View Full Version : do intacked males always lift?

10-19-2006, 01:14 PM
can you totally housetrain an intacked male? or will they lift their leg unless neutered? i've always had neutered males so i don't know.

10-19-2006, 01:27 PM
Jamie lifts her leg sometimes... so I don't think it's just a male thing, hehe. Charlie is neutered and squats though, SOMETIMES he lifts his leg if he is next to a bush or sometihng though. I think intact or not, any dog can be fully housetrained.

10-19-2006, 01:38 PM
Muskwa was intact until a year ago. He was neutered just before his 8th birthday. He was fully housetrained just like any other puppy. He lifts his leg outside, but never in the house.

10-19-2006, 01:38 PM
Oscar (moms shih tzu) always lifted his leg when he was intact and after he was neutered.. my Tikeya always lifts her leg, shes dominant thats why.

10-19-2006, 01:44 PM
Uno doesn't lift his leg and he's not neutered (He tried to lift his leg once and fell over because he only has one eye so his balance isn't that great.) But that really has nothing to do with housetraining since he is an outside dog.

Tiny and Nitis were not neutered when they were housebroken and they were fully housebroken with no problems.

10-19-2006, 02:30 PM
Malakai is intact, and lifts his leg...but never in the house.

10-19-2006, 02:52 PM
Neutered or intact doesn't determine if a male will lift their leg. I know quite a few males who just don't - I think it's due to laziness, honestly. LOL

Jess - I saw Molly lift her leg the other.. and I was like.. "YOU WEIRD LITTLE DOG!! :eek:"

10-19-2006, 02:59 PM
BC_MoM-When Lacy has to pee she waddles around the yard like she wants to cover all the grass with it. She won't stay in one place. Now THAT'S a weird little dog! lol

10-19-2006, 03:02 PM
BC_MoM-When Lacy has to pee she waddles around the yard like she wants to cover all the grass with it. She won't stay in one place. Now THAT'S a weird little dog! lol

LOL! Molly does that too!! I canNOT resist laughing at it. Aren't they WEIRD? lol

10-19-2006, 03:06 PM
LOL! Molly does that too!! I canNOT resist laughing at it. Aren't they WEIRD? lol

Very weird dogs they are. lol ;)

10-19-2006, 03:07 PM
During a walk with Kia recently she lifted her leg and peed on a flower pot. :eek:

She's begun to mark more as she gets older. But always outside. Never in the house.

10-19-2006, 03:33 PM
Jasper and Wilbur are both intact, and they both lift their legs indoors sometimes. Just depends on the animal. The dog I had growing up was intact for a good portion of his life and he didn't lift it indoors.

10-19-2006, 04:04 PM
Bailey is almost 11 months old and doesn't lift his leg. I have read that you should neuter your dog one month after they first start lifting, so that's what I plan on doing. :)

10-19-2006, 04:10 PM
Bailey is almost 11 months old and doesn't lift his leg. I have read that you should neuter your dog one month after they first start lifting, so that's what I plan on doing. :)

Tommy never lifted his leg until he was 3, and still doesn't always. Would have been quite a long wait on neutering :p. I really don't think left lifting is a gauge on maturity, it's such an individual thing.

10-19-2006, 05:04 PM
Cracker has never lifted his leg, he's 3-1/2. Waiting to neuter until they lift their leg has nothing to do with maturity or age or suitability to neuter. Not sure where you heard that but it's false. If I had waited to neuter Cracker until he lifted his leg he'd still have a pair. Many male dogs learn to lift by seeing other dogs and there are some male dogs who NEVER lift their legs to pee.

10-19-2006, 05:08 PM
No, it's something they learn themselves, if they want to I guess. I know lots of intact males that do not lift their legs. And it's not really a male thing (hehe) Georgia does it all the time (although I hate it ^^!).

10-20-2006, 07:19 AM
Clover lifts her leg, and Tinny wont squat still when peeing so she can mark a bigger area ;)... dominant brats that i have. Elvis lifts on everthing when outside, but knows not to in the house... he act's entire, but isn't.

10-20-2006, 07:31 AM
When I adopted Bud he was intact and squated to pee, he was then neutered and still squatted. It wasn't until he saw another male dog lift his leg that he started to lift. And he does in my house once in a while still! :mad:

10-20-2006, 08:39 AM
Micki will lift his leg in the house, and he's been neutered since he was about three month old :rolleyes: He also lifts his leg outside most of the time. Jack on the other hand has never lifted his leg, and he's (almost) two.

I too think its a bit silly to wait until they start lifting to get them neutered, but thats just my opinion :)

10-20-2006, 08:59 AM
Loki is intact and he doesn't lift his leg, and never pees in the house. Jake lifts his leg but doesn't pee in the house.

10-20-2006, 02:12 PM
BC_MoM-When Lacy has to pee she waddles around the yard like she wants to cover all the grass with it. She won't stay in one place. Now THAT'S a weird little dog! lol
Charlie used to do that too, whenever one would have an accident in the house we would always know who did it because Jamie's would all be in one puddle whereas Charlies would be on one puddle with a squiggle leading down the hallway... haha. Here lately though he doesn't seem to do it as much, I wonder if he just "grew out of it".

When he poops, though, he walks in circles around me, so I have to watch for "land mines" while walking back to the apartment.. haha

10-20-2006, 02:25 PM
Prince lifts his leg super high up! One time while lifting his leg, he lifted it too far and fell over. Silly dog. He's neutered and he still lifts his leg and once in a while pees in the house.

Molly and Astra both squat. Molly squat and pees in one spot but Astra is usually too hyper to just squat there and pee so she walks while peeing. It looks funny. :p