View Full Version : My first day on the job at Petco...

10-19-2006, 02:24 PM
I absolutely LOVE working there!!! There are women my age who are great to work for AND I get to schmooze with all the pets!! :D:D:D:D:D

Scenario of my very first Petco phone call:

Me: Thank you for calling Petco, this is Donna, how may I help you??

Lady on phone: Do you take cats?

Me: Excuse me???

Lady on phone: Do you take in cats??

Me: Um, no, why?

Lady on phone: Well, I've got this 8 year old cat I can't care for any more.

Me (trying DESPERATELY not to lose my cool): Well, PetSmart might be able to help you.

Lady on phone: Do you happen to have their phone number?

What am I directory assistance?? So, I put the dumb 6itch on hold and call information for the number.

Me: Got a pencil, here's the number. I might also suggest the Humane Society, here's the number. The Humane Society will take in owner surrender cats, however, because of your cat's age, her chances are slim that she'll get a home (thinking all this time "hmmmmm, how can I help this lady??? JUST SAY NO, DONNA!!!! You can't save them all!)

Lady on phone with absolutely NO remorse: Oh, well thanks for your help.


I was fuming, but figured I've gotta worry about my own situation, and am NOT going to feel guilty about it.

I think I'm gonna love it there!!! :D:D:D

10-19-2006, 02:31 PM
Uh, Donna? Were you holding your tongue trying not to say "I'll take the cat"!

10-19-2006, 02:32 PM
Uh, Donna? Were you holding your tongue trying not to say "I'll take the cat"!

Boy was I ever!!

10-19-2006, 02:45 PM
Be careful with stuff like that...if one comes up that you DO want to take, clear it with management or you can get into a LOT of trouble for "moonlighting". I've been there (with a species the store didn't carry) and it was not fun.

Glad you're enjoying your new job. :)

10-19-2006, 02:52 PM
I'm glad you are going to enjoy your new job, Donna! Too bad you have to have people like that lady call you though! :(


10-19-2006, 02:54 PM
Happy you like working at petco so much. :D
I know how you feel the hardest thing for me to accept is that i can't save them all.

10-19-2006, 03:03 PM
I'm glad you like the job!!

Some people...did that woman just randomly dial the first thing she saw in the phone book with the word "pet?" :rolleyes:

10-19-2006, 03:06 PM
Wow, you're great at resisting yourself! If that were a dog, I would have totally caved and said I'll take it! LOL

Glad youre enjoying your job for the MOST PART. ;)

10-19-2006, 03:10 PM
Glad it's working out!!

It just boggles my mind that someone would call a pet store about surrendering a pet. :eek: :confused: But I guess it really shouldn't surprise me. *sigh*


Laura's Babies
10-19-2006, 04:25 PM
You will do good with that job. Keep up the good work!

Did you think to tell the lady to check with the local rescue orginazations in her area? Maybe they could help her.......

10-19-2006, 04:55 PM
:D glad to hear you love it, Donna! weird phone call, but I guess you'll eventually hear everything! :eek:

10-19-2006, 04:58 PM
I'm surprised they don't have the Humane Society and rescue group's phone numbers by the phone for just such incidences. Just a task for the new kid to do I guess!

10-19-2006, 07:38 PM
I own a boarding kennel and a grooming shop. I get phone calls like that ALL the time ... Will you take my dog/cat/rabbit/ferret/etc.? Can you give my dog/cat shots? Do you have any kittens/puppies/bunnies for sale? Do you have a male poodle/pom/chihuahua to breed with my female cocker/shihtzu/pug? It never ends.

I have a sign above the phone that says, "Caller ID? I'm waiting for Caller IQ."

10-19-2006, 08:41 PM
Donna, I am so glad you like your job!To bad people like that lady had to call to your store!!

10-19-2006, 08:54 PM
I work at Petco too. I get calls like that all the time (I usually refer them to www.utahpets.org for a list of rescue groups) as well as people wanting to buy puppies/kittens, wanting vet care, etc. We do have a phone number list of rescue groups, humane societies, shelters, etc. but most of the time I'm very busy (I'm a groomer) so I don't have time to give them all of those numbers, and it is easy to find at the website anyway. The best is when they call here wanting a grooming appointment and we are booked so they ask me to give them the numbers of other groomers to call. Um, if they looked up our number, I think they can manage to look up the rest of them! :rolleyes:

10-21-2006, 07:55 AM
People never seem to amaze me when it comes to being so flipping Stupid! :mad:

I hope your 2nd day at work is better!