View Full Version : checking up on Amy

06-05-2002, 08:09 PM
I received a telephone call today from the animal shelter in which I got Amy cat. I guess they were checking up on her welfare, and if I was happy with her. I told them the truth: " She is a little sweetheart of a kitty", which she truly is. I don't believe that there was a better choice for a rescue. Is doing this usual procedure from a shelter?:)


Sara luvs her Tinky
06-05-2002, 08:29 PM
I DUNNO?!?!?
The only time the shelter ever called to check on Tinky was because I forgot to fax them the papers stating that she got spayed:o :o .

06-05-2002, 08:38 PM
I think some do it and some don't :confused:
It's nice though that they do I supose.:)

06-06-2002, 12:48 AM
Yes, I think its normal for them to check up on the new owner. When I adopted Storm from the Humane Society, a woman called me to see how everything was going. Unfortanately I wasn't home at the time so I never got to talk to her because she never called again.

06-06-2002, 02:27 AM

06-06-2002, 05:27 AM
What a nice idea Wayne - at least these people CARE whats happening to the cats don't they? They couldn't have known what a sweetheart Amy was going to be. Or that Amy was going to live with the best Daddy in her forever home. :) :) :)


06-06-2002, 06:01 AM
Lynne, this is precisely my sentiments also. However, I knew
what a little sweetheart she was going to be. When I first saw and held her, I resisted taking her home with me that day. Yet, 3 weeks later I went back and she was still at the shelter! I thought that surely someone would take her in the mean time because of her gentle persoality. When I picked her up the 2nd time, I knew right then that I had to have her,( or better yet, that I'd better take her before someone else discovers her) mostly because of her willingness to cuddle and also that she was a tuxedo-colored kitty, as I have been wanting one for several months. And there has been no regrets since then. The only factor of her personality that had me questioning was her inability to get along with the other furkids. She would really "scrowel" loud and this would scare them off. But gradually she has become one of the "gang" and is very happy to run and play with the others. What I especially appreciate about her is her willingness to accept scritchies and cuddling at most any time. She will usually turn over on her back with all four paws up and let met rub her tummy, and that she is the first on the bed at night to sleep on the covers. I believe that a woman originally had her, because one of my neighbors came over one day to see my furkids. and Amy did not run from her, as the other did. ;)


06-06-2002, 12:16 PM
well when I adopted Cookie, no one called...but of course when I got Emma and Louise I was fostering them at first, so I was in contact with the rescue group, so I don't know if they would have otherwise or not... they should and it is nice when they do, it shows they really do care about where the kitty went to.:)
I am going to give volunteering another try next year, and I think I will call anyone that adopts kitties when I am at the adoption site.

06-06-2002, 12:48 PM
No call from the shelter for me....:( Maybe it's different with dogs??? :confused: I dont' know why it should be but...
I went through A LOT to get Duncan however.... 2 weeks and I was there everyday to see him! They did a background check on me, ran a tax something or other on the house, called the landlord, interviewed my roommate. I had to bring Jack there to meet them and Duncan before I could have him. They originally told me no because he was too big for my yard per some sq. ft. estimator per lb of dog. But I told them I would walk him everyday to the parks nearby. They did a drive-by my house and checked out the neighborhood. AND he had to be neutered before I could even bring him home. In fact, I picked him up at the vet's office after his surgery.
The one girl at the SPCA named Denise was so super nice to me!! I think because I was there everyday!! :p She knew how much I wanted him. I guess they even had a special meeting with the shelter director who agreed I could take him home finally. And then she squeezed him into an earlier neuter appt so I could get him home asap.
I think calling is a great idea though...

06-06-2002, 01:44 PM
They have never called to recheck how the dog is doing with us. But they state that they can do random home checks and I think that is really good. I feel it dosen't get done enough because they are all so short staffed and money is tight.

06-06-2002, 08:15 PM
I think it should be done more often. I know that whenever I foster a kitty and find a "forever" home for them, I always tell the new parents to please send me pictures so I can see how they are doing. I do get phone calls once in a while or I'll call the home just to say hi, how's it going. So far I have had only good things said. It pays to check up. But like Sammi said, most times it's due to short staff and budget cuts.


06-06-2002, 09:27 PM
If I didn't live so far away from the shelter (80 mi. round trip) I would like also to volunteer my time on some weekends there. It is thought that most of the help that is working there, especially on weekends, is all volunteer. The woman that called me about Amy was probably calling from her home, which in itself would also indicate a volunteer position. Fortunately most cities seem have enough animal lovers to fill volunteer positions within their shelters. Yes, I think calling the person who adopeted a pet from the shelter should be done before the "trial" period is over. Because, sometimes they run into problems with their new pet that was not anticipated, and these problems should be talked out. Remembering Amy's loud "scrowling" at the other cats, because she was obviously a single pet, and was not used to being around other furkids. Now, she has nearly totally integrated with all of them, but she still stays a bit aloof, however, this is to be expected, considering her background. :)


06-06-2002, 10:50 PM

my gosh, they REALLY checked up on you... are you sure this was for a dog, and not a child? LOL.
it is good that they check and that they care, but I have never heard of all that. most times they don't even call to find out how things are, but they do mean well, and they are short on help...

Cougie Wechsler
06-07-2002, 08:23 AM
I don't know about the shelters in our area but I do know that the pet rescue organizations do spend alot of time checking up on their adoptions. It's really good that they do this!:)