View Full Version : Electra is a very odd puppy lol

10-16-2006, 07:51 PM
lol I took her and Happy and Misty to the park to run yesterday, I let her off leash for the first time in that park(its not fenced, I tested her ability to ignore distractions at the dog park first) she was really good lol then these 2 kids came over to play with them, Electra is still not to sure what to do with kids so when I saw them comming I put her leash back on, once she was used to them the one girl was trying to run with her(on leash) the girl was like "Electra! come on girl! caome on Electra!" patting her knees calling exitadly, tugging her leash a little trying to get her to run with her. Electra meawhile was just standing their staring into space like "ladida....oh look! a bird..." lol it was hilarious! she completly ignored the girl, just stood there staring into space, I have been around a lot of puppys and I have never seen one do that before so it was pretty funny to watch!

10-16-2006, 08:07 PM
lol Amaizing how they surprise you and make you laugh every day!!!!

10-16-2006, 08:39 PM
ROFL! How adorable! That i can imagine that would be so cute! haha