.
How Is Loki Doing With His Soon To Be Co Companion Cats?
I Hope Hes Not As Nawtee As The Loki Of Legend.
Ive Been Booed!

Yes!! that is how I felt!! Thank you!
As far as co Companion cats?? I do not have any other cats at the moment! So Loki is the King of this castle!

10-19-2006, 06:15 PM
hmmm...finding owners of a 8 week old kitten, wandering around in the street covered in fleas?? As far as I am concerend who ever had him, dosent deserve him, he would have been hit by a car had I not picked him up! No one should let a kitten run around in the street!No One! Sorry but that is how I feel!What if he slipped through the door and then took off?
I know Hank has tried to get out the door a few times. He could have just picked up a couple fleas just because he has them dosent mean he dosent have a home.
Its wort a try putting up some posters. If he is unwanted no one will call. If he is then you helped someone find thier baby.

10-19-2006, 06:20 PM
He is so cute! I'm glad he is in your hands but a cat that cute has got to have a very loving home he got away from somehow. I would suggest putting in a report to your Humane Society and putting up some posters around your neighborhood :)

critter crazy
10-19-2006, 06:23 PM
You all day today I thought I was doing such a great thing by "Rescuing" this cat I found in the middle of the road. Now I feel as tho I have stolen something! Gosh talk about listening to someone elses point of view! WOW! First thing tomarrow morning I will call the Local Shelter, and see if anyone is missing a kitten! Gosh Now I feel bad!:(

10-19-2006, 06:50 PM
Don't feel bad! You kept this little baby from being hit by a car!!! Like you said, if he is full of fleas at his young age, then he most likely was born outdoors and NOT well loved and cared for! :(

He is a cutie!


10-19-2006, 07:40 PM
Why not just call the shelter etc, and watch the papers? If someone is missing him, THEY'LL put the word out.

He is just So cute! Softest fur in the world I bet! :)

10-19-2006, 07:45 PM
hmmm...finding owners of a 8 week old kitten, wandering around in the street covered in fleas?? As far as I am concerend who ever had him, dosent deserve him, he would have been hit by a car had I not picked him up! No one should let a kitten run around in the street!No One! Sorry but that is how I feel!

I agree! He is a cutie!

Soni was a stray and we decided we were keeping him the day we found him. He ate mashed up, wet, diet dog food that not even a dog would eat! We took him to the vet the next day. He was between four and six weeks old. He had infected, abcessing, puncture wounds in his side (we found the night before) and were reminded of how to clean them out. Extremely filthy, covered in fleas, and without a meow (feels like he has damage in his neck).

That shouldn't have happened to him. If he was born from a stray then he is MY Soni boy and nobody can say otherwise. The story of the person who tried to come into MY house and tell me that Soni was HIS cat was just *slightly* more than laughable, especially since by the age (between 4 and 4 1/2 months) Soni was, we'd had him longer than that guy could have even BEFORE we'd had him.

Do not let go of this boy so easily! He definitely needs you. :)

10-19-2006, 08:05 PM
I think you did an AWESOME thing by saving him. Like others said, just make a call to shelters, watch the "lost & found" section in the paper and look out for fliers on the route to the store. If he is owned, then they will LOOK for him if they love him.

OTHERWISE< CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW BABY! You did nothing wrong. Thank you for helping him. *HUGS* from this "cat liberator" lol

10-19-2006, 08:14 PM
Gee, he looks very alert and happy!

Don't have to tell you, if people have a cat who has a litter, and they can't place the kittens, sometimes they just dump them and hope someone finds the little one.

God put you and Loki in the same spot at the same time for a reason!

Remember to get him in to the vet for testing, and then shots and so forth. but the testing is important; before you get too attached and then learn of any problems. Best wishes, Loki!!!

critter crazy
10-20-2006, 06:14 AM
It is still early yet, but as soon as they open I will be contacting the Humane Society, to see if anyone has Lost a kitten. I will also check the Newspaper. I will wait two days, then the kitten will be going to the Vets for a check up and shots.

Loki is quite the character, he is very outgoing and playful. He does however, alert to any noise! He will just freeze if there is a strange noise at all. Occassionaly he will run and hide, but he has been out and about 90% of the time he has been here. His fleas are worse than I thought, I checked him over last night throughly, and they are everywhere. So what is the best course of action for a 8-10 week old kitten with fleas? I know I cannot use advantage or anything yet. So do I wash him? He must be uncomfortable, with so many scurrying around on his tiny body!

10-20-2006, 07:59 AM
Vet visit! ASAP. Don't wait 2 days! Once those fleas get into your home and on your dog, you have a MAJOR issue!!

Call your vet, NOW, or as soon as they open. They open at 7 AM for drop offs for surgery that day? Then call at 7 AM. Explain, and see how fast they can get you in there! And also, they will know what you can give to a kitten of such an age. Don't wait, it will cost you a LOT more, in money, time, and itchiness!

critter crazy
10-20-2006, 08:20 AM
Well I have contacted the Human Society, and they have had no reports so far of anyone missing a kitten. Thye have my info, and will contact me if they hear anything. I have also contacted my vet, and the earliest I can get the Kitten in is tomarrow morning. The vet suggested to give the kitten a bath with a tear free shampoo, to help with the fleas until then. Loki Is doing fabulous, and is a very curious boy. I was able to get some better pics of my little ham this morning! So here they are!

10-20-2006, 08:25 AM
I agree that a vet visit should be done right now. Fleas are nothing to mess with, especially when the vet can help.

I would have picked him up. too. I doubt that anyone is 'missing' a kitten. Can't hurt to call the Humane Society, but don't expect any responses.

Loki sounds like a real confident little guy. Hope we get to watch him grow up.

critter crazy
10-20-2006, 09:54 AM
I agree that a vet visit should be done right now. Fleas are nothing to mess with, especially when the vet can help.

I would have picked him up. too. I doubt that anyone is 'missing' a kitten. Can't hurt to call the Humane Society, but don't expect any responses.

Loki sounds like a real confident little guy. Hope we get to watch him grow up.

The Humane Society pretty much said the same thing when I called. They told me not to expect any calls, and If i needed to I could bring him in. Well he definitely has a home here, we are not looking to place him anywhere. He will be going to our vet tomarrow, first thing in the morning. Hopefully everything is okay, and he gets a clean bill of health. He definitely Acts okay!:D But we will wait and see from the vets, fingers crossed!

10-20-2006, 10:43 AM
First of all, I think it was a wonderful thing that you saved little Loki from the streets. I agree with you that no one should own a kitten if they are to leave it wandering on the streets, and full of fleas too! Kittens are so small they can get hit by a car in the blink of an eye, especially with his dark markings, they would camouflage with the road enough to possibly not see him. I also agree though that he could have slipped away from someone, but for some reason I highly doubt it. But it's good that you called the Humane Society.

Secondly, talk about an adorable kitten! Just look at that face and those markings. So beautiful! A cuteness warning is definitely needed :D. I know what it's like trying to take a picture of a kitten - they just won't sit still! LOL! It's hard to get a shot of little Skylla without her moving somewhere. And what a great name. I absolutely love the name Loki. I bet Loki and Duke will become great buddies in no time!

I know the little cutie appreciates the great, new home you have given him.

critter crazy
10-20-2006, 11:18 AM
Well I gave Loki His first Bath! Ha ha ha! I was fully prepared for an outright battle, but to my suprise he was just fine with it! He was a little concerned when he was first placed in the tub, but within seconds of me consoling him, he calmed down and started purring! I have to say this is the FIRST time I have ever had a cat purring while being Bathed! It was almost like he knew I was trying to make him feel better! What a sweetheart! I was going to post pics of him after his bath, but he told me he was embarrased by how he looked! so I have refrained for now!:D

10-20-2006, 12:22 PM
What a precious cutie! Love his big ears - looks like he'll be a fairly big kitty, too.

Congratulations on saving this little darling and the best of luck! Keep posting pics - would love to see him as he grows.

10-20-2006, 01:12 PM
Well I gave Loki His first Bath! Ha ha ha! I was fully prepared for an outright battle, but to my suprise he was just fine with it! He was a little concerned when he was first placed in the tub, but within seconds of me consoling him, he calmed down and started purring! I have to say this is the FIRST time I have ever had a cat purring while being Bathed! It was almost like he knew I was trying to make him feel better! What a sweetheart! I was going to post pics of him after his bath, but he told me he was embarrased by how he looked! so I have refrained for now!:D

Wow. That's really good that you got a cat who doesn't mind water. Bobo and CC don't battle me persay, they just try to hold onto me for dear life as long as they can until they're in the water. Bobo knows when the tub is filled and if he hears a drop from it he'll burrow his head into our necks and give us great big hugs. And you don't need to be embarrassed, Loki, bathtime is one of my favorite times to get pictures. Please do post more of him :D.

critter crazy
10-20-2006, 01:19 PM
Okay! Loki and I sat down and had a conversation about certain pics. I explained to him that his family on PT would love to see them and would not Laugh! So Please hold back your laughter as Loki is very sensitive about how he looks in these "after bath pics"! Loki asks that any and all children should avert their eyes! So be nice!

10-20-2006, 02:50 PM
Okay! Loki and I sat down and had a conversation about certain pics. I explained to him that his family on PT would love to see them and would not Laugh! So Please hold back your laughter as Loki is very sensitive about how he looks in these "after bath pics"! Loki asks that any and all children should avert their eyes! So be nice!

Awww Loki! You have no reason to be embarrassed, you are the most adorable thing and I just loved seeing those after bath pictures! You are just too sweet and I can't wait to watch you grow up. Thanks for posting them :D.

10-20-2006, 03:45 PM
Gee, you have a darling kitty there! He is so used to humans, I like the earlier pic of him rubbing your hand, and now not being intimidated by bath time is a nice plus! Loki is a wonderful little charmer.

Lori Jordan
10-20-2006, 04:05 PM
Your an Angel for taking a poor deffensless kitten off the street,I would watch for posters,But the way it sounds is that you have just got yourself a new bundle of joy Congrats!

10-21-2006, 01:56 AM
He sure is a cutie pie.:) When you take him to the vet, he'll probably also need to be dewormed and since he had/has fleas he may also need to take some medicine to get rid of tapeworms because some fleas carry them. Good luck. I hope he gets a clean bill of health.:)

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-21-2006, 03:57 AM
:) Oh gosh, what an absolute cutie!! Thank you so much for saving her, you won't regret it :) . Please give that precious Loki a hug from me!!