View Full Version : Homework help: negatives of being a Liberal

10-19-2006, 10:25 AM
Hey guys.. for my Western Civ. class I need to find out positives and negatives of being a liberal.

I have found tons of positives - but can't find any negatives except "indecisive"! Any help?

Lady's Human
10-19-2006, 11:05 AM
first off, define liberal. It is a relative term, not a fixed reference.

10-19-2006, 11:38 AM
Liberal with the Capital L (Canadian Liberal Party), or liberal as a leaning? :)

I dont know if any of the articles here might help ...

(and the pc part of the link stands for Politics Canada, not Progressive Conservative party) *lol*

I'll see if i can come up with anything else!

Also ... the 'cons' of a party are kind of subjective (ie. something that you think is a pro, someone else might think is a con), so maybe approach it from that standpoint? That way, you can look at the other party platforms, and see what they have to offer that the liberals don't and use that as a con.

As an example, something like (im completely making this up btw) ... The conservatives want to give a tax credit to students of $100 a month, but the Liberals want to lower tuition by 15% ... so in that case, what would be your preference as a student? What is the cost of college vs. university so what would give you more $ in your pocket, etc. ... just an example of how you could compare similar stances and how they affect you personally?

10-19-2006, 03:01 PM
Thanks Blue_Frog.. sorry, guys. I meant as Liberal Party! lol

It just has to be general negatives - like some positives are:

- open minded
- progressive
- moderate, flexible
- adapting to changing societies

The only negative I can come up with is "indecisive" because they can see both sides of issues and are not opinionated on the matter.

10-19-2006, 03:35 PM
If you were in Ontario, i'd say that they don't keep -any- of their campain promises *koffkoff im looking at you mr.mcguinty*, but somehow i dont think that its -only- the Liberals that do that ;)

Maybe that they're generally not tough enough on crime, and the flexible thing could be a negative as well since that can appear to be 'flip-flopping' on the issues to try and get more votes. I'm not sure what their environmental stand is either - likely not as strong as the Green party ;)

Maybe this will help?
A description of Liberal parties in general (worldwide):

Liberal party of Canada:
(seems to have lots of info here, but im too lazy/busy/tired to read it all ;))
Not sure where in Canada you are, but theres links for individual provinces as well.