View Full Version : Soon getting a Betta

10-16-2006, 09:05 PM
I was at Walmart today, waiting for my interview to start and wandered over to the fish to look at their Betta's. I felt so bad - they were in such tiny glasses.. fish half their size were in huge 5 gallon tanks!

I have a question about food and water.

What kind of food should I feed a Betta?

I can't afford a nice 5 gallon tank right away, but the one I'm getting is a LOT bigger than the little thing they're in now. I'm wondering about how I transfer the Betta from the small glass to a tank. I heard from someone that you have to do it gradually?

Also, about a filter (are they necessary?) and cleaning/keeping the water clean. Can anyone tell me a bit about going about it all?

Thanks so much in advance!!

10-16-2006, 09:18 PM
Well lucky for you I bumped into this site and used to study betta's. With the tank I started with a very small plastic one, but I wouldn't recodmend putting any things for the fish to hide in besides a plant in there. With the filter if you don't want to change the tank every week or two i would get one. Betta's come from Thailand and Vietnam they grow up in rice patties, from my studies they do like heaters, but they can be at room temperature as long as the room isn't freezing. Hope this helped!

- I_love_my_pets

10-17-2006, 03:02 AM
I was at Walmart today, waiting for my interview to start and wandered over to the fish to look at their Betta's. I felt so bad - they were in such tiny glasses.. fish half their size were in huge 5 gallon tanks!

I have a question about food and water.

What kind of food should I feed a Betta?

I can't afford a nice 5 gallon tank right away, but the one I'm getting is a LOT bigger than the little thing they're in now. I'm wondering about how I transfer the Betta from the small glass to a tank. I heard from someone that you have to do it gradually?

Also, about a filter (are they necessary?) and cleaning/keeping the water clean. Can anyone tell me a bit about going about it all?

Thanks so much in advance!!

Well, happy new betta. i have one myself and I named him stardust!
Such amazing and pretty fish are they? WEll, enjoy your betta as much
as I'm enjoying mine...


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10-17-2006, 06:41 AM
What kind of food should I feed a Betta?
My favorite pellet is hikari biogold. It's available in most fish stores. Frozen (not freeze dried!) bloodworms are also a favorite among my bettas.

I'm wondering about how I transfer the Betta from the small glass to a tank. I heard from someone that you have to do it gradually?
If I know I'm going out to buy a fish, I'll set up the water before so that it can get to room temp by the time I get back. Then I float the cup/bag in the water for about 30 minutes, then gradually add a bit of water every 5-10 minutes until most of the water is the new water.

Also, about a filter (are they necessary?) and cleaning/keeping the water clean. Can anyone tell me a bit about going about it all?
I don't keep a filter in anything smaller than 5 gallons. Starting a cycle with a new fish is risky, and doing a fishless cycle is such a hassle for such a small tank. In anything smaller than 5 gallons (I really only do it for 10 gallons+), it's hard keeping a steady cycle.

Hope that helps :)

10-17-2006, 07:54 AM
Thanks so much Ashley and love_my_pets..

That was all the info I needed!! :D

I'm getting so excited now. I've already cleared space to put the tank. :)

10-17-2006, 08:17 AM
Congrats Bettas are the best fish. :D now that I have 4 i can't ever see myself without a least 2.Can't wait for pics :) Are you going to get a boy or girl betta?

10-17-2006, 09:21 AM
I'm not looking for any gender specifically. I'll just go with whoever pops out at me and I have a connection with. :)

10-17-2006, 09:53 AM
Usualy if the betta is realy active towards you or even flares its fins it should be the one! :)

Hopefuly there shall be some pics right???

10-17-2006, 12:24 PM
I'm not looking for any gender specifically. I'll just go with whoever pops out at me and I have a connection with. :)
The males normally look better, lucky if you can find a female that does. (no offense)

10-17-2006, 02:51 PM
I'm not looking for the nicest looking Betta, love_my_pets. I'm looking for one that is in need of a good home.

10-17-2006, 03:36 PM
Males and Females are both great pets. :D
Do you have any name ideas??

10-17-2006, 03:56 PM
Yep. If I get a male, either

Louis Riel: Canadian politician and leader of the Métis people of the Canadian prairies.


Gabriel Dumont: leader of the Métis people of what is now western Canada.

I'm not Métis but Louis Riel changed lives the for Métis people in Manitoba, and that is where I live. I consider Louis Riel a hero, and look up to him.

I'm totally not sure about a female, though!

10-17-2006, 04:07 PM
I'm not looking for the nicest looking Betta, love_my_pets. I'm looking for one that is in need of a good home.
Well i know that i just wanted to give info!

10-17-2006, 05:40 PM
I didn't see anyone mention this. You can only have one male betta in a tank. If you have 2, they fight. You can have as many females in the tank as you like, with or without one male. Usually the males have the flashy tails, and the males are the ones sold in those little plastic cups. The females are community fish, so they will be in a tank together, possibly with other fish.

I never had a female. I have kept several males - one at a time - in my tank with other fish. Only once I brought one home and he started attacking the tetras. Back he went next day. :rolleyes:

They really are wonderful to watch, it is SO relaxing!

10-17-2006, 05:41 PM
Thanks, Freedom. :)

How often & how much do you feed a Betta?

10-17-2006, 05:48 PM
I feed my fish once per day. I used Betta Bites. I never really studied Bettas as such, and I didn't realize until reading this thread that there is a difference between frozen and freeze dried. Duh!

Initially, I put in 2 to give the new Betta the idea of where the food was, and when it was showing up. But I had other fish in the tank, and I just fed them all at the same time of day (morning worked best for me.) Fish tend to eat more in the light. So I wouldn't suggest putting the food in before you turn off the lgihts and go to bed. Besides, you want to WATCH!

Ahem. They eat in the light. But you do not want direct sun on your tank. That just causes algae to grow, FAST. And once you have algae, you have a problem. Shudder!

10-17-2006, 05:57 PM
If you forget to feed your Betta for a day or two, don't worry about it! They won't starve or anything like that. As a matter of fact, I know of Bettas who have went healthily a month without food.
I suggest feeding your Betta flakes... they have lots of nutriotions in them and my Bettas really enjoy them. Although they are nutricious, your fish can get swim bladder from sucking in water when eating them. So if you decide to feed your Betta flakes, try to get them to sink.
Pellets are also good, but the good brands are pretty expensive. Try to get them to sink so your fish doesn't get swim bladder by sucking in air when eating them. Some good brands contain just as much nutritions that flakes do.
Bloodworms are something Bettas really enjoy! They are expensive, though. I feed my Bettas some of my salamander's bloodworms every few weeks, and they love it! So if you have the money, you can get some bloodworms as a treat for them. And, if you give them the right amount, they'll last you a very long time! My salamander's bloodworms last at least 2 months, and they eat a whole cube of bloodworms, while bettas only eat a few!
Feed your Betta:
Pellets: 3 pellets two times a day
Flakes: 2 medium sized flakes two times a day
Bloodworms: A few bloodworms twice a day

Good luck and I hope I could help!

I feed my fish once per day. I used Betta Bites. I never really studied Bettas as such, and I didn't realize until reading this thread that there is a difference between frozen and freeze dried. Duh!

Initially, I put in 2 to give the new Betta the idea of where the food was, and when it was showing up. But I had other fish in the tank, and I just fed them all at the same time of day (morning worked best for me.) Fish tend to eat more in the light. So I wouldn't suggest putting the food in before you turn off the lgihts and go to bed. Besides, you want to WATCH!

Ahem. They eat in the light. But you do not want direct sun on your tank. That just causes algae to grow, FAST. And once you have algae, you have a problem. Shudder!

Actually, algae is quite nitriocious to Bettas and they enjoy eating it, too! Although don't let too much grow or let it grow uncontrolably.

10-17-2006, 10:56 PM
I use betta-bio gold and feed my bettas 3 pellets twice a day
the get bloodworms(dried)ever 2 weeks.

10-17-2006, 11:08 PM
Feed your Betta:
Pellets: 3 pellets two times a day
Flakes: 2 medium sized flakes two times a day
Bloodworms: A few bloodworms twice a day

Wow, zoomer, that seems like a lot more food than an ordinary fish! Is that the amount of EACH to feed? Or choose one and that's how much you feed?

10-18-2006, 08:57 AM
Wow, zoomer, that seems like a lot more food than an ordinary fish! Is that the amount of EACH to feed? Or choose one and that's how much you feed?

You feed each of the fish that amount if that's what you mean.. my Bettas are really healthy and I feed them those amounts, I've also heard from other PTers and books that that is the amount to feed :)

When will you be getting your fishie?