View Full Version : I need money, immediately. Seriously. GOOD UPDATE!!!!

10-16-2006, 10:41 AM
I am trying to raise some emergency funds to cover a surgery on a 4 month old Pom puppy. This puppy broke her front left leg in such a way that it needs pins and a plate. This young lady doesn't seem to have ANY cash (yet, she has two dogs- I know, I know). This dog broke her leg last Friday- 4 days ago!!!!!

Anyhow, it is a client's employee. I told the client I would put up $200. The employer will put up some cash, and we are trying to find someone to do the surgery without full payment. NOT working so well. We found one vet that will do a payment plan, with a signficant downpayment.

IF you can help, please pm me with the amount. I will put it all on my credit card, IF I can get most of it promised to....

I am sorry if this sounds coarse or crude, but, four days is WAY too long to let this puppy suffer. The deal is I will ONLY give the money to the clinic, not to the young lady.

If you can help....thanks in advance.


10-16-2006, 11:05 AM
Have you checked IMOM.org?

They are great too!

10-16-2006, 11:50 AM
Oh man, I wish I could help -- this sounds awful! Bless your heart for putting up $200 for the puppy.

10-16-2006, 01:19 PM
Uppiedate: First, thank you to the very kind people that responded. Your willingness to commit for someone that you don't even know will be a blessing returned to you tenfold, I know it!

I talked to my client. The sir jury is set for tomorrow 8am, thank GOD for this poor puppy. The client is going to front the money, and deduct it from her paycheck, presuming she puts up her rent money as the dp. So, the donations are on hold, until further notice.

I will let you know how things go. Prayers for the little bitty Pom!!

10-16-2006, 01:48 PM
Of course, prayers on the way. Poor pup!

10-16-2006, 02:24 PM
I just wanted to let you know that we still do not have a definite decision made about the puppy. Dave wanted me to let you know that he did not feel comfortable loaning her the full $650 but he did tell her that you were willing to loan $200 and that he would loan her the rest. He wants her to know that this is a loan and she will be expected to pay both of you back. She is having a lot of financial problems and she is planning on using her mortgage payment to pay for the other half of the bill. I don't think that she is very responsible with her money and she's saying that her water is going to be shut off and her rented furniture is going to be repossessed, so Dave wants her to think about her financial situation first, because she also has a six year old little girl. I will let you know what they decide, but I'm pretty sure she will still go ahead with the surgery.

CRAP! :(

10-16-2006, 02:28 PM
fwiw, is she willing to surrender the puppy to rescue? Perhaps get in touch with Pom rescues (I doubt they will help with $$ - but may be able to take him in and provide appropriate medical attention). I would be very cautious about donating money to someone who let their puppy sit for four days with a broken bone.


10-16-2006, 03:21 PM
Oh that poor dog :( Let me know what happens, if you still need donations for her I may be able to help. Good luck!

10-16-2006, 03:45 PM
fwiw, is she willing to surrender the puppy to rescue? Perhaps get in touch with Pom rescues (I doubt they will help with $$ - but may be able to take him in and provide appropriate medical attention). I would be very cautious about donating money to someone who let their puppy sit for four days with a broken bone.


FYI-and ONLY to make sure people know: you would be donating money to ME, and I would make sure it went to the vet/surgeon. I, too, wouldn't donate the money to her.....and while lwds might not know me, I **hope** I have the trust of other members on this board. :o

10-16-2006, 03:55 PM
Alright. This is the final decision. I will 'donate' the $200.00. Her boss is coming up with $250.00, and the young lady has decided to re-route her mortgage payment. The boss will deduct money each week from her paycheck, and he and I will be paid back, over time. So, for the lovelies that offered to help, thank you, but, we will decline at this point. Thanks again for being there.

The puppy is going in for sir jury tomorrow- Tuesday.

10-16-2006, 03:57 PM
Thank you for the update! So relieved to know that the poor pup is getting taken care of soon. Prayers for a quick recovery on the way!

10-16-2006, 03:58 PM
FYI-and ONLY to make sure people know: you would be donating money to ME, and I would make sure it went to the vet/surgeon. I, too, wouldn't donate the money to her.....and while lwds might not know me, I **hope** I have the trust of other members on this board. :o

But she still has custody of the dog, right?

What would happen if another emergency occurred? That's why I would be cautious on donating. I feel for the dog - I really do (and that's why I feel s/he would be better in rescue.. where I WOULD feel more comfortable donating), but speaking for myself, I would not want to donate money to a dog that will stay in an abusive home. Yes, I feel the home is abusive. I cannot see how anyone, rich or poor, could leave an injured dog for four days without medical attention. It's not about trusting you or not.

Cinder & Smoke
10-16-2006, 03:58 PM

Yess ... NO ... Maybe ... ???

I got lost ... DO we or Don't we need MUNNIE for the Pom Phund??

If we do - count on us for some ... and HOW?
Check, cash, PayPal, or Pound of Flesh via courier?

Just a bit :confused:

10-16-2006, 04:21 PM
I agree. First things first, this puppy needs to be fixed up. Secondly, he needs to find a loving home who is suitable to pay for his well-being.

10-16-2006, 04:41 PM
Keep us up dated on the little fella~ We are willing to contribute funds if they are needed.

Prayers for that Sweet Little Pom!!!!!! :o

Cinder & Smoke
10-16-2006, 05:09 PM

What the he......
Didn't I just see an UPdate to this from Johanna ...
WHERE'd that post go?
Something about money NOT needed - Boss was going to set her up on payroll deduction ...
?? I KNOW I read that ...

*Cancel that question* ~ DUMM Me! :rolleyes:

I "read" the E-mail Alert - and didn't refresh the PT PAGE ...

So the Pom Phund does NOT need an influx of cash at the moment ...
but keep the offers in mind.

Back to the poor DOG ... IS she ever going to be able to Financially Care For
the pup???

Maybe this is the time to find the Pup a Financially Stable home?

Just a Thought

10-17-2006, 10:32 AM
Hmmm.....I don't have an update as to the sir jury, that was to go on this morning. I will update you when I do.

As for the comments about finding the puppy a new home, well, the young lady has expressed no desire to re-home the pup. I don't even know her. I haven't ever spoken to her on the phone. My "job" as I saw it, was to raise cash to make the sir jury a possibility. I will leave the rehoming issue to those that actually know her. Her boss told me he had a sit down with her, to try to impress upon her the financial irresponsibility of the situation, and how she could let a puppy suffer because she was so irresponsible. He has told me she has 'no one' counsel her. So, as an employer, he has stepped in, to the extent he feels appropriate, and only because he has advanced her money.


10-17-2006, 10:40 AM
I hope the puppy's surgery goes well.

10-17-2006, 10:51 AM
Poor pup :( I hope the surgery goes well and the owner gets wiser.

Any chance someone thought of calling AC??

10-17-2006, 02:31 PM
wow - Kudos to you Jo and Kudos to the boss for stepping up and telling her to get a clue. I shudder to think what kind of condition her kid is in!
thoughts and prayers on the way for the sweet little Pm

10-18-2006, 08:57 AM
I hope the surgery goes well and I hope and pray that the pups owner find a wonderful home for him/her where he/she will always be taken care of.
Thanks for the updates!

10-18-2006, 09:03 AM
I'm glad she finally got to get the surgerey! I cannot believe her owner let her sit with a broken leg for 4 days :( That makes me sick. I'd like to know how the poor little puppy is doing though...

10-18-2006, 09:46 AM
Poor pup :( I hope the surgery goes well and the owner gets wiser.

Any chance someone thought of calling AC??

Calling the AC wasn't even in my mind. My focus was on the puppy, and the immediate concern.

I will update you when I have some news.


10-18-2006, 11:00 AM
This is the email I received this morning:


I just wanted to thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness, it really ment alot to us. I also wanted to give you an update on my puppy, she is doing fine
( thank God) they said to keep her calm because if she does alot of running and/or even just being on it it will not heal properly. They gave her pain medicine for the pain other than that I have to take her back in 4 weeks to be sure that everything is fine. I will give you a update on that also. I have faith that it will be.

Again, thank you and I'm going to do everything I can to get paid back as soon as possible. I really thank God for good hearted people like you!

Thank You,

(Name Deleted)

My response:

(Name Deleted),
You are welcome. I only wanted to help your puppy. And, I will add, because I just can't help myself: when we take on pets or kids, we **must** have their welfare in mind. They can't speak, and count on us to do the best we can by them. I know this isn't always a simple task. I have 7 cats and a toddler, and I am a full time working single mom. So, life isn't always easy for me, either. When I think of your puppy being in pain for 4 days, because of your financial situation, it makes me cry. And, I don't even know you or your puppy! So, don't think badly of me for stating this, as I mean it really only as a caution for future events. I was happy to help, and, understand you will pay me back over time. I would really like to know how the puppy is doing. I have about ten people asking me about her already!


10-18-2006, 11:05 AM
Great - and please let her know about imom.org too!

HUGS to you, her and her puppy!

10-18-2006, 12:03 PM
while I certainly don't think she needs a dog (and I doubt a child too but that's beside the point) I have to give her credit that she contacted you in a mature, grateful way.
I thought you were diplomatic and to the point. Kudos and hugs all around! ;)

10-18-2006, 04:51 PM
Nice e-mail, and you seem to have a huge heart to help, but I still urge you to give AC a call and offer to find a rescue willing to take him in OR at least to talk to her. I posted the link with rescue contacts and will leave it at that.

10-18-2006, 08:36 PM
I'm so glad that the little pup has been taken care of~ You certainly have a Big Heart!!!!! You set a Great Example for her to follow!! :o